The Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA) consists of 42 suburbs and is one of the fastest growing regions in Sydney. Experiencing substantial growth from urban release development and from redevelopment in established areas, its population is expected to almost double to more than 320,000 over the next 20 years.
Liverpool Community Profile
The Liverpool Community Profile provides a demographic analysis of the LGA population including data on age, ethnicity, income, education and household type and how they have changed over time and compare with other areas.
Liverpool Social Atlas
The Liverpool Social Atlas presents key socio-demographic characteristics for the areas in a series of interactive maps. Based on data from the Census of Population and Housing (Australian Bureau of Statistics), each map is prepared using the finest level of details to help identify spatial patterns in the area.
Liverpool Population Forecast
The Liverpool Population Forecast provides population and household forecasts for Liverpool, showing how the population will change in the future. The population forecast is designed to provide community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public with knowledge to make confident decisions about the future.