Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

Planning Agreements

Download the Liverpool City Council Planning Agreements Policy

Download the Council preferred template for Voluntary Planning Agreement.

Open Planning Agreements

Planning agreements still in progress:


Luddenham: 275 Adams Road


Liverpool City Council

CFT No 13 Pty Limited atf Coombes Family Trust No 13


The Developer has lodged a State Significant Development application to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI), the consent authority, for a resource recovery facility (SSD-10446).

For DPHI to determine SSD-10446, a Contributions Plan or a Planning Agreement must be in place to allow collection of development contributions. The site is situated within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct where a Contributions Plan did not exist at the time of the execution of this VPA.

In the absence of an endorsed Contributions Plan, Council entered into this VPA to allow the assessment and determination of SSD-10446 by the DPHI.

Date of Execution

04 July 2024


Monetary Contributions of either:

10% of the Capital Investment Value of the development on site (if Contributions Plan is not adopted by 31 December 2027); or

At a rate in an adopted Contributions Plan (if it is adopted before 31 December 2027)

This is for the provision of a Public Purpose.

Public Benefits

Providing local infrastructure contributions to Council through development within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis (in the absence of a Contributions Plan).

Public Notification

3 May 2024 to 31 May 2024


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note


Liverpool City Council (


Austral: 47-53 Seventeenth Avenue


Liverpool City Council

Austral North Nominees Pty Ltd


The Developer has lodged development application DA-922/2021 for the subdivision of the Land into 51 residential lots.

The Developer has offered, to pay a portion of the cost of the construction of the GPT, on the terms of this agreement.

On 31 August 2022, Council resolved to endorse for public exhibition the proposed Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement and accompanying explanatory note for a period of 28 days.


Construction of a CDS Gross Pollutant Trap


  • Further develop a commercial centre that accommodates a variety of employment opportunities.
  • Deliver and maintain a range of transport related infrastructure such as footpaths, bus shelters and bikeways.
  • Deliver a high-quality local road system including provision and maintenance of infrastructure and management of traffic issues.
  • Facilitate economic development.


Agreed Contribution: $95,000.00.

Purpose: Construction of the Gross Pollutant Trap.

Contribution received: None

Contribution spent: None


5 September 2022 to 3 October 2022


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note


CLICK HERE for 47 Seventeenth Avenue, Prestons

CLICK HERE for 53 Seventeenth Avenue, Prestons


Middleton Grange Town Centre


Liverpool City Council

Al- Somai Developments Pty Ltd


On 25 June 2015, a planning proposal request was lodged with Council to amend the Liverpool Local Environment Plan (LEP) 2008 for land at 60-80 Southern Cross Avenue and 45-65 Hall circuit Middleton Grange, which forms part of the site for a planned local centre for Middleton Grange.

On 29 October 2019 a revised planning proposal was lodged with Council and publicly exhibited between 13 November 2019 until 11 December 2019.

On 25 August 2021, after an extensive independent assessment Council resolved to endorse the planning proposal, subject to the recommended changes contained within the Hill PDA assessment. The revised planning proposal was forwarded to the Department with a recommendation that the revised planning proposal proceeds.

On 27 April 2022, Council was advised that the planning proposal was gazetted.

On 29 June 2022, Council resolved to endorse for public exhibition the proposed Middleton Grange Town Centre Planning Agreement for 28 days.


24 November 2022


  • Dedication   of New Park 2 to Council
  • Embellishment   of New Park 2
  • Construction   of a signalised intersection at Main Street and Flynn Avenue and the   intersection for the new proposed access lane and Flynn Avenue
  • Construction   of a roundabout at Southern Cross Avenue and Main Street
  • Construction   of a T-intersection at Southern Cross Avenue and Middleton Drive
  • Construction   of a T-intersection at Southern Cross Avenue and Bravo Avenue
  • Construction   of an upgrade to Cowpasture Road intersection, Flynn Avenue from Qantas   Boulevard to Ulm Street as a widened 4 lane road within the existing road   reserve
  • Construction   of a road upgrade and services for southern Cross Avenue to a standard   comparable to the existing Southern Cross Drive between the western boundary   of the Land to the Middleton Grange Primary School
  • Construction   of the culvert and drainage works
  • A   total Monetary Contribution of up to $8,000,000 calculated by reference to   the Gross Floor Area of each building in the Development above the threshold   of 72,000m2 of Gross Floor Area in the Development


Construction of an open space and embellishment works to the area designated as Park 3 within a minimum area of 2,500sqm (park to remain in the private ownership of the developer, but with a public access easement)

Dedication of Park 2 to Council and to be zoned as RE1 – Public Recreation

Construction and upgrade of roads in the development area.


