Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

Corporate Information

Liverpool City Council is positioned to lead its community through immense change over the next 10 years. With a rapidly increasing population the construction of Western Sydney International Airport and the development of Liverpool's city centre as an innovative health, education and lifestyle precinct, Council is committed to continual collaboration with residents and stakeholders.

Council and residents place a high value on the city's tradition of diversity and inclusion. Council will deliver innovative and practical services and cultivate a place and community that is connected.

Liverpool City Council governs 42 suburbs and helps the local community in the following ways:

  • By providing services, facilities, resources and support to the community;
  • By protecting the community to make sure it is safe and clean;
  • By preventing harmful influences such as excessive noise and pollution;
  • By planning services, facilities and developments affecting our future; and
  • By representing Liverpool to other areas of government.

Liverpool City Council’s Community Strategic Plan is the highest level plan for the Local Government Area (LGA).  It is a 10-year plan that identifies the community’s long-term vision, aspirations and main priorities for its local government area and identifies how these will be achieved.

The Plan addresses four key questions:

  1. Where are we now?
  2. Where do we want to be in 10 years?
  3. How will we get there?
  4. How will we know when we have arrived?

The strategic objectives from the Community Strategic Plan provide a guide for stakeholders to work together and to capitalise on the opportunities which will transform the city of Liverpool. Each strategic objective includes the 10-year strategies to achieve the community's vision for Liverpool. The Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 was adopted by Council at its meeting on 29 June 2022 and commences 1 July 2022.

The Community Engagement Strategy and accompanying Community Participation Plan (Appendix A) detail Council's overarching engagement principles and notifications of planning functions for Council.

The documents guide engagement practices with local community and stakeholders and deliver principles of community engagement in an inclusive, collaborative, transparent, authentic and timely manner to facilitate effective decision making.

Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan 2022

Liverpool's Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-2025 is aligned with the 10-year Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032.

The Delivery Program is Council’s four-year action plan that turns the goals of the Community Strategic Plan into actions.

The Operational Plan is Council’s one year action plan, which includes the annual budget and the Revenue Pricing Policy, Fees and Charges FY 2024-2025

The 2024-2025 rating category applicable to your area is shown in the Liverpool Rating Category Map. It includes information on sub categories in the LGA (residential, farming, industrial, business, etc). Your respective category is shown on your rates notice which is levied from 1 July to 30 June each year.

Supporting the Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget is the Long-Term Financial Plan which outlines how Council will manage its resources and includes Council's Capital Works Program to be completed annually and over the four-year period.

Council will report on these plans twice a year in accordance with local government legislation. The Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget was adopted by Council at its meeting on 26 June 2024.

Past Plans

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework recognises the need for holistic planning and draws on a range of strategies to ensure that Council’s actions are able to be resourced and delivered.

These supporting strategies create a comprehensive planning framework for Council to deliver actions that are community focused.

City Activation Strategy

The primary purpose of the City Activation Strategy is to offer an innovative model for precinct activation that will ultimately encourage the development of a well-integrated and economically vibrant City Centre. There is also a need to ensure that a variety of social, cultural and environmental benefits can be generated

Destination Management Plan

The Destination Management Plan (DMP) is a five year strategy detailing Council's priorities for for the development of the visitor economy in Liverpool. The DMP provides strategic direction and defines Council's role and commitment to meeting the needs of the visitor economy in the City.

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan is Council’s commitment to improving access to services, facilities and jobs for people with disabilities. It is a four-year plan that contains actions for Council departments to ensure that people with disabilities are able to fully participate in their communities.

Community Facilities Strategy

To learn more about Liverpool City Council's strategies to provide high quality facilities and services, download the report Community Facilities Strategy - A Blueprint for a Modern Network of Community Facilities.

An Action Plan has been developed to guide implementation of the Strategy and is based on the recommendations found in section 12 of the strategy. Download the Community Facilities Action Plan 2019 report.

Recreation, Open Space and Sports Strategy

The Recreation, Open Space and Sports Strategy is a long-term strategic framework that will guide Council’s decision-making and investment for future provision and management of Liverpool’s recreation, open space and sporting facilities. The Strategy aims at creating places and facilities by improving connections between people, plan for future needs of a diverse and growing population, and ensuring safety and accessibility for Liverpool residents.

Innovation Liverpool

The Innovation Strategy is Council’s commitment to supporting innovation in our organisation and community. The strategy outlines what Council will do to create the conditions for innovation to support the delivery of the Community Strategic Plan.

Cultural Strategy

This is Council's Cultural Strategy to support and develop a thriving creative culture in Liverpool. It provides a platform to articulate priorities in the arts and culture to transform Liverpool into a vibrant and engaging city that delivers captivating and inspiring activities for all residents and visitors. Most importantly, it defines Council’s role and commitment to meeting the cultural needs of the city.

The Strategy is driven by four strategic directions:

  • Enhance
  • Generate
  • Promote
  • Celebrate.

The action plan sets out how Council will enhance existing cultural activities and generate opportunities for cultural participation to meet the needs of Liverpool’s growing and diverse community.

Liverpool's Economic Development Strategy

Liverpool's Economic Development Strategy 2019-2029 outlines the key economic priorities, actions and targets that will guide the growth of Liverpool's economy over the next five years.

Reconciliaton Action Plan

This Reconciliation Action Plan demonstrates an innovative approach focused on working with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders to trial new approaches for building relationships, showing respect and improving opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

There are three parts to the Resourcing Strategy:

It is the critical link between the strategic goals of the Community Strategic Plan and the actions in the Delivery Program. It identifies the resources of time, money, assets and people required to carry them out. The Resourcing Strategy is updated annually with the development of each Operational Plan and reviewed every four years when the Community Strategic Plan is renewed.

The Local Government Act (1993) requires councils to prepare an annual report by 30th November each year. The report is intended as a measure of how well Council has achieved the outcomes anticipated in their management plans and contains a copy of Council's audited financial statements.

Audited Financial Statements

End of Term Report

State of the Environment Report

The Liverpool Council Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Annual report is designed to provide the Elected Representatives and the community with a summary of the Committee’s responsibilities, work, operations and deliberations during the period at question. The Committee is a governance function composing of a majority independent membership, which assists Council to fulfil its corporate governance and oversight responsibilities.

Annual ARIC Report Nov 2017 - Oct 2018

Annual ARIC Report July 2018 - June 2019

Annual ARIC Report July 2019 - June 2020

Annual ARIC Report July 2020 to June 2021