Project scope: Construction of aquatic and leisure facility and upgrades to Hammondville Park identified in the Park Masterplan
Project phase: Planning
Architect: To be determined
Design start: 2024
Design completion: 2025
Construction start: subject to funding (early Capital Works including 2023/24 Synthetic Field)
Council is committed to ensuring that the needs of the community are at the forefront of planning and decision-making. Council has adopted several long-term strategies to guide the future planning of community facilities and recreation, open space and sports in Liverpool over the next 10 years.
Hammondville Aquatic and Leisure Centre has been identified as a major planning project by Council for several years. A masterplan design for Hammondville has been developed and is proposed to integrate seamlessly with the surrounding sporting facilities and maximise connections with the sporting recreation and open spaces, and through the design recognise and celebrate traditional land ownership.
At a high level, the revised masterplan proposes:
- The construction of a new aquatic and leisure centre, including integrated spectator and pavilion spaces overlooking the Rugby League Oval that integrate seamlessly with the surrounding sporting facilities and maximise connections with the sporting recreation and open spaces.
- Installation of synthetic/hybrid soccer fields and the Landscape regeneration and renewal of existing sporting ovals.
- Provide access to and along Harris Creek for walking with country trails, walking and cycling.
- Provide DDA access from the neighbouring retirement living areas into and within the site (including Sporties)
- Council services that may include Library, Childcare and Community facilities in an integrated Community Hub model.
Visit the Hammondville Park Masterplan page for updates and current progress on the masterplan.
All submissions regarding the Draft Plan of Management for Hammondville Park have been assessed and the results of the public exhibition and the public hearing can be found here. The Plan of Management will be tabled at the May council meeting.
You can share your thoughts on the Hammondville Precinct through a written submission to: or Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting File No 364640.2023