New Residents Guide to Liverpool
Welcome to Liverpool!
Here is some helpful information to get you started in your new home. Below is information on some of the services you’ll need in the first few weeks.
Telephone Interpreter Service
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如果您需要协助理解本信息,请致电TIS电话传译服务处(131 450),要求他们联系本市议会政府(1300 362 170)。我们的办公时间是每星期一至星期五,上午8:30至下午5:00。 | Ако вам је потребна помоћ да разумете ове информације, позовите TIS, Телефонску службу тумача (131 450) и замолите их да вам позову Општину (1300 362 170). Радно време је од 8.30 до 17.00 часова, од понедељка до петка. | Se vi serve aiuto per capire queste informazioni, telefonate al TIS, il servizio telefonico interpreti (131 450) e chiedete che contatti il Comune (1300 362 170). L’orario d’ufficio è dalle ore 8.30 alle 17.00, dal lunedì al venerdì. |
About Liverpool
The Darug and Dhurawal nations are the Aboriginal traditional custodians of the land which now forms our great City of Liverpool.
Liverpool is Australia’s fourth-oldest city and is home to more than 214,000 people (2016 Census) in 42 suburbs. Western Sydney Airport is being built in Liverpool’s west, contributing to the area’s rapid growth in housing and jobs.
At the heart of South West Sydney, Liverpool is one of the most multicultural places in Australia. Our residents hail from 150 different countries, many of which are represented through restaurants and shops in our City Centre and suburbs.
A place of natural beauty with a growing city centre, Liverpool is also home to one of NSW’s premier arts facilities – Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
To find what’s going on in your new city and its surrounds,
Find out all you need to know about starting your bin service, what day to put out your bins, Liverpool’s Community Recycling Centre and more:
Liverpool City Council is committed to providing the highest quality care and education for children at an affordable cost for families.
Council has six Early Education and Care Centres and one Preschool.
Each centre is staffed by a skilled and talented team, who encourage children and work closely with families help them develop and thrive.
Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre is a cultural facility of the Liverpool City Council.
The centre houses a wide range of exhibitions, events and educational programs covering an ever-increasing variety of subject matter, styles, genres and art forms.
Programs for all ages and abilities, including many events for those with different needs are available throughout the year.
Gallery admission is always free, as are many of the centre’s programs. Almost all ticketed offerings are less than $30 per person, with many under $20.
Parking is free parking and the centre is immediately adjacent to the Casula train station.
Anyone living, studying and working in the Liverpool area can join Liverpool City Library free of charge.
Membership gives you access to a large collection of books, movies, magazines and music, plus eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines and digital research content accessible anytime from anywhere.
Liverpool has four leisure and aquatic centres. For more details, visit their websites:
Liverpool City Council maintains a number of parks in the Local Government area, some of which have Outdoor Fitness Gyms, Off-Leash Dog Areas and Skate Parks.
Bigge Park is in the heart of Liverpool City Centre and includes a free water park, along with children’s play equipment and outdoor fitness equipment.
Find a park near you at Council’s
Liverpool City uses rate payments from residents who own property to help pay for the wide variety of services provided by Council.
The Department of Local Government oversees the charging of rates for all councils within NSW.
Rates can be paid at our Customer Service Centre at 33 Moore Street, Liverpool, online, by mail, or by phone.
You can also sign up to receive your rates notices online at
Find out how to register your pet in Liverpool, how to adopt from Liverpool Animal Shelter, off-lead dog parks and more.
There are nearly 5000 car spaces available in or near the city centre. They include free and low-cost options, short and long-stay.