Hammondville Park is a regional park with a large community sporting club presence located on Heathcote Road, Hammondville. Home to a variety of local sports, Moorebank Rams Junior Rugby League Club, Moorebank Sports Netball Club, Moorebank Sports Soccer Club, Moorebank Baseball-Softball Club, Moorebank Cricket Club. Sports Played include Rugby League, Netball, Soccer, Baseball and Cricket.
The surrounding suburban context of Hammondville and Holsworthy houses a diverse community ranging from schools to the southwest, retirement living to the northeast, single and double storey dwelling houses to the north and south as well as the Holsworthy Army Barracks directly to the south past the Holsworthy train station.
What stage is the project at?
What is proposed?
Hammondville Aquatic and Leisure Centre has been identified as a major planning project by Council for several years. A final concept design for Hammondville has been developed and is proposed to integrate seamlessly with the surrounding sporting facilities and maximise connections with the sporting recreation and open spaces, and through the design recognise and celebrate traditional land ownership.
At a high level, the revised masterplan proposes:
- The construction of a new aquatic and leisure centre, including integrated spectator and pavilion spaces overlooking the Rugby League Oval that integrate seamlessly with the surrounding sporting facilities and maximise connections with the sporting recreation and open spaces.
- Installation of synthetic/hybrid soccer fields and the Landscape regeneration and renewal of existing sporting ovals.
- Provide access to and along Harris Creek for walking with country trails, walking and cycling.
- Provide DDA access from the neighbouring retirement living areas into and within the site (including Sporties)
- Council services that may include Library, Childcare and Community facilities in an integrated Community Hub model.
- Linking train station, pedestrian and cycling routes to allow for easier public access for local residents.
- Landscape regeneration and renewal of existing sporting ovals.
The principles for the Hammondville Park Masterplan focus on:
- Local landscape: Considering the unique characteristics and features of the local landscape, incorporating them into the design and development of the park to preserve and showcase the natural beauty of the area;
- Local community stories: Valuing and incorporating the cultural heritage and narratives of the local community, ensuring that the park design reflects and celebrates the community's identity and history;
- Operational and economic sustainability: Prioritizing efficient and sustainable management of the park's operations, including energy and resource usage, to reduce environmental impact and ensure long-term economic viability; and
- Building technologies: Integrating innovative and environmentally friendly building technologies into the park's infrastructure, such as energy-efficient systems and materials, to enhance sustainability and minimize environmental footprint.
- Regeneration of the blue-green grid: Promoting the revitalization and enhancement of natural environments, including water bodies and green spaces, to create a sustainable and interconnected ecosystem;
The Masterplan recognises the value of Moorebank Sports Club (Sporties), registered licensed premises located central to the precinct, on and within the wider Hammondville Park Leisure Precinct. Moorebank Sports Club represents a key stakeholder in the development of the masterplan. The club holds a current membership of approximately 29,500 members, and provides high levels of administrative and financial support, along with representation and advocacy for the sports clubs.
You can view the Final masterplan here.
Why is this project happening?
Liverpool City Council last developed a Masterplan for Hammondville Park in 1998. The masterplan was developed following consultation with Moorebank Sports Club and their affiliated sporting clubs, and outlined a series of changes to improve the functionality of the sporting facilities that included the upgrade to lighting, realignment of playing fields and upgrades to the carpark and traffic flows. These items were supported through a Plan of Management adopted by Council in 2003, that further outlined infrastructure upgrades. The current layout of Hammondville Oval reflects the 1998 Masterplan.
The sporting facilities and clubs located at Hammondville Park remain significant in serving the surrounding communities. Based on 2023 SportsEye data, there are approximately 4,000 registered sports participants living within the surrounding suburbs that play various sports clubs within the Hammondville Park precinct, representing almost a third of Liverpool’s total sports participation base. Significantly, Liverpool’s two (2) largest sporting clubs, Moorebank Soccer Club, and Moorebank Rams RLFC are located at Hammondville Park.
Council conducted an Aquatics and Leisure Centre Future Facilities review in 2022. The report presented by Warren Green Consultancy supports the principles of Councils plans for Aquatic Centre development. The report notes the current and significant community demand and benefit that will increase exponentially as the population grows and supports the further development of Aquatic Centres across the LGA. The report guides Council to re-frame the current capital outlay to better consider a joint and coherent municipal approach to facility development that better aligns with the demands of the community.
The recommendations consider the strategic principles as being:
1. Population Growth – the ability to meet the future demands of Liverpool’s population growth by ensuring the locations of the sites are in areas where catchment and demand are justified.
2. Affordability – the ability to deliver all aspects of a long-term Aquatic Centres growth plan to ensure coherency in facility provision and service delivery across the LGA.
3. Demand Driven – Facilities that reflect community demand and that are designed to provide access to all. This is based on the following guiding principles:
4. Financial Sustainable – Facilities that represent operational sustainability for council.
The Strategy recognises the important role that high-quality multi-purpose facilities play as a focal point for community groups and organisations in delivering community driven social, mental and physical well-being programs. The masterplan will seek to incorporate the broad principles of the Community Facility Strategy into the spatial framing and design concepts.
