Payment Types
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Please select the type of payment that you wish to make.
Casual Bookings Invoice payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Casual Bookings Invoice paymentMake a Casual Bookings Invoice payment. Please note: All credit card payments will incur a surcharge of 0.50% plus GST where applicable.
Account holder (Debtor) Invoice payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Debtor Statement or Invoice paymentPay your Debtors Invoice/statement. Please note: All credit card payments will incur a surcharge of 0.50% plus GST where applicable.
Rates payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Rates paymentMake a Rates payment. Please note: All credit card payments will incur a surcharge of 0.50% plus GST where applicable
Application payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Application paymentMake an Application payment. Please note: All credit card payments will incur a surcharge of 0.50% plus GST where applicable
Licencing Receipt
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Licence PaymentMake an payment to Licences. Please note: All credit card payments will incur a surcharge of 0.50% plus GST where applicable