Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

Fire Safety

Annual Fire Safety Statements

Buildings which contain essential fire safety measures such as hose reels, hydrants, exit signs, portable fire extinguishers, fire and smoke alarms are required to have an Annual Fire Safety Statement submitted to Council and Fire and Rescue NSW.

Our Fire Safety Officers work to ensure that the owners of all buildings that contain these items are aware of their obligation under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act,1979.

Smoke Alarms

It is an offence not to have smoke alarms in all homes and other shared accommodation buildings where people sleep.

For more information please click on the following highlighted link: Smoke alarms

Backyard Burning

Backyard burning is not allowed in the Liverpool local government area. This includes all of the rural area.

Backyard burning includes the burning of any material such as household rubbish, building material and garden waste:

  • In open fires in residential yards, on the street and in other public places
  • In domestic incinerators
  • In incinerators in home unit blocks

Liverpool local government area (LGA) is declared as a no burn area under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Clean Air) Regulation 2002.

At no time can you burn the following:

Rubbish, recyclable material, building material or garden waste - please use the waste services provided by Council to dispose of this material, if you have additional material please phone Council to discuss alternatives;
Dead animals - the Eastern Creek Waste Management Facility will accept dead animals, you need to phone before-hand to arrange disposal.

Backyard burning has been banned due to contributing to approximately one third of Sydney's unsightly brown haze.

It also can lead to:

Foul odours
Fallout of particulates
Emissions of potentially hazardous substances - for example fumes from burning plastics and treated timber.

This in turn has potential public and environmental health implications for the whole community.

Individuals risk 'on the spot fines' of $500.  Corporations risk fines of $1,000.

Corporations responsible for fire outbreaks requiring emergency incident response face penalties of up to $1,000,000 plus a further $120,000 for each day the offence occurs, while individuals face penalties of up to $250,000 plus $60,000 for each day the offence occurs.

Fire Bans

Remember in an emergency 13 dial 000.

For more information you can contact:

NSW Rural Fire Service Liverpool
02 9821 9300

Rural Fire Service Information Hotline
1800 654 443

Rural Fire Service Fire Information Line (recorded message)
02 9898 1356

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
131 555

Liverpool City Council
1300 36 2170