Presentation of Financial Statements
As per Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act.
In accordance with Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, Liverpool City Council advises that the ordinary Council meeting held on 24/11/2021 included the presentation of the audited Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Reports for the year ending 30/06/2021.
A summary of the Financial Statements is provided here
Public Notice: Site Compound and Pedestrian Access Bridge Work Zone
Paine Park – Brickmakers Drive, Horizon Circuit and Elouera Crescent in Moorebank Lot 3010 in DP1137464, Lot 5588 in DP1188507 and Lot 18 in DP248875
In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant a Licence Agreement to Mirvac Homes (NSW) Pty Ltd, for a site compound and work zone in Paine Park at Moorebank.
This site compound and work zone is required for the construction of a pedestrian access bridge with associated landscaping works that are going to be undertaken in accordance with the approval of Development Consent DA-24/2017. It will be set up in Paine Park near Brickmakers Drive and the corner of Horizon Circuit in Moorebank and fenced off with 1.8m high temporary fencing.
The Licence Agreement is proposed for a term of up to 6 months. When the works have been completed, the site compound/work zone will be removed and the area restored.
The aerial location map below indicates the proposed location of the site compound/work zone in Paine Park bounded in red:
If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to this proposal, you can do so in writing by Friday 17 December 2021. Submissions must be in writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to: Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC 1871 or by e-mail to:
Please quote file reference number 2021/2515. Any enquiries may be referred to Council’s Senior Property Officer on phone number 8711 7436.
Public Notice: Proposed Road Closing Under Section 38b Roads Act 1993
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to close the council public roads listed in Schedule 1.
Schedule 1:
- Part of Hanwell Serviceway, Liverpool comprising an approximate area of 207 sqm (marked A on the map below); and
- Part of Elizabeth Street, Liverpool comprising an approximate area of 40.6 sqm (marked B on the map below).
Upon closure of the roads, Council intends to sell the land to an adjoining land owner. The closure of these sections of road should have minimal or no impact on traffic and serviceway access will continue to be available.
All interested persons are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, quoting Council Ref: 2020/4702 by mail to: Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to: by Friday 17 December 2021 being within a minimum period of twenty-eight (28) days. Please note that under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, such submissions may be referred to third parties for consideration.
Once the submission period is completed, Liverpool City Council will consider all duly made submissions before deciding whether to continue with the road closure proposal.
Council Ref: 2020/4702
Enquiries: Manor Raman
Telephone: 02 8711 7593
Proposed License of part of Lurnea Community Hub, Phillips Park, 66 Hill Road, Lurnea
Liverpool City Council is the appointed Crown Land Manager of Phillips Park, located at 66 Hill Road, Lurnea.
Notice is hereby given that it is proposed to grant licenses over spaces located within the Lurnea Community Hub, located in Phillips Park, for the following purposes:
- The café space located on the northern end of the building to be licensed as a café and an outdoor seating area.
- The professional suite located on southern end of the building to be licensed for a general office or services use.
Each license will be granted for a term of 12 months and the tenant will be appointed through a leasing campaign.
Any person is entitled to make a submission to Council in respect of this proposal. Submissions must be received by Council by 4.00pm on Thursday, 9 December 2021. Submissions must be made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or emailed to, quoting file reference number 2021/6675. Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Senior Property Officer on 8711 7514.
Public Exhibition - Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 93)
Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan (LLEP) 2008 (Amendment 93).
Draft Amendment 93 seeks to amend the LLEP 2008 to amend Schedule 1 of the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 to allow ‘animal boarding or training establishment’ as a land use permitted with consent at Lot 1016 DP 258344, 40 Ramsay Road, Rossmore (Rossmore Grange). Related documents:
Additional information is available by searching for ‘PP-2021-4949’ on the NSW Planning Portal.
Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using the NSW Planning Portal; Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on Monday 22 November 2021, quoting ref: RZ-1/2021.
For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Danielle Hijazi, Assistant Strategic Planner, on 8711 7627 or
Public Exhibition - Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 91) & Draft Planning Agreement Warwick Farm (The Grove - Megacenta Site)
Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan (LLEP) 2008 (Amendment 91) and associated amendments to the existing Planning Agreement applying to ‘The Grove’, Warwick Farm.
Draft LLEP 2008 Amendment 91 seeks to:
- Permit ‘business premises’ on land at 10 Orange Grove Road, Warwick Farm (Homemaker Centre); and
- Increase the existing gross floor area cap for ‘retail premises’ at 5 Viscount Place, Warwick Farm (Fashion Spree).
Key changes to the existing Planning Agreement include:
- Identification of 5 Viscount Place, Warwick Farm (Lot 23 DP 1190437) as also being subject to the agreement;
- Inclusion of a definition for ‘business premises’; and
- Update of all relevant clauses and definitions to ensure that a 3% monetary contribution also applies to the additional 2,000sqm of ‘retail premises’ that is proposed at 5 Viscount Place (Lot 23 DP 1190437).
The draft Planning Agreement, Explanatory Note and Draft Amendment 91 are on public exhibition from 12 October 2021 to 9 November 2021.
Additional information relating to Draft Amendment 91 is available by searching for ‘PP-2021-3686’ on the NSW Planning Portal.
