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Collingwood Visitation Precinct Masterplan


Liverpool City Council is undertaking an exciting project for the Collingwood Visitation Precinct. Delivered in partnership with the NSW Government, the masterplan will set a vision for an innovative and exciting Visitation Precinct of cultural activities, parklands, and opportunities to connect with nature and come together with family, friends, community, and visitors.

The beautiful natural environment and the rich history of the site is a perfect setting for a special place that can support the wellbeing of our community and be an amazing space where community and visitors can come together surrounded by culture and natural beauty.

Currently located at the Collingwood Visitation Precinct are the Liverpool Regional Museum, former Visitors Centre site, College Park, Congressional Drive open space, Discovery Park and Collingwood House. It is a place of significant cultural and heritage value for the Aboriginal Community, coupled with an important colonial history. These factors place the Collingwood Precinct among the most unique places in Liverpool.

The site is very unique and, while there are no plans yet, we want your help to design a new cultural and open space in Liverpool, that is unlike anything else we’ve seen before. ​ Continue scrolling to the Have Your Say section of this page, to see how you can help shape the vision for the space.


Interactive Map

Welcome to the interactive map for the Collingwood Visitation Precinct project!

Liverpool City Council is undertaking an exciting project for the Collingwood Visitation Precinct incorporating the Liverpool Regional Museum, former Visitors Centre site, College Park, Congressional Drive open space, Discovery Park and Collingwood House. This masterplan will consider how we utilise the features of the site to deliver a unique and exciting space that enables neighbouring residents, locals, and visitors to come together with family and friends, connect with nature, and celebrate Liverpool’s past and what makes our community special.

In order to create spaces that you love, we need your help! Tell us what is important to you by dropping a pin on the map on places you love, are interested in, or where you think needs improvement. We would love to hear your big ideas for the space, and how we deliver a place that responds to what you need.

View a larger version of the map here

Use the stamps to show us:

  • Your Vision for the future of this space
  • Essential Elements, ideas, features to make it great
  • Concerns or Considerations as we bring it to life.

To play a more detailed role in shaping the future of this space, we would love you to fill out our short 5 minute survey here

Where is the project taking place?

The project site is the linked parcels of community land and open space located between the Hume Highway and Powerhouse Rd. The above image provides an overview of where this exciting place will sit in relation to some of our most important local spaces, places and infrastructure.

What is a Visitation Precinct?

The site whole a diverse range of unique opportunities, which could be used to inspire different kinds of spaces and activities. Since there are no current plans for the space, the project is being labelled a visitation precinct to enable our design team to explore all possibilities present by the site and the community engagement. This may include open spaces, environmental spaces, arts hubs, performance spaces, cultural facilities, community spaces or places for gathering and activities. Ultimately, we want to deliver a unique space that our community are proud of and entices people to visit and enjoy a unique experience.

What is a proposed?

At this stage there are no set designs for the Precinct We want to make sure that the environmental, cultural, and community values of Liverpool are well understood before we started developing a design. At this stage, the appointed architects recognise that the site has significant environmental and cultural value, and we would like to explore the opportunity to create an amazing space that celebrates both of these elements.

How will the design be developed?

The design will be developed in close collaboration with the community:​

Stage 1: Caring with Country community consultation and Design Jam: aims to capture the knowledge of our local Aboriginal community and understand the cultural significance on the site​.

Stage 2: Early Community Consultation and Showcase: aims to understand what our community want and need from the space and develop a shared community vision​.

Stage 3: Draft Masterplan Exhibition: will capture community feedback on how we bring the vision to life, and if we’ve heard correctly in earlier consultation.

The survey has now concluded

Liverpool Council would like to thank local residents who provided valuable feedback.

Who's Listening

For any enquiries regarding the Collingwood Visitation Precinct Masterplan, please contact Mark Taylor, Acting Co-ordinator of Community Planning.