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Council Committees

In Liverpool, a range of consultative committees provide advice and recommendations to Council.

For information on Council Committees, including how to get involved, please contact 
Susan Ranieri

Minutes are available in Council business papers

Liverpool Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee is a Council Committee that meets quarterly. It aims to improve community safety and reduce crime and injury in the Liverpool Local Government Area by adopting a collaborative approach to tackling local issues. The quarterly meeting is held first Thursday in March, June, September and December from 10am to 12pm. For further information please contact Jacqueline Newsom on 02 8711 7781 or email

Council is seeking expression of interests for two community representatives to participate in the Civic Advisory Committee.

Purpose and functions:

Established in 2015, the purpose of the Committee is to:

  • To provide advice to the Mayor and Council on civic functions;
  • To ensure continuity with Council’s civic program beyond electoral or staffing cycles;
  • To be an avenue for continued community representation; and
  • To encourage continued involvement from former elected officials in the civic duties of Council.

The functions of the Committee are to:

  • Seek nominations or nominate worthy people and organisations for the Order of Liverpool Awards, Australia Day Awards, Queen’s Honours and other relevant awards;
  • Score and provide advice to Council on nominees for Council awards;
  • Recommend a calendar of civic events; and
  • Proactively promote Council’s civic awards and functions to the wider community.

Frequency of meetings:

Quarterly or as required.


  • Current and former Mayors and Councillors of Liverpool City Council;
  • Council’s CEO (or delegate);
  • Current and former Civic Officers of Liverpool City Council;
    • Five community representatives (appointed by Council for a two year term with an option for Council to extend their terms for a further two years) with two general community representatives and one representative from the three major service clubs (Lions Club, Quota and Rotary International); and
    • A representative from:
      • i) the Holsworthy Army Barracks;
      • ii) Liverpool Hospital; and
      • iii) Liverpool and District Historical Society


The Aboriginal Consultative Committee has been established primarily to provide an open line of communication between Council and the Aboriginal community.


The objective of the ARIC is to review the following aspects of Council’s operations:

  • compliance;
  • risk management;
  • fraud control;
  • financial management;
  • governance;
  • implementation of Council’s strategic plan, delivery program and strategies;
  • service reviews;
  • collection of performance measurement data by Council;
  • provide information to Council for the purpose of improving Council’s performance of its functions;
  • external accountability.


This board has been established primarily to assist in the production and promotion of cultural programs including literature, music, performing arts, visual arts, craft, design, film, video, community arts, Aboriginal arts and collections of moveable cultural heritage programs.


The Committee has been established to provide relevant advice and recommendations to Council relating to:

  • The development of the visitor economy in the Liverpool LGA, including through recreation, tourism, activations and major events
  • Council initiatives to enhance tourism, encourage business growth, attract visitors and boost economic development in the Liverpool LGA; and
  • Council initiatives to drive economic, social and cultural development in the CBD.


This committee has been established primarily to consider and provide input to Council’s environment programs by making recommendations to Council.

The Liverpool City Council Heritage Advisory Committee supports the conservation and promotion of heritage within the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA) by providing relevant community based advice and assistance.

The outcomes of the Committee are to:

  • consider input from the community and the professional heritage sector on matters of heritage significance to the Liverpool LGA;
  • promote the natural and cultural heritage of the Liverpool LGA by increasing community awareness and understanding of heritage conservation;
  • advocate for the conservation of local heritage as a contributor to a sense of place and local identity;
  • support Council in the development and implementation of strategies, policies and programs related to heritage conservation;
  • provide input to Council on heritage programming, exhibitions, education and events;
  • support Council in the conservation and promotion of Council's movable heritage collection.

The Heritage Advisory Committee comprises of 10 members, consisting of the mayor or his/ her delegate, Council staff and six community representatives.  Heritage professionals can also be appointed to the Committee. People are appointed for a two year term.

The appointment of community representatives is through a selection committee comprising Council officers who advertise for nominations, assess applications against the selection criteria and recommend appointments to Council for endorsement.

Heritage Advisory Committee meetings are open to members of the general public who may participate in discussion. Voting rights are maintained by only those appointed to the committee.

Agendas for the upcoming meeting will be provided to all members of the committee at least one week before the meeting, with the minutes listed on Council's website after they have been considered by a full meeting of Council.


Should you wish to attend a Heritage Advisory Committee meeting, register your interest and email the Heritage Officer on or  Tel: 1300 36 2170.

NOTE: COVID restrictions have resulted in the Heritage Advisory Committee meeting via Microsoft TEAMS.


The Intermodal Committee has been established primarily to respond to the challenges presented by the proposed Intermodal at Moorebank.


This committee has been established primarily to provide advice to Council which will effectively improve and alleviate access difficulties experienced by people with disabilities in Liverpool


The committee has been established to:

  • Provide a forum for representing the views of sporting organisation members, clubs and associations to Council relating to sporting matters.
  • Assist with the promotion, coordination and growth of sporting codes within the Liverpool LGA.


The Liverpool Youth Council has been established primarily to provide advice to Council about issues relating to young people, to act as a consultative mechanism for young people and to promote the interests of young people in Liverpool.