Agreed Contribution: Up to $8,000,000.00

Purpose: Council must apply the Monetary Contribution towards a public purpose that will benefit the Middleton Grange Community, including but not limited to local and regional facilities

Contribution received: None

Contribution spent: None


25 July 2022 to 22 August 2022


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note


Click Here


Liverpool: 220 Northumberland Street


Liverpool City Council

Daniel Biordi, Francesca Biordi and Lorenzo Biordi


The Developers have lodged a planning proposal in May 2013 for 220-230 Northumberland Street, Liverpool, DA-490-2013.

The Developers propose the demolition of existing structures and erection of a seven (7) story commercial building.

The VPA is for a monetary contribution for additional local car parking spaces


13 August 2014


Contribution towards additional car parking spaces in the city centre as a result of the increased need for parking spaces due to the Development


Provision of public car parking in the Liverpool Local Government Area


Agreed Contribution: Equal to or greater than $235,445 following the formula in the VPA

Purpose: Funding towards additional car parking spaces as a result of the Development

Timing: Prior to the issue of Construction Certificate

Contribution received: No


24 July 2013 to 8 August 2013


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note




Leppington: 1370 Camden Valley Way


Liverpool City Council

Vicliz Pty Ltd


As a result of the lodgement of a rezoning application by Vicliz Pty Ltd, under Planning Proposal RZ-1/2017, have entered into a Planning Agreement with Liverpool City Council for the land Lot E in DP 28997, 1370 Camden Valley Way, Leppington NSW 2179.

The offer made by the Developer is largely based on the need for public recreation facilities resulting from the Instrument Change. The Planning Agreement will assist in the early delivery of recreation facilities, without any additional cost to Council.


11 February 2022


The development contributions provided by the Developer under the Planning Agreement are described in the table below and will be delivered prior to the issue of the first residential subdivision certificate in relation to the proposed development on the Land.

Item of Works


Social Court

Broom finish concrete surface plaza with outdoor seating and tree plantings. Informal recreation elements (i.e. basketball/netball hoop, bocce court etc). Width 20m, length 20m, area 400m2.

Walking Loop

Broom finished concrete. Width 2.5m, length 180m, area 450m2.

Link Across Riparian Corridor (Boardwalk/Bridge)

Broom finished concrete path connecting to boardwalk spanning riparian corridor. Structure: steel and timber.

Decking: recycled plastic

Balustrade: steel and timber

Width 3.5m, length 70m (actual span of boardwalk to be acceptable to Council), area 245m2.

Pedestrian Crossing

Raised, marked pedestrian crossing in accordance with AS1742.10. Pedestrian refuge to be included, if required. Width 3.6m and length 17m


Delivery of public recreation facilities


5 September 2021 to 3 October 2021


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note




Liverpool City Council

Muhibbah Construction Pty Ltd


Development Application DA-904/2019 at 28 Yarrunga Street, Prestons.


28 April 2021


Staged demolition of all existing structures on the site.

The construction of a multi-storey warehouse / industrial complex over 2 stages comprising of 8 warehouses and 397 parking spaces.




12 May 2021 to 9 June 2021

DOCUMENT CM 310803.2021

Planning Agreement Muhibbah Construction Pty Ltd 28 Yarrunga Street Prestons


Click here

DOCUMENTSPlanning Agreement


Liverpool City Council
ZHC Investments Pty Limited


The developer has lodged a Planning Proposal with respect to the instrument change.

Date of Execution



The development to which the Planning Agreement applies is the future development of the Land permitted as a result of the amendment to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 which would allow for residential lots to be built on the Land.

