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Young People

The young people of Liverpool are a valuable resource and  Council is committed to supporting their needs. Council frequently consults with young people about plans for Liverpool and encourages them to get involved in the community.

Council's Youth Strategy outlines local issues that impact young people and the activities that Council will deliver in relation to young people.

The Liverpool Youth Workers Network (LYWN) is a network for youth services, community organisations and schools who have a focus on young people in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA).

The network provides organisations and workers with a chance to get together, share ideas, share successes and also look at the issues facing young people.

The Network meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month from 10.30am -12.30pm, please join the eGroup to keep updated on meeting venues and monthly presentations.

Join the Liverpool Youth Workers Network eGroup or contact Derek Tweed for more information about LYWN.

Liverpool Youth Council (LYC) is a group of 12 people aged 12-24 years who either live, work or study in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA).

Established by Liverpool City Council in 1999 as part of its Youth Strategy, LYC meets regularly to make decisions about issues affecting local young people and to influence Council's policies and decisions towards young people. It is a committee of Council and reports to Council.

As a Council initiative, LYC receives funding that provides young people with the opportunity to engage in various youth events, skill-building activities and forums.

As the voice of young people in the area, LYC is committed to getting opinions heard and having key issues addressed.

Checkout more info and events on the Liverpool Youth Council's Facebook page.

What does the Youth Council do?


Youth Council have monthly meetings to discuss issues pertinent to young people in the Liverpool LGA.

Meetings are also a forum for LYC to:

  • Organise youth events / activities;
  • Provide feedback or comments on Council policies or development applications;
  • Be consulted about particular youth issues or initiatives; and
  • Receive training on particular issues or skills.

To sit in on a LYC meeting, you need to request permission first. Contact the Community Development Worker (Youth) on 8711 7396.


Radical Adolescents Doing Afternoon Radio (RADAR) is a weekly radio program on 2GLF 89.3FM, contact the Community Development Worker (Youth) on 8711 7396 for further details.

Who is the Youth Council for?

The LYC is open to any young person aged 12 - 24 years who live/works/studies in the Liverpool LGA.

It is made up of 12 young people from a diverse mix of backgrounds who live across the Liverpool LGA.

Become a member

There are many reasons why you should become a member of the LYC, such as:

  • You get to say what you need and want in Liverpool and get heard;
  • You get to organise events and opportunities for young people in the area;
  • You get to influence Council policies and decisions regarding local young people; and
  • You get to be the change you want to see!

As a member of the LYC you:

  • Receive training in various skill areas;
  • Learn new skills that will be useful when you get a job and for life in general;
  • Learn about how Council works;
  • Feel a sense of accomplishment;
  • Get some good experience on your resume;
  • Make new friends and colleagues;
  • Establish networks and practice your communication skills.

Founded in 1937 and with more than 60 clubs and centres across the state and around 85,000 members, Police Citizens Youth Clubs NSW is one of Australia’s leading youth organisations. The Liverpool PCYC is a great youth facility for young people across Liverpool.

CBD Exposed is an annual Youth Urban Music Festival held in Macquarie Mall. It provides young people with the opportunity to attend a live music event, have their voices heard on issues of concern to them, showcase their talents, celebrate their contribution to the community and most importantly, have fun!


Community Development Worker (Youth) on 8711 7396

Here are some great places for young people in Liverpool to visit and enjoy: