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State Environmental Planning Policies

The NSW Government has established State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) to address significant issues of the state and the people of NSW. SEPPs contain individual chapters that apply to a specific area or in specific circumstances. In some cases, they override the Liverpool LEP 2008 and Liverpool DCP 2008, while in other cases they are applied in conjunction with them.

On 1 March 2022 several SEPPs were consolidated. The following new SEPPS (and relevant chapters) apply to the Liverpool LGA:

New SEPPOld SEPPRelevant Chapter of New SEPP
SEPP (Planning Systems) 2021
  1. State and Regional Development SEPP
  2. Concurrence SEPP
  1. Chapter 2 – State and Regional Development
  2. Chapter 4 – Concurrences & Consents
SEPP (Biodiversity and Conservation) 2021
  1. Vegetation SEPP
  2. Koala SEPP 2020
  3. Koala SEPP 2021
  4. SEPP 19 (Bushland in Urban Areas)
  5. SEPP 50 (Canal Estate   Development)
  6. Hawkesbury–Nepean River   SREP
  7. Georges River REP
  1. Chapter 2 – Vegetation in non-rural areas
  2. Chapter 3 – Koala Habitat Protection 2020
  3. Chapter 4 – Koala Habitat Protection 2021
  4. Chapter 6 – Bushland in Urban Areas
  5. Chapter 7 – Canal Estate Development
  6. Chapter 9 – Hawkesbury–Nepean River
  7. Chapter 11 – Georges River
SEPP (Resilience and Hazards) 2021
  1. Coastal Management SEPP
  2. SEPP 33
  3. SEPP 55
  1. Chapter 2 – Coastal Management
  2. Chapter 3 – Hazardous and Offensive Development
  3. Chapter 4 – Remediation of Land
SEPP (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021
  1. Infrastructure SEPP
  2. Education and Childcare SEPP
  3. Major Infrastructure Corridors SEPP
  1. Chapter 2 - Infrastructure
  2. Chapter 3 – Educational Establishments and Childcare Facilities
  3. Chapter 4 - Major Infrastructure Corridors
SEPP (Industry and Employment) 2021
  1. Western Sydney Employment SEPP
  2. SEPP 64
  1. Chapter 2 - Western Sydney   Employment Area
  2. Chapter 3 – Advertising and Signage
SEPP (Resources and Energy) 2021
  1. Mining SEPP
  2. Extractive Industries   SREP
  1. Chapter 2 – Mining, Petroleum Production and Extractive Industries
  2. Chapter 3 – Extractive Industries in Sydney area
SEPP (Primary Production) 2021
  1. Primary Production and Rural Development SEPP
  1. Chapter 2 – Primary Production and Rural Development
SEPP (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021
  1. State Significant Precincts SEPP
  2. Sydney Region Growth Centre SEPP
  3. Western Sydney Aerotropolis SEPP
  4. Western Sydney Parklands   SEPP
  1. Chapter 2 – State Significant Precincts
  2. Chapter 3 – Sydney Region Growth Centres
  3. Chapter 4 – Western Sydney Aerotropolis
  4. Chapter 7 – Western Sydney Parklands

The key SEPP applying to land in Liverpool is the SEPP (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021. It contains planning provisions for specific geographic areas, such as:

  • Edmondson Park South
  • Austral and Leppington North
  • East Leppington
  • Western Sydney Parklands
  • Western Sydney Aerotropolis

Note: All SEPPs can be found on the NSW Government’s Legislation website.

The applicable planning instruments can vary subject to the proposed development. To determine which policies apply to your land please see Council’s ePlanning portal or obtain a Section 10.7 Certificate.