Public Benefits



Affordable housing with affordable housing lots that must:
(a) comprise at a minimum of the following composition:
(i) 1 x 1 bedroom affordable housing lot;
(ii) 2 x 2 bedroom affordable housing lot;
(iii) 1 x 3 bedroom affordable housing lot;
(b) have an aggregate gross floor area of no less than five per cent (5%) of  the gross floor area of all residential lots within the Development; and
(c) be to a similar and comparable standard to all other residential lots within  the Development

Upon the registration of any strata plan of subdivision with respect to the development

Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $77,750.00
Purpose: public domain improvements in the local vicinity
Contribution received: No
Contribution spent: No

Public Notification Dates

10 May 2021 to 7 June 2021


Planning Agreement
Explanatory Notes


8 Hoxton Park Road, Liverpool

  • Liverpool City Council
  • Amarino Pty Ltd


Date of Execution -
  • Remediation of the Designated Land
  • Carrying out of the program of works for soil remediation, weed control, regeneration, re-vegetation for all Designated Land
  • Conducting maintenance works described in the Vegetation Management Plan
  • Drainage facilities
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $153,261

Purpose: Funding towards district drainage and administration

Contribution received: No

Contribution spent: N/A

Public Notification Dates -
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Shepherd Street Developments Pty Ltd
  • Coronation Pty Ltd
  • Shepherd Property Nominee Pty Ltd
Background Coronation Property Co P/L (t/a Shepherd Street Developments P/L) lodged a planning proposal in September 2015 for 20, 28, 31 and 33 Shepherd Street, Liverpool.  They modified the proposal in March 2016 to also include 26 and 32 Shepherd Street. The proposal was modified to reduce the densities, building height and floor space ratios sought.
Date of Execution 8 November 2017
Description The planning agreement will be a key part of providing direct access to the Georges River, which seeks to activate the foreshore area and deliver on Liverpool's River City status. The planning agreement will unlock access constraints on and around the Liverpool City Centre and will not only provide major public benefits but be a catalyst to deliver on Liverpool Council's vision to become a river city. Providing a high quality residential development that will incorporate excellent residential amenity and protects the amenity of the residents of future surrounding development.
Public Benefits



  • Pedestrian & cycle pathway upgrade
  • Prior to the issue of the 310th dwelling occupation certificate.
  • Bank stabilisation and Riverwalk works
  • Prior to the issue of the 500th dwelling occupation certificate.
  • Shuttle bus service,
  • Prior to the issue of the 600th dwelling occupation certificate.
  • bike share pods,
  • publicly accessible car share spaces,
  • Woodbrook Road   pedestrian and cycle underpass, and
  • rehabilitation of riparian zone
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $26,000 per dwelling for each dwelling over specified number on each development site

Purpose: Funding towards local traffic infrastructure, reginal traffic infrastructure and open space

Contribution received: Paid as increments on relevant Development approvals

Contribution spent: No

Public Notification Dates 26 October 2016 - 25 November 2016
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Sanfilippo Pty Ltd

Development Application DA-590/2012 subdivided land at 75 - 85 Flynn Avenue, Middleton Grange.

The approval represents a 6% reduction from the minimum density development standard.

The VPA is for a monetary contribution for local community, recreation, transport and drainage facilities in accordance with the lot yield required by Clause 7.11.

Date of Execution -
Description Contribution towards local community, recreational, transport, and drainage facilities within Middleton Grange in accordance with the Liverpool Contributions Plan 2009 (Middleton Grange)
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $31,804

Purpose: Funding towards local community, recreational, transport and drainage facilities

Contribution received: Payment not due

Contribution spent: N/A

Public Notification Dates

26 September 2012 to 24 October 2012

DocumentsPlanning Agreement 
Locationclick here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Six Central Avenue Pty Ltd

Development Application DA-590/2012 subdivided land at 75 - 85 Flynn Avenue, Middleton Grange.

The approval represents a 6% reduction from the minimum density development standard.

The VPA is for a monetary contribution for local community, recreation, transport and drainage facilities in accordance with the lot yield required by Clause 7.11.

Date of Execution -
Description Contribution towards local community, recreational, transport, and drainage facilities within Middleton Grange in accordance with the Liverpool Contributions Plan 2009 (Middleton Grange)
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $31,804 (as at Dec 2012)

Purpose: Funding towards local community, recreational, transport and drainage facilities

Contribution received: Payment not due

Contribution spent: N/A

Public Notification Dates8 February 2012 – 7 March 2012
Documents Planning Agreement 
LocationClick here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Giovanni DeFilippis & Amelia DeFilippis
Background An application was lodged with Council for the subdivision of the land as a part of DA-235/2011.  This application did not meet the minimum density control of the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 through a shortfall of three new residential lots. Following consideration of the application, council supported the variation to the minimum density control. This Planning Agreement was then developed to ensure there was no shortfall in contributions for the developed land.
Date of Execution 4 May 2012

Contribution towards local community, recreational, transport and drainage facilities within Middleton Grange generally in accordance with the requirements of the applicable development contributions plan.

Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $97,704

Purpose: Funding towards local community, recreational, transport and drainage facilities

Contribution received: Payment not due

Contribution spent: N/A

Public Notification Dates 8 February – 7 March 2012
DocumentsPlanning Agreement
LocationClick here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Mirvac Homes (NSW) Pty Limited
  • New Brighton Golf Club Limited

As a result of the lodgement of a rezoning application by the New Brighton Golf Club, Liverpool City Council prepared a planning proposal to rezone part of the New Brighton Golf Course land at Moorebank from RE2 Private Recreation to R1 General Residential. The planning proposal facilitated the development of 310 dwellings, developed by Mirvac Homes NSW. The rezoning also facilitated the reconfiguration of the golf course on land located south of the M5 Motorway, some of which is Council owned land.

The development generates the need for additional public facilities which is to be facilitated through a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA).

Date of Execution21 September 2012
  • Bike/pedestrian path - within the   Georges River Foreshore land to be dedicated to Council
  • Bike/pedestrian path - linking   between the Georges River Foreshore and residential land along the northern   boundary of Lot 103 DP 1070029 to Brickmakers Drive
  • Riparian planting within the public   recreation land along the foreshore (in accordance with an approved   vegetation management plan) and adjacent to cycleway links and golf course   land
  • Bike/pedestrian path - within the   residential area in accordance with figure 5 of the Development Control Plan
  • Landscaping and recreational   facilities provided on Lot 1 within the Community Scheme established as part   of the development comprising community swimming pool, mixed use court,   cabana and meeting place, seating and BBQ's
  • Preparation of a Vegetation   Management Plan to the satisfaction of Council which defines offsets required
  • Construction of a perimeter fence   around the basin located on the southern boundary of Lot 2210 DP 1090818
  • Reconstruction of Cantello Reserve   Dog Park within Cantello Reserve
  • Public access to Georges River   Foreshore and Cantello Reserve - Construction of 8 metre wide access and   easement to enable the public to traverse under the M5 Motorway
  • Local drainage facilities -   installation of 2 Gross Pollutant Traps
  • Construction of water quality control ponds
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $445,970

Purpose: Funding towards district community and district recreation

Contribution received: Paid as increments on relevant Development approvals.

Contribution spent: Yes – various projects including Whitlam Centre extension, Central Library extension and establishment of Powerhouse Museum.

Public Notification Dates -
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Syesun Pty Ltd


Date of Execution 8 November 2012
  • Embellishment of River Foreshore Land
  • Dedication of River Foreshore Land to   Council
  • Development of a Vegetation   Management Plan and offset strategy
  • Completion of works described in the   Vegetation Management Plan
  • Construction of bike/pedestrian path   for the entire length of river foreshore reserve
  • Conducting maintenance works   described in the Vegetation Management Plan
  • Construction of pedestrian footpath   along northern boundary of the site within Newbridge Road verge - length of   the part of the allotment zoned RE2 Private Recreation
  • Construction of pedestrian footpath   along northern boundary of site within Newbridge Road verge - length of the part of the allotment zoned B6 Enterprise Corridor
Public BenefitsItemTiming
  • Embellishment of river foreshore land and construction of   bike/pedestrian path
  • Prior to the issue of any Construction Certificate
  • Construction of pedestrian footpath along northern boundary of   site within Newbridge Road verge
  • In conjunction with any development of the land
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $362,500
Purpose: Funding towards river foreshore land, vegetation, bike & pedestrian access
Contribution Received: None
Contribution Spent: None

