Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

Predevelopment Applications

In light of current circumstances Predevelopment Application meetings will be held online until further notice.

Liverpool City Council's Predevelopment Application (Pre DA) meetings provide future applicants who have already prepared concept development plans with the opportunity to discuss the details of their proposal. The purpose of these meetings is to identify any issues or concerns with the proposal that should be addressed prior to the application being lodged.

Although Pre DA meetings are not mandatory, consultation with Council officers early in the process often identifies issues and concerns and assists in the preparation of the development application.

  • Provide advice and avoid delays;
  • Promote and maintain effective communication between Council and future applicants;
  • Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the process; and
  • To ensure future applicants have the necessary information.

The Pre-DA meeting is led by a professional Senior Development Planner from Council's Development Assessment department.

Depending on the details of the proposed development, other technical officers from other Council departments will also attend. These officers might include building surveyors, environmental and health officers, hydraulic and traffic engineers, heritage advisers or social planning officers.

The Pre DA meeting is a preliminary review of the concept development and is for discussion and clarification purposes only. It is not intended to pre-empt a final decision in relation to a development application and it should not be assumed that Council will support the proposal as a full assessment in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment (EP&A) Act, 1979 and determination can only be made following lodgement of the application.

Other issues not identified at the Pre-DA meeting may still emerge during the consideration of the application once it has been lodged.

Liverpool City Council strongly encourages a Pre-DA meeting for the following types of developments:

  • Residential multi-unit developments, residential flat buildings, mixed use developments with both residential and commercial and large scale subdivisions;
  • Commercial development (other than: minor additions/alterations or change of use applications);
  • Industrial development (other than minor additions/alterations or change of use applications);
  • Other development where significant site constraints exist (discuss with Council's Duty Planner first).

Before applying, the applicant should first contact the Duty Planner to discuss the proposal and to confirm if a Pre-DA meeting is necessary. The Duty Planner can assist and provide general technical advice on any planning matter.

Contact the Duty Planner, Monday to Friday, 8.30am and 12:00pm.

Pre-DA meetings are held each Wednesday afternoon by appointment only at Council's Administration Building located at 33 Moore Street, Liverpool.

The following steps will assist you in booking a Pre DA meeting with Council:

  1. Complete the Pre DA Meeting Request Form 
  2. Submit the pre DA Meeting Request Form and the essential conceptual and supporting documentation
    Note: when submitting files electronically, the size of each of these files is limited to a maximum of 1.5MB, with a total of 10MB per email.
  3. A Council officer from the Development Assessment department will contact you to arrange payment of the fee over the telephone via credit card only.
  4. The Council officer will schedule a meeting time and date. A confirmation will be sent via email.
    Note: a limited number of meeting times are available each Wednesday afternoon. Council cannot guarantee that your proposal will be discussed in the week following your request however every attempt will be made for this to occur as soon as possible.

It is essential that the following documentation be submitted to Council with the Pre-DA meeting request form:

  • Survey Plan (showing existing buildings, levels, easements etc.);
  • Concept Site Plan and Site Analysis Plans showing the building footprint, car parking, vehicle access arrangements, landscaping and all key features of the site and the proposal;
  • Typical elevations;
  • Shadow diagrams;
  • Conceptual floor plans;
  • Brief written description of the proposal and a statement identifying any areas of non-compliance with the relevant planning instruments and codes;
  • Any other useful information to assist Council officers in providing detailed advice.
  • All plans should be drawn to a scale of 1:100 or 1:200 and include dimensions.
  • The Planning officer will issue a written summary of the advice, comments and issues discussed at the meeting.
  • The applicant is required to consider and address all issues raised at the meeting and ensure that all essential submission documentation is included with the application at the time of lodgement.