Council handles all applications for access to Council information and documents under the Government Information Public Access Act 2009 (the GIPA Act).
Examples of Council records that you can access include:
- Development applications;
- Building certificates;
- Historical records.
You can find out more about your right to information and ways to gain access to Council information at the Information and Privacy Commission website.
There are two ways to access Council information, through an Informal access to information application, or a Formal access to information application (Note: Formal Access to Information Applications incur a $30 application fee and possible processing charges). Read below to ensure you choose the correct application.
Informal Access to Information Application Form
The Informal Access to Information Application is the EASIEST and FASTEST way to access Council information and there is no application fee.
Examples of Council records available include all documents relating to Development Applications, such as consents, building certificates, building Plans and historical records, to name a few.
IMPORTANT: If your request for information is for Adjoining Owner Details for Fencing Purposes, you must also complete a Statutory Declaration form and submit it with your application. The Statutory declaration must be signed by a JP, Police or Solicitor.
Use this form if information is not available to you through an Informal Access to Information Application process.
A Formal Access to Information Application is required if you are seeking a large number of documents or extensive searches, or you are seeking personal or business information about a third party who must be consulted before the information can be released.
Formal Access applications will take up to 20 days or more to complete and will incur a $30 application fee and possible processing charges.
Council can refuse a request for information if there is an overriding public interest against the disclosure of information sought, or if the information involves the unreasonable use of Council's resources.
Council will explain the reasons an access application has been refused. If you are not satisfied with a refusal, you may apply for an internal review by Council's Reviewing Officer. If you are not satisfied with the internal review, you may seek to have the matter reviewed by the Office of the Information Commissioner or by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT).
You may wish to apply for an internal review of a decision Liverpool City Council has made under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009. You must lodge your application with us within 20 working days after the notice of decision was given to you.
You can make your request for Internal Review online here.
The application fee for an internal review is $40.
Council’s open access information includes:
Under the GIPA Act, Council must have an agency information guide which sets out Council’s structure and functions and how you can access Council information.
Access to Council Information Guide
The GIPA Act requires Council to record and publish certain information about contracts worth more than $150,000 with private sector bodies.
Liverpool City Council data breach notification
Liverpool City Council is notifying you of an incident of unauthorised disclosure of personal information held by Council.
Security is very important in our operations and the nature of this breach is unusual. Staff at Liverpool City Council have responded quickly.
On 26 April 2024, Council became aware that an error occurred on that day which resulted in a file being sent to an incorrect email address outside the organisation. The file contained the personal information of approximately 560 customers. This unauthorised disclosure included the following details:
- name;
- physical address;
- email address;
- telephone number;
- details of payments due to the Council, such as debtor numbers, invoice numbers, compliance references and outstanding amounts.
Council has not been able to identify the holder of the email address to which the information was sent. We have no reason to believe that the holder of the email address has any ill-intent and we have requested by follow-up email that the information be deleted. We cannot, however, provide reassurance that this has been done.
We want to reassure you that no passwords, credit card details or bank account details were disclosed. No records have been affected or altered in this data breach, so the accuracy of the information we hold about you is unaffected.
We are sorry and disappointed that this could happen and we apologise to you and all affected customers. We take full responsibility and are doing what we can to right this and prevent it from happening again.
Council is endeavouring to directly contact all people who are affected by this data breach via email and inform them of how to further protect their information. We advise you to be vigilant in reviewing or being contacted either via email or via telephone in relation to any invoices and debtors issued by Council. We also recommend that you scrutinise emails for suspicious links and contact us if you are concerned.
There is general government advice on protecting your identity and security that you may find helpful –
Fact Sheet – Act Now Stay Secure campaign (
To date, Council has taken action in response to the data breach which includes undertaking a preliminary investigation, notifying the NSW Privacy Commissioner, and affected persons. Actions to prevent future data breaches of a similar kind from occurring may include providing training to staff and reviewing current policies and procedures.
An officer has also been specifically assigned to answer questions about this data breach and to provide more information, if required.
Contact: Kelly Phillpott
Phone: 1300 36 2170
If you are not satisfied with the actions taken by Liverpool City Council, you can lodge a complaint with the NSW Privacy Commissioner at the Information and Privacy Commission (IPC). The IPC can be contacted at:
Freecall: 1800 472 679
Post: GPO Box 7011, Sydney NSW 2001
If you believe that Liverpool Council has breached any of the privacy principles in the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) or the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW), you can seek an internal review of our conduct. To seek an internal review please write to:
David Day
Head of Governance
Council's Delegations Register is in an Excel format which, because of its size, cannot be downloaded to Council's website. However, copies of individual delegations can be made available by contacting Council's Access to Information Officer on 1300 36 2170.
Council's disclosure log records details about information that has already been released in response to formal applications for information which may be of interest to other members of the public (unless the applicant objects to its recording).
In accordance with section 6(5) of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act), Liverpool City Council must keep a record of any open access information that it does not make publicly available on the basis that there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
The Liverpool City Council Land Register is available here.
Mayor, Councillors, the Chief Executive Officer, Council senior staff and IHAP panel members are considered designated staff and under section 4.21 of the Council Code of Conduct, must file annual returns in regard to their pecuniary interests.
Returns are tabled annually at a Council meeting, usually in October. These returns are open access information available to the public to inspect.
Under section 375A of the Local Government Act 1993, the Chief Executive Officer must record which Councillors vote for and against each Council planning decision and make this information publicly available. Every decision recorded in the register must describe the individual matter being determined and how each Councillor voted.
Download the Register of Planning Matters
The Local Government Act 1993 requires that political donations to candidates and parties for elections in NSW be declared and registered. To obtain access to declarations made on behalf of all candidates for elections to Liverpool City Council, please visit the NSW Electoral Commission website.
Council's register of graffiti removal work records the work carried out by Council under the Graffiti Control Act 2008. You can view the Register here.
Section 625 of the Local Government Act 1993 states that Council may invest money not required for any other purpose and that it must be invested in a form notified by order of the Minister for Local Government. Council invests its temporary surplus funds, as required by Council's Investment Policy, Investment Strategy and State Government guidelines. Council staff provides a monthly report of investments to Council.
Council's Investment Register can be accessed here.