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Western Sydney City Deal

The Western Sydney City Deal is a partnership between the Australian and NSW governments and the eight councils of the Western Parkland City including the local government areas of the Blue Mountains, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Hawkesbury, Penrith, and Wollondilly.

The partnership was signed by the Mayors of the eight participating councils in March 2018 and aims to lay the foundations for the Western Parkland City to become a thriving future-focused city that is highly connected, innovative and liveable in the next 20 years.

The City Deal includes 38 commitments that outline how all levels of government will work together to achieve the following goals:

  • Realising the 30-minute city by delivering the Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport (formerly the North South Rail Link).
  • Creating 200,000 jobs by supercharging the Bradfield Aerotropolis and agribusiness precinct as catalysts for employment.
  • Providing opportunities to increase the skills of our residents.
  • Respecting and building on our city’s local character through access to a $190 million Liveability Program.
  • Participation in the Western Sydney Planning Partnership for improved coordination and innovation across the region.
  • Delivering for the Western Parkland City with enduring governance from all three levels of government.

The commitments are broken down into six priority areas that will deliver many benefits for Liverpool over the next 20 years.

The new Western Parkland City will be one of Australia’s most connected cities. In an emerging 30-minute city, innovative public transport, aviation and digital infrastructure will bring residents closer to jobs, centres, education and the world.

Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport (from St Marys to the Aerotropolis via Western Sydney Airport) connecting people with new high-value jobs and the world.

Rapid bus services linking Liverpool, Penrith and Campbelltown with the Aerotropolis by the opening of the Airport.

Exploring the 5G network and smart digital technology to generate opportunities for creative, digital and technology businesses and better-connected communities.

Each of the City Deal councils is now publishing data sets and information on an open data platform, to share data and support data-driven decision making.

The Western Parkland City will create 200,000 new jobs across a wide range of industries over the next 20 years. The Airport and Aerotropolis will attract infrastructure, investment and knowledge-intensive jobs, and the benefits will flow into health and education, retail, hospitality, and the industrial activities that will power the City.

The Bradfield Aerotropolis will be a world-class employment sector for jobs in aviation, aerospace, defence industries, and advanced manufacturing.

A high employment agribusiness precinct to leverage the airport by providing new domestic and export opportunities for NSW farmers.

An Investment Attraction Fund and Western Sydney Investment Attraction Office.

A Western Sydney Development Authority to plan and develop the genesis of the Aerotropolis.

Releasing government land to drive economic growth.

Targets for Indigenous employment, social employment, and procurement.

Residents of the Western Parkland City will have access to the best in education and skills training opportunities. A new university, schools and vocational education and training (VET) facilities will align with the high-skilled businesses and industries of the Aerotropolis.

A STEM-based Multiversity

Aerotropolis VET facility to upskill future workforces

High-performance secondary school connecting students with aviation, engineering, science and the industries of the Aerotropolis

TAFE Skills Exchange to grow talent in the construction of the Western Sydney Airport.

The Western Parkland City has a unique landscape that is surrounded by protected natural assets. Its future neighbourhoods will be even more liveable and sustainable. Local project funding will create healthy and active communities that build on their strengths and support open spaces.

Phillips Park, Lurnea and Light Horse Park, Liverpool have received a combined $15 million in funding from the NSW and Australian governments through the Western Parkland Liveability Program.

Restoring and protecting the South Creek corridor to form a sustainable urban parkland.

A Strategic Assessment under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).

Innovative approaches to planning for and delivering housing will ensure that growth is balanced with maintaining the local character of the Western Parkland City.

A Western Parkland City Planning Partnership to achieve better outcomes in planning approvals.

A $30 million Western Parkland City housing package to ensure sustainable growth including:

  • streamlined and optimised planning practices to support future growth; and
  • short- and long-term housing targets and housing strategies

Growth Infrastructure Compacts piloted to match housing and jobs growth with the delivery of infrastructure.

The Australian, NSW and local governments will work together to support the growth, success and sustainability of the Western Parkland City. The Western Sydney City Deal will track progress through monitoring and reporting and will undergo a review after three years.

The Western Sydney City Deal offers immense benefits for Liverpool and during the initial three years, has already made significant achievements, including:


Benefit for Liverpool

Western Sydney Planning Partnership Office

The eight councils of the Western Parkland City, along with Blacktown City Council, have formed the Western Sydney Planning Partnership Office (PPO). The PPO has completed projects such as creating Street Design Guidelines for new release areas that maximise pedestrian access, public transport and traffic flow, and completing Precinct Planning for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan.

Yarpa Indigenous Business and Employment Hub

The Yarpa Indigenous Business and Employment Hub connects Indigenous businesses, entrepreneurs and job seekers to business and employment opportunities throughout NSW. The Hub is located in Liverpool.

Western Parkland City Liveability Program

The Liveability Program has provided more than $12 million in funding to complete the construction of a recreation hub at Phillips Park, Lurnea and more than $2 million towards the upgrade of Light Horse Park, Liverpool, which includes a playground and a sports field.

Western Sydney Health Alliance

The Western Sydney Health Alliance was established to take a regional approach to improve the health of residents of the Western Parkland City.

Commitment to rail for Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport

The Australian and NSW governments have committed to having rail operational when the Western Sydney International Airport opens for passengers in 2026. The Sydney Metro Western Sydney Airport line will connect the airport to Sydney’s existing public transport system.

More information on the Western Sydney City Deal can be found on the Western Sydney City Deal website or on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications website