Plans of Management

Council manages and maintains a diverse network of community and Crown Land, such as bushland, parks and sporting fields, for the benefit of all residents, visitors and workers.

All land managed by Liverpool City Council and used by the community, requires a Plan of Management under the Crown Land Management Act 2016 and the Local Government Act 1993. This also includes Crown Land, where Council has been appointed as Crown Land Manager.

A Plan of Management helps to guide the successful delivery of open spaces and recreational facilities available to you, the community. The plans also set out how Crown and Council Land will be used, maintained, managed and improved in the future.

In the case of Crown Land Reserves, adoption of the Plan of Management is subject to Ministerial consent by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure.

What is a Plan of Management?

A Plan of Management is a document written for land that is managed by Council and classified as community land.

Why develop Plans of Management?

The Crown Land Management Act 2016 introduced legislation that requires local Councils to manage some Crown reserved land as if it were public land under the Local Government Act 1993.

This means that Council is required to prepare Plans of Management for its Crown Reserves.

Council will be developing approximately 20 Plans of Management for Crown Reserves in Liverpool. This will be done in stages.

The Draft Plans of Management listed below are in various stages of progress:

Please see Council’s Liverpool Listens pages or our Public Exhibition pages for any Plans of Management currently in progress.

For further information on Plans of Management please email us at or send a written submission to Mark Taylor Acting Co-ordinator, Community Planning, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871