Public Notification Dates September 2012
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Tanlane Pty Ltd
Date of Execution 11 June, 2008
  • Construction and dedication of "Pedestrian   Access to Newbridge Road'
  • Construction of "Bike/Pedestrian Path"   through River Foreshore Land
  • Construction of passive recreation facilities on   the River Foreshore Land
  • Embellishment of River Foreshore Land
  • Dedication of River Foreshore Land to Council as   identified
  • Development of a Vegetation Management Plan for   the River Foreshore Land
  • Completion of works described in the Vegetation   Management Plan for the River Foreshore Land
  • Conducting maintenance works described in the   Vegetation Management Plan
  • Construction and dedication of   "Bike/Pedestrian Path Link to Brickmakers Drive
  • Dedication of a drainage channel
  • Construction and dedication of road bridge over   drainage channel, embankment and road to Brickmakers Drive
  • Dedication of an easement over the Land for   access for the purpose of allowing Council to undertake maintenance to the   River Foreshore Land
Public Benefits



  • Construction and dedication of road bridge and road to Brickmakers Drive
  • Prior to the issue of a subdivision certificate that would create the 1st  residential lot
  • Embellishment of river foreshore land,
  • Prior to the issue of a subdivision certificate that would create the 75th  residential lot
  • restored and enhanced vegetation,
  • removal of noxious weeds,
  • construction of Bike/Pedestrian pathway and passive recreation   facilities,
  • construction and dedication of 'pedestrian access to Newbridge   Road'
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $2,611,800
Purpose: Funding towards river foreshore land, vegetation, bike & pedestrian paths, drainage facilities and road works.
Contribution Received: None
Contribution Spent: None

Public Notification Dates April, 2008
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Australian Turf Club Limited

As a result of the lodgement of a rezoning application by the Australian Turf Club, Liverpool City Council prepared a local environmental plan for land south of Governor Macquarie Drive, Warwick Farm, known as Coopers Paddock. Specifically the proposal is to rezone Coopers Paddock to RE1 Public Recreation, E2 Environment Conservation and IN1 General Industrial.

The proposal also seeks to amend the Liverpool LEP 2008 by adding ‘sales and stock yard’ as permissible development in the RE2 Private Recreation. The proponent and Inglis seek to develop part of the Warwick Farm Racecourse precinct for this purpose.

Date of Execution14 May 2012
  • Remediation of the Designated Land
  • Carry out the program of works for soil remediation, weed control, regeneration, re-vegetation for all Designated Land
  • Offset Works
  • Widen Governor Macquarie Drive to two lanes in each direction between the entrance to the Coopers Paddock Site and a new entrance into the Australian Turf Club Site near the existing Old Tote   Stand
  • Provision of the following works to both carriageways of Governor Macquarie Drive; Lighting, Kerb and Guttering, and median strip
  • Construction of two new intersections at the Coopers Paddock and Governor Macquarie Drive intersection and proposed car park entrance
  • Bike/pedestrian path - Construction   of shared path adjacent to Governor Macquarie Drive, running from the existing cycle path near the William Long Bridge to the Hume Highway
  • Bike/pedestrian path – including the   construction of shared path within the Dedicated Land along the foreshore and within the Industrial land and the construction of a shared path from Munday Street to Warwick Farm Railway Station
  • Dedication of Public Recreation and Environmental Conservation land
  • Dedication of Road Reservation - Governor Macquarie Drive
Financial Contribution

Agreed Contribution: $3,717,715
Purpose: Road works, bike & pedestrian paths and recreational works.
Contribution Received: None
Contribution Spent: None

Public Notification Dates -
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Gazcorp Pty Ltd

In March 2015, the Developer lodged the Initial Planning Proposal with Council, with the initial Voluntary Planning Agreement being executed on 25 May 2018.

On 5 November 2020 the Developer lodged the Further Planning Proposal with Council.

On 13 April 2021, the Developer sent to Council an amended public benefit offer in relation to amendments sought to the LEP pursuant to the Further Planning proposal.

On 1 July 2021, a gateway determination was issued in relation to the Further Planning Proposal allowing the LEP to be amended as follows:

  1. Include   Business Premises as an additional permitted use under Schedule 1, Clause 24   as it applies to the ‘Homemaker Centre’ site at 10 Orange Grove Road, Warwick   Farm (Lot 101 DP 1043160).
  2. Increase   the current cap on Retail Premises under Schedule 1, Clause 21 from 1900xqm   to 21,000sqm and change the legal description so that the subject clause   would apply to the ‘Fashion Spree’ site at 5 Viscount Place, Warwick Farm   (Lot 23 DP 1190437).

When the Instrument Change occurs, any development subsequently carried out is likely to increase the demand for the provision of public facilities.

As a consequence of the matters set out above, the Developer has offered to provide the Development Contributions on, and subject to, the terms set out in this Planning Agreement when the Instrument Change occurs.

Date of Execution2 November 2022

    1. Homepride Avenue Roadworks

    • Roadworks   which will include the rehabilitation of the road surface and construction of   a pedestrian access on the Homepride Avenue Land.

    2. RMS Roadworks – Orange Grove Road / Viscount Place Intersection

    • Roadworks   which will include:

    (a) Construction of a 90 metre long left turn slip lane on the north approach to the signalised intersection of Orange Grove Road and Viscount Place. Any land components required for the provision of the slip lane will be dedicated to RMS by the Developer as public road at no cost to RMS; and

    (b) Extend dual right turn lanes on the south approach to 120 (adjacent median) and 180 metres (adjacent through lane).

    (note – the above road works shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Austroads and RMS supplements)

    3. RMS Roadworks – Hume Highway / Homepride Avenue Intersection

    • A   geometric road design concept plan of the roadworks outlined in this Item of   Work below on either a scaled aerial photograph and/or survey plan.
    • Roadworks   which will include an extension of the existing right turn storage bay on the   east approach to Homepride Avenue within the constraints of the existing Hume   Highway Corridor.
Financial Contribution

Contributions: For the Development minimum of $2,100,000

For Further Development minimum of $200,000

Purpose: Funding towards roadworks

Contribution Received: None

Contributions Spent: None

Public Notification Dates

12 October 2021 until 9 November 2021


Homemaker Centre, Orange Grove Road, Lot 101 DP1043160 Warwick Farm. Click here

Fashion Spree 5 Viscount Place, Warwick Farm (Lot 23 DP 1190437). Click here

Other Planning Authorities

  • QUBE RE SERVICES (NO. 2) PTY LIMITED in its capacity as the trustee of the Moorebank Industrial Terminals Assets Trust
  • QUBE RE SERVICES (NO. 2) PTY LIMITED in its capacity as the trustee of the Moorebank Industrial Terminals Operations Trust
  • QUBE RE SERVICES (NO. 2) PTY LIMITED in its capacity as the trustee of the Moorebank Industrial Warehouse Trust

Council is required by Clause 25F of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000 to include any Planning Agreements that apply to land within the council area, regardless of whether Council is a signatory.

State Voluntary Planning Agreement (SVPA-2018-9696) to support development of Moorebank Intermodal Precinct East development and Moorebank Intermodal Precinct West Development.

The Planning Agreement requires the Developer to make Development Contributions in connection with the Proposed Development and the Moorebank Intermodal Precinct West Development as a whole for the purposes of the provision of relevant State public infrastructure within the meaning of clause 7.36 of the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Liverpool LEP).

Date of Execution 21 March 2019
  • Monetary Contribution of $48 million: Regional road upgrade works
  • Works in Kind and Dedication: Moorebank Avenue Realignment or Moorebank Avenue South Upgrade
Public Notification Dates

1 November 2018 - 29 November 2018


Completed Planning Agreements

Planning agreements where all requirements have been met, including completion of works or payment of contributions:


Prestons: 14 Yarrunga Street


Liverpool City Council

Gunlake Concrete Pty Limited


The Developers have lodged a planning proposal in July 2017 for 14 Yarrunga Street, Prestons, DA-527/2017.

The Developers propose the construction and operation of a concrete batching plant and materials blending plant on the Land.

The VPA is for a monetary contribution for road works at the intersection of Yarrunga Street and Bernera Road.

The objective of the Planning Agreement is to therefore require the Developer to pay monetary contribution, so as to ensure that the Developer contributes to the provision of local improvements within the community and that existing communities do not bear those costs.


