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Medium Density Housing

The NSW Government has changed the planning rules to introduce a new framework for medium density housing.

The Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code allows dual occupancies, manor houses and terraces (up to two storeys) to be carried out under a fast-track complying development approval.

The effect of the new rules will differ depending on your suburb and zoning:

data table
SuburbZoneAre the new housing types permissible?
Edmondson Park, and Middleton GrangeR1Yes, but only terraced houses and manor houses
Austral, Edmondson Park South, LeppingtonR2Yes, manor houses, dual occupancies and terraced houses
Austral, Edmondson Park South, LeppingtonR3Yes, manor houses, dual occupancies and terraced houses
Other suburbsR2None of the new housing types are permissible
Other suburbsR3Yes, but only manor houses and terraced houses

Note: Proposed developments must meet other criteria to be approved through the Medium Density Code, including minimum lot sizes and frontage. Properties that are heritage-listed or within conservation areas are excluded from the Code.

Visit the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment's website for further information.

Further information on the Low Rise Medium Density Housing Code can be found on the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s website.

To find out the zoning of your land, visit Council's ePlanning portal or apply for a planning certificate.