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The Founding of Liverpool

The original inhabitants of the Liverpool area were the Cabrogal people who spoke the Darug language.  The Georges River provided a natural boundary between the Darug or 'wood tribes' and the neighbouring Tharawal or 'coast tribe'.  These tribes knew the area as Gunyungalung and evidence suggests they have been here for up to 40,000 years.

On November 7, 1810 Governor Lachlan Macquarie founded Liverpool and named it in honour of the Earl of Liverpool, then Secretary of State for the Colonies.

Liverpool is Australia's fourth oldest town behind Sydney, Parramatta and Hobart. Unlike these cities, Liverpool was the first free planned settlement of Australia.

After planning the Town Square, Macquarie appointed emancipated architect Francis Greenway to design a church. In 1818 he laid the foundation stone and named the church St Lukes. Another monument to Greenway's genius is the TAFE College which was built as the first hospital.

The coming of the railway, opened in September 1856 and the electric telegraph in 1858, provided speedy, safe transport and communication and began the transformation of Liverpool into a major regional city.

The history of Local Government in Liverpool dates back to 1848 when a district Council was formed. It was not until June 27, 1872 that the Liverpool Municipality was proclaimed and Richard Sadleir became the first Mayor.

The first World War brought changes to Liverpool. There were extensive military training activities in the area and German prisoners of war were held at Holsworthy.

The Holsworthy-Moorebank area was again used during World War II to train and house thousands of troops. The Army has maintained its long association with the Liverpool community through the Holsworthy barracks and field training establishment.

Liverpool's current population is over 214,000. By 2031, more than 300,000 people are expected to call Liverpool home.

The Liverpool local government area covers 305 square kilometres and is incredibly diverse. Pertaining to its heritage, Liverpool still consists of semi-rural areas but also has an expanding and lively city centre where major commercial and retail opportunities exist.