1 October 2020


The effect of the Planning Agreement is that the Developer will make the monetary contribution to Council for the provision of road widening works along the northern side of Yarrunga Street at the intersection with Bernera Road to enable B-Double trucks to turn left at the same time that other vehicles are carrying out right hand turns from Bernera Road to Yarrunga Street and Yato Road.


Providing local traffic infrastructure resulting in significant public benefit


8 July 2020 to 4 August 2020


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note




Prestons: 5 Melito Court


Liverpool City Council

Tap III Prestons Pty Ltd ATF The Tap III Prestons Trust


The Developer has been granted development consent (DA-1060/2020) for the demolition of existing structures, construction, and use of six (6) warehousing and distribution centres and associated site works.

The Developer has applied to modify the Development Consent, so that it is not required to carry out certain road works. If that application is approved, the Developer has agreed to make the Monetary Contribution on and subject to the terms of the Voluntary Planning Agreement

The offer outlined in the attached draft Voluntary Planning Agreement is for a monetary contribution of $387,600 (subject to CPI increases) paid to Council prior to the issue of any Occupation certificate for the development.

On 31 August 2022, Council resolved to endorse for public exhibition the proposed Draft Local Planning Agreement in conjunction with DA-1060/2020 at 5 Melito Court, Prestons for 28 days.


Monetary Contribution of $387,600 (subject to CPI increases) for

Traffic Management Infrastructure upgrades of the intersection of Bernera Road, Yarrunga Street and Yato Road, Prestons


  • Further develop a commercial centre that accommodates a variety of employment opportunities.
  • Deliver and maintain a range of transport related infrastructure such as footpaths, bus shelters and bikeways.
  • Deliver a high-quality local road system including provision and maintenance of infrastructure and management of traffic issues.
  • Facilitate economic development.


Agreed Contribution: $387,600.00 (subject to CPI increases)

Purpose: Traffic Management Infrastructure upgrades at the intersection of Bernera Road, Yarrunga Street and Yato Road, Prestons

Contribution received: None

Contribution spent: None


5 September 2022 to 3 October 2022


Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note


Click Here

  • Liverpool City Council
  • Jim, Elsa & Tom Ho Shon


Date of Execution -
Description Land swap and public road construction.
Public Notification Dates 
Location -
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Mirvac Homes (NSW) Pty Limited
  • Landcom


Date of Execution -
  • Pedestrian path/cycleway -  Construction of a 2.5m shared path within the relevant development area of the site
  • Pedestrian path/cycleway -  Construction of shared bridge across Hinchinbrook Creek
  • Landscaping and vegetation management   of the Public Recreation Land
  • Public recreation facilities with the   Public Recreation Land, including playground equipment and BBQ facilities
  • Road facilities including vehicular access over Hinchinbrook creek and a roundabout at the Feodore Drive and Stirling Street intersection
  • Local drainage facilities
  • Dedication of RE1 Public Recreation   zoned land
  • Upon or prior to completion of   riparian planting and maintenance works within the Public Recreation Land   during the Development of each Development Area
Public Notification Dates -
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Mirvac Projects Pty Limited
  • HPAL Freehold Pty Limited


Date of Execution -
  • Remediation of land zoned RE1 Public   Recreation
  • Carrying out of the program of works   for soil remediation, weed control, regeneration, re-vegetation for all land   to be dedicated to Council zoned RE1 Public Recreation
  • Vegetation Management of land zoned   RE1 Public Recreation
  • Public recreation facilities within RE1 zoned land
  • Bike and pedestrian path through Land   zoned RE1 between the northern boundary of Lot 22 DP 1042996 and the proposed   east-west access road and bridge
  • Bike and pedestrian path adjacent to   east-west access road from bridge to M7 underpass
  • Bike and pedestrian path - shared   path between Cowpasture Road and Hinchinbrook Primary School via Ward Place,   Hinchinbrook
  • Bike and pedestrian path between the   northern boundary of Lot 22 DP 1042996 and Cecil Hills High School
  • Local drainage facilities
  • Stormwater detention - Construction   of a detention basin with a minimum capacity of 122,000m3
  • Stormwater drainage - Construction of   drainage channel on land zoned SP2 Infrastructure and RE1 Public Recreation
  • Construction of a bridge over   Hinchinbrook Creek
  • Signalised intersection at the future   bridge intersection at Cowpasture Road, immediately north of Lot 101 CS 04/86
  • Signalised intersection at Cowpasture   Road adjacent to the southern boundary of Lot 310 DP 870967
  • Construction of two bus shelters
Public Notification Dates -
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Lateral Estate Pty Ltd
  • Autus Properties Pty Ltd
  • Lucror Developments Pty Ltd

A. On 28 June 2016, the Developer made a development application to the Council for development consent to carry out the development on the land.

