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Liverpool Innovation Precinct

The Liverpool Innovation Precinct is anchored by Liverpool Public Hospital, Australia’s largest standalone hospital. It also includes the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and is supported by leading teaching and research organisations within Liverpool’s CBD, including the University of Wollongong, Western Sydney University, the University of NSW and TAFE NSW.

In 2017, representatives from these institutions joined the South West Sydney Primary Health Network, NSW Government departments and Liverpool City Council to commission PwC to produce Reimagining... the Liverpool Health, Education, Research and Innovation Precinct. The document sets out an ambitious vision for a collaborative and innovative precinct that will:

  • Build on the key strengths in health, research and education
  • Encourage and support growth in knowledge-intensive jobs
  • Support the economic growth of the region
  • Enable pathways to commercialisation of start-ups and research outcomes
  • Enable businesses to compete nationally and internationally

The NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Rob Stokes officially launched the Land Use Analysis and Precinct Strategy on the 28th October 2017 at Liverpool’s flagship research hub, the Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research. David Borger, Independent Chair of the Liverpool Innovation Precinct said, “This strategy is about going to potential investors with a united vision that says Liverpool is open for business and ready to work with international technology, medical and innovative organisations.”

The Liverpool Innovation Precinct has the capacity to transform both how our city functions and the perceptions of Liverpool and the broader South West Sydney region.

The $790 million Liverpool Health and Academic Precinct (LHAP) redevelopment will enhance and build on Liverpool Hospital’s position as an international hub of medical excellence, research and education, providing a significant boost in health services to South Western Sydney’s booming population through an expansion of the hospital’s emergency department, neonatal intensive care, maternity and children’s services, and ambulatory and outpatient care.

The Liverpool Hospital redevelopment will provide enhanced healthcare and services for the community, close to home. This increased capacity will be complemented by expanded clinical services, public spaces and car parking, and integrated with research and teaching facilities to help ensure that Liverpool Hospital meets the needs of the growing community.

The LHAP redevelopment includes:

*            Larger emergency department, intensive care unit and more theatres

*            Expanded neonatal intensive care unit and children’s services

*            Enhanced maternity and women’s health services

*            Integrated cancer services

*            Increased ambulatory care services and outpatient clinics

*            New multi-storey car park with improved pick-up and drop-off points.

For more information go to: