Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

* All mandatory fields must be completed.

If your request for information is for Adjoining Owner Details for Fencing Purposes, you must complete a Statutory Declaration form and submit it with this application. IMPORTANT: The Statutory declaration must be signed by a JP, Police or Solicitor.

Download a Statutory Declaration form here.

Please specify the type of application you are making by ticking the below box:
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  1. Copyright applies to most plans and reports. Council cannot reproduce these documents for you without the written permission of the person or company that created them (section 36 Copyright Act (Cth) 1968). If possible, Council will try to supply details of copyright owners of plans and reports to you so that you can obtain the necessary copyright permission.
  2. Council will use information provided on this form to process this application. It can also be made available by law to other government agencies. You can find more details about your privacy rights in Council’s Privacy Policy on Council’s website or by contacting Council’s Privacy Contact Officer on 1300 36 2170.
  3. Requests for Council records in hard copy form may incur copying charges.
  4. Applications may take up to 20 working days to complete.
  5. Statutory Declaration Form here. The Statutory declaration must be signed by a JP, Police or Solicitor.
  6. Council will make plans available to inspect, but if there is no evidence of copyright owner consent, Council cannot provide copies or reproduce of copyright material.
  7. General information about the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 is available by calling the NSW Information and Privacy Commission on freecall 1800 472 679 or by visiting the website;
Tick if you agree to the above
I agree to receive all correspondence related to this application at the above email address:

Address details of any property for which you seek Council records

Are you the owner of this property? *

Describe the Council records that you require:

Note: No capital letters only lower case.

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