Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

Crime and Safety

Council has a role to play in making our community a safer place. There are a number of programs Council is involved in to increase public safety and awareness in Liverpool by equipping people with a greater knowledge and understanding of safe practices and crime prevention.

Liverpool City Council works with a wide range of stakeholders including NSW Police to make sure Liverpool is a safer place to live, work and visit. Community Safety and Crime Prevention strategies are developed to make sure all stakeholders play an active role in making the community safer and preventing crime at the local level.

Draft Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2019 – 2022

The draft Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2019 – 2022 is developed through the review of the previous Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2013 – 2017 and extensive consultation with Liverpool City Police Area Command (PAC), the local community and businesses. A Community Safety and Crime Prevention survey was conducted to identify and incorporate local community issues and concerns in the Strategy. Crime data was also analysed from Liverpool City PAC as well as from the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR). The new Strategy encourages collaborative approaches to make the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA) a safer place in which to live, work and visit.

Draft Liverpool Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2021

The draft Liverpool Crime Prevention Plan 2019 – 2022 is developed for endorsement by NSW Department of Justice in order for Council to be eligible to apply for funding through the Safer Community Compact grant program. This three year Plan is a component  of Liverpool Community Safety and Crime Prevention Strategy 2019 – 2022.  Please download the Draft Crime Prevention Plan for NSW Department of Justice 2019 - 2021

For further information please phone 1300 36 2170 or email

Liverpool Community Safety and Crime Prevention Advisory Committee is a Council Committee that meets quarterly. The Safety Advisory Committee aims to improve community safety and reduce crime and injury in the Liverpool Local Government Area by adopting a collaborative approach to tackling local issues. The quarterly meeting is held first Thursday in March, June, September and December from 10am to 12pm.

For further information please phone 1300 36 2170 or email

Liverpool City has been officially recognised as a Pan Pacific Safe Community – a strong, cohesive, vibrant community, where citizens actively participate in public life. Liverpool is only the second NSW city to join an international community of around 60 cities to achieve Pan Pacific Safe Community accreditation. The Safe Community Model is internationally recognised and follows a set of core criteria that emphasises community leadership, participation, communication and networking.

Pan Pacific Safe Community members.

Liverpool City Council and Liverpool City Police Area Command (PAC) want residents to help them clean up graffiti in the community.

The best thing that business owners and home-owners can do is to clean new graffiti from their premises within 24 hours. Graffiti vandals want to see their tag on display, so immediate and constant clean-up is a real deterrent.

The whole community can act to prevent graffiti vandalism by taking simple preventative measures including:

  • Parents keeping an eye on their children's schoolbags - if you see a tag sprayed or painted on the bag or tags drawn in exercise books, take this as a warning that your children could be spraying graffiti and take action to ensure that your child does not become a graffiti vandal
  • Shop owners and employees being vigilant and remembering that it's an offence to sell spray paint to children under the age of 18. All spray paint should be stored on high shelves out of the reach of minors

If you see graffiti vandalism in progress, call Liverpool City PAC on 9765 9499.

For more information visit the NSW Government's Graffiti webpage.

For further information please phone 1300 36 2170 or email