Due to continued growth and change in Liverpool, there may be occasions where the existing planning controls applying to the land do not reflect the best use of that land, or desired outcome for the area.
Council will, on occasion, review the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 to ensure that the planning controls appropriately reflect the desired character of the area. Applications for a planning proposal to amend the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 should clearly align with Council’s strategic directions, including local and sub-regional plans and policies.
Pre-planning Proposal Meeting
Prior to lodging an application for a planning proposal, applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Council to arrange a pre-planning proposal meeting with the Planning Section. The pre-planning proposal meeting allows Council and the proponent to identify the strategic considerations for the planning proposal and also agree on the level of detail and the information required to consider the application.
Request for pre-planning proposal meeting application form.
Lodging An Application
A planning proposal is a comprehensive evidence based report. The NSW Department of Planning and Environment has a page on Making and Amending LEPs - (nsw.gov.au) and should be used to prepare a planning proposal in accordance with the following:.
- Local Environmental Plan Making Guide; and;
- Standard Technical Requirements for Spatial Datasets and Maps
Planning proposals may be supported by a planning agreement, however the strategic merit of the planning proposal must not solely rely on a planning agreement. Refer to the Planning Agreement Policy on Council’s Planning Agreements Page for further details.
On 1 July 2021, the NSW Government introduced a new platform for lodging planning applications. You will now need to use the NSW Planning Portal to submit and monitor your application.
You can submit your application by clicking on the following link NSW Planning Portal.
Council’s fees and charges associated with the application will be charged once the initial assessment of the application has been undertaken and accepted.