Have the local community had any input?
In April 2020, Council resolved to develop a master plan for Hammondville Park.
In February 2022, Council adopted a 100-day plan that included moving forward with the development application for swimming pools at Carnes Hill and Hammondville. Also, during 2022 Council developed and initial concept plan which was submitted as part of the WestInvest Grant application.
June 2023, Council commenced community and stakeholder consultation based on the concept plan at Hammondville Park.
From June to September 2023, Council undertook consultation with key internal and external stakeholders to validate the options and broader master plan inclusions. The concept master plan was presented to the public for consultation as per Councils Community Engagement Strategy 2022. The methods sought to identify community values, needs and aspirations for the new precinct, to inform the master plan included:
- Community Pop-Up; hosted alongside Council’s Wattle Grove Community Day on 5 August 2023.
- Online Survey on Liverpool Listens page; aimed at capturing an understanding of what the community prioritised in the space.
- Online Interactive Map; designed to capture an understanding of what community values and identify for improvement on the current site
- Online Submissions; to capture detailed and nuanced feedback
- Stakeholder Interviews; to engage with those stakeholders who currently use and neighbour
- Club interviews were conducted to ascertain specific issues impacting user groups.
In total, the engagement captured over 450 ideas, comments, and feedback from local community members who were excited to see the project reshape the community and respond to some key recreational needs. The community engagement report can be found here.
The revised Hammondville Leisure Precinct Master Plan and Hammondville Park Draft Plan of Management was approved by Council on the 25 October 2023 and was placed on Councils public exhibition webpage from Friday 24th November 2023 until Tuesday 16th January 2024 and the Liverpool Listens for community feedback.
Council also held a public hearing on the Hammondville Draft Plan of Management on December 11 at the Moorebank Community Centre.
How is this project staged?
Council has staged the master plan into long-term and short-term deliverables.
The short-term deliverables (5 Year plan) include:
- Synthetic Soccer field - Under Construction
- Aquatic and Leisure Centre and village green
- New grandstand, change rooms and club storage to main field (Rugby League)
- Priority upgrades to club amenities, shade and change rooms.
- Upgrades to walking tracks, lighting and furniture.
- Upgrades to site fencing
- Upgrades to parking
The long-term deliverables (10 Year plan) include:
- Community Hub - OHSC & ELC
- Internal circuit road
- Upgrades to club amenities (not addressed)
- Additional tree planting and canopy cover
- Creek restoration and regeneration
What will happen to the Holsworthy Aquatic Centre when the new pool has been built?
Holsworthy Aquatic Centre was built in circa 1970 and while it has serviced the community well since that time. Council has undertaken an investigation on the value of redevelop into Holsworthy Pool rather than construct a new venue - to this extent the evidence indicates that:
- There is significant demand for expanded facilities that cannot be accommodated within the limitations of the Holsworthy Pool site; and
- The Holsworthy Pool is nearing the end of its functional life - there are many aspects of the plant, equipment and building fabric that will require replacement and upgrade within the next 5 years - the costs associated with refurbishment will likely present no financial advantage to the project costs.
- Council will not consider closing the Holsworthy Aquatic Centre until the new Facility at Hammondville is fully operational.
What is the estimated cost of delivering the master plan?
The master plan creates a 10-year vision for the delivery of improvements based on priorities and available funding. A budget of $58m is estimated based on similar projects for the design and construction of the aquatic and leisure centre.
Council endeavours to source funds from grants, contributions, operational land sales. Council is required to make strategic decisions around land investments and future use of land within a strategic planning context.
Is there a Plan of Management for this site?
During 2023 Council prepared a Draft Plan of Management for Hammondville Park. The objective of the PoM is to outline the ongoing use, maintenance, management, and improvement of Hammondville Park for approximately the next 10 years.
Is Council selling its assets?
Liverpool City Council has put forward several business cases to help fund the Hammondville Aquatic & Leisure Precinct Masterplan.
Options for Long Term Funding Pathways include:
- State and Federal Funding
- Developer Contributions
- Sale of assets
Council has identified the potential sale of the lots 101 & 102 (highlighted below) within the Hammondville Leisure Precinct as a funding option to help deliver the aquatic and recreational precinct master plan. Council has commenced several avenues of community engagement in order to advise the community and receive their feedback.
You can complete the latest survey here or send us a written submission to: communityplanning@liverpool.nsw.gov.au or Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting File No 364640.2023.
Site photos
During this final phase of consultation, we want to hear your feedback on anything we may have missed, to do this you can:
- Complete our online survey here
- Send us a written submission to: communityplanning@liverpool.nsw.gov.au or Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting File No 364640.2023.
- Mayoral Community Forum - Moorebank Community Centre - 15th February 2024 6-8pm
- Online Survey - Sale of land
- Community Pop-Up day - Voyager Park, Voyager Point - 6th April
- Feedback on the updated Master Plan via our online survey