Located almost entirely within the Liverpool Local Government Area, the Western Sydney Aerotropolis will become a thriving economic centre in Western Sydney.
Benefiting from proximity to the new Western Sydney International Airport, the Aerotropolis will contribute towards 200,000 new jobs in the Western Parkland City and become a high-skill jobs hub across aerospace and defence, manufacturing, healthcare, freight and logistics, agribusiness, education and research industries.
What's happening now with the Aerotropolis?
The initial Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package was finalised on 13 September 2020. This package establishes the planning and legislative framework for the future of the Aerotropolis, including land use outcomes and zoning within the initial Aerotropolis precincts. The package included:
- Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (WSAP)
- State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020
- Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (Phase 1)
Draft Precinct Plans for the Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Wianamatta-South Creek, Agribusiness and Northern Gateway Precincts were on public exhibition until Friday 26 February 2021. These draft plans set out a finer level of detail on how these precincts are to be developed, including the location of proposed land uses, criteria for land development, and the approach to infrastructure and water cycle management. Submissions are currently being reviewed by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
For further information, contact the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on 1300 305 695, and ask for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis team.