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Draft Plan of Management - Phillips Park, Lurnea

Project Overview

Liverpool City Council is seeking community input on its Draft Plan of Management and proposed re-categorisation of community land at Phillips Park, Lurnea.

Phillips Park consists of both Crown land and Council owned community land. As Crown Land Managers, Council obtained approval from the Minister for the Department of Planning and Environment to exhibit the draft plan.

What is proposed?

The draft plan outlines the ongoing use, maintenance, management and improvement of Phillips Park for approximately the next 10 years. The park has just celebrated the one-year anniversary of the opening of Lurnea Community Hub and the upgrades to the sporting and recreation facilities. The draft plan includes the proposed re-categorisation of the community land due to the development of the Community Hub and car park.

This Exhibition has concluded

Liverpool Council would like to thank local residents who provided valuable feedback.

What happens next?

All submissions have been assessed and the results of the public exhibition and the public hearing can be found here. The Plan of Management has been finalised and is expected to be endorsed in the  Council meeting  on the 7th February 2024.