B. That development application was accompanied by an offer by the Developer to enter into this agreement to make contributions for public purposes if development consent is granted.

Date of Execution 19 May 2017
Description To encourage the proper management, development and conservation of natural and artificial resources, including agricultural land, natural areas, forests, minerals, water, cities, towns and villages for the purpose of promoting the social and economic welfare of the community and a better environment.
Public Notification Dates March 2017
DocumentsPlanning Agreement
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Barclay Bannister Pty Ltd
  • Macquarie Learning Centre Pty Ltd
  • Fadi Hatem & Theresa Hatem
  • Andrew Elazzi
  • Goldstein & Rush Pty Ltd


Date of Execution -
Description Acquistion of land and construction of public laneway for pedestrian access on land.
Public Notification Dates 
DocumentsPlanning Agreement
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Boral Bricks Pty Ltd


Date of Execution -
  • Nuwarra Road/Maddecks Avenue intersection reconstruction
  • Construction of a Link Road from Newbridge Road at Governor Macquarie Drive to Nuwarra Road near the entrance to New Brighton Golf Course
  • Drainage basins
  • Bus shelters
  • Internal road works
  • Dedication of bush land east of Link Road
  • Rehabilitation of bush land east of Link Road
  • Dedication and embellishment of open space
Public Notification Dates -

Planning Agreement

Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Apex Investments Group Pty Ltd

The Development Consent requires the provision of public works by the Developer to provide localised road widening at the north-west corner of Bernera Road/Yarrunga Street/Yato Road intersection located 70m from the site to meet the needs of the Development (the Intersection Upgrade Works). The Modification Application proposes modification of the public works contribution condition above to provide a monetary contribution in lieu of undertaking the Intersection Upgrade Works.

Date of Execution 17 January 2019
Description The Developer to pay a monetary contribution in lieu of undertaking any of the Intersection Upgrade Works (Monetary Contribution)
Public Notification Dates 28 November to 26 December 2018
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • PSRE Prestons Pty Ltd atf PURT No.5 Unit Trust

The Development Consent requires the provision of public works by the Developer to provide localised road widening at the north-west corner of Bernara Road/Yarrunga Street/Yato Road intersection located 860m from the site to meet the needs of the Development (the Intersection Upgrade Works).

The Modification Application proposes modification of the public works contribution condition above to provide a monetary contribution in lieu of undertaking the Intersection Upgrade Works.

Date of Execution 17 October 2018
Description The Developer to pay a monetary contribution in lieu of undertaking any of
the Intersection Upgrade Works (Monetary Contribution), so as to ensure that the Developer contributes to the provision of transport infrastructure to meet the needs of the Development and that existing communities do not bear those costs
Public Notification Dates 
Locationclick here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Defence Housing Australia


Date of Execution 10 September, 2007
  • Completion of those works set out in the Vegetation Management Plan
  • Construction of the road works in accordance with the Development Consent and Council's adopted specifications for Subdivision (Land Development) - Guidelines and Policies
  • Construction of drainage works within the development generally in accordance with the stormwater drainage works noted on the Indicative Master Plan
  • Remediation works, being the removal of any contamination within the Designated Land, in accordance with any   conditions of the Development Consent or as required by any Law
Public Notification Dates July, 2007

Planning Agreement

Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Australian Turf Club Limited
Date of Execution 26 October 2011
  • Intersection upgrade of Governor Macquarie Drive and Munday Street
Public BenefitsItemTiming
  • Intersection upgrade of Governor Macquarie Drive and Munday Street
  • Prior to the first Occupation Certificate being issued for any development on the business development land
Public Notification Dates August 2011
Location click here
  • Liverpool City Council
  • Gazcrop Pty Ltd


Date of Execution -
Description Contribution towards the Liverpool Town Improvement Fund
Public Notification Dates 
Locationclick here