Submissions are invited from the public and can be made via the NSW Planning Portal or using Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form. Please address any written submissions to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting RZ-8/2020., and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to
Related Documents:
Public Exhibition – Warwick Farm Racing Precinct Revised Draft Structure Plan, Planning Proposal and Contributions Plan
Council is proposing to rezone the Warwick Farm Racing Precinct to enable urban renewal.
The draft planning package was publicly exhibited between 14 September and 12 October 2020. Community feedback was considered by Council at its 28 April 2021 meeting where Council resolved that the draft planning package be further refined.
Council has now revised the draft planning package and at its meeting of 29 September 2021 resolved to publicly exhibit the revised draft planning package.
Written submissions on the revised planning package can be made online at, by mail to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or by email to Submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and should be received by 5pm Sunday 7 November 2021, quoting ‘RZ-4/2020’.
Given current COVID-19 restrictions, individual online or phone discussions will be available with Council planning staff. To arrange a meeting, please contact Senior Strategic Planner Cameron Jewell via email or contact Council’s Customer Service Centre on 1300 36 2170.
Related Documents:
Public Notice – Proposed Amendments to Liverpool Contributions Plan 2008 – Edmondson Park (Amendment No.3)
Pursuant to Clause 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting amendments to Liverpool Contributions Plan 2008 – Edmondson Park (Amendment No.3). The proposed amendments relate to Clause 3.7.6 of the Plan which sets out conditions for granting a credit for existing development. This clause is applicable to some of Council’s other Contributions Plans but is not relevant to the Edmondson Park Contributions Plan, as this Plan collects contributions on a per hectare basis (of new development), not on a per allotment basis.
Amendment 3 to Liverpool Contributions Plan 2008 – Edmondson Park is on public exhibition from Friday 8 October 2021 to Friday 8 November 2021.
Enquiries may be directed to Lina Kakish, A/Manager City Planning at or 02 8711 7533.
Written submissions are invited from the public and can be made using Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to, with written submissions addressed to the CEO, locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, and be received by 5pm on Friday 8 November 2021, quoting reference number 2020/1483.
- Draft Liverpool Contributions Plan 2008 - Edmondson Park – Amendment No.3
- Council Report – 29 September 2021
Public Notice – Proposed Street Name Under Section 162 Roads Act 1993:
In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, Liverpool City Council is exhibiting the following names:
- SPN-3/2021 Naming of Defence Street, Middleton Grange - between 220 McIver Avenue and 195 Southern Cross Avenue, Middleton Grange
- SPN-4/2021 Naming of cul-de-sac road section off Clover Avenue Casula to Citrus Close
- SPN-5/2021 Naming of cul-de-sac off Fir Close Casula to Ginkgo Close
Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the above SPN reference numbers.
All submissions must be received by Monday 1st November 2021.
Public Exhibition - Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 94)
Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan (LLEP) 2008 (Amendment 94).
Draft Amendment 94 seeks to amend the LLEP 2008 to relocate land at 77 Moore Street and 193 Macquarie Street, Liverpool from ‘Area 8’ to ‘Area 11’ on the Floor Space Ratio map. The changes will facilitate a future mixed-use development comprising of approximately 180 dwellings and 4000sqm of commercial and retail uses. Related documents:
Additional information is available by searching for ‘PP-2021-4088’ on the NSW Planning Portal.
Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using the NSW Planning Portal; Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 31 October 2021, quoting ref: RZ-3/2020.
For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Brianna Van Zyl, Strategic Planner, on 8711 7940 or
Public Exhibition - Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Key Site Map Amendment)
Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting a draft Key Site Map Amendment to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan (LLEP) 2008.
The Draft Key Site Map Amendment seeks to formalise the realignment of the Liverpool Hospital helicopter flight path by revising the extent of the flight path contours on the relevant Key Site Map of the LLEP 2008. The following documents provide further information about the proposal:
Additional information is available by searching for PP-2021-4887 on the NSW Planning Portal.
Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using the NSW Planning Portal; Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 31 October 2021, quoting ref: RZ-3/2021.
For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Brianna Van Zyl, Strategic Planner, on 8711 7940 or
Public exhibition of draft amendments to Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 88), amendments to Liverpool Growth Centre Precincts Development Controls Plan and a draft Planning Agreement for 1370Camden Valley Way, Leppington.
Liverpool City Council is publically exhibiting draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 88). This amendment seeks to rezone land and amend development standards at 1370 Camden Valley Way, Leppington (Lot E in DP28997) under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 (Growth Centres SEPP).
A supporting amendment is proposed to Schedule 3 (East Leppington Precinct) of the Liverpool Growth Centres Precincts Development Control Plan 2013 (the Growth Centres DCP) to ensure consistency with the planning proposal. A draft Planning Agreement (PA) is also being exhibited. The PA offers to deliver enhanced public recreation facilities in support of the planning proposal without any additional cost to Council or residents.
Other supporting information are available to download on Council’s ePlanning Portal, by searching for application RZ-1/2017.
Written submissions are invited from the public and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and received by 3 October 2021, quoting ref: RZ-1/2017. For further enquiries please contact Masud Hasan, Senior Strategic Planner on (02) 8711 7383 or
As per Clause 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Liverpool City Council has adopted Liverpool Contributions Plan 2009 (Amendment No.3) following public exhibition. The amendment provides a funding mechanism for the upgrade of Range Road, Cecil Park.
Liverpool Contributions Plan 2009 (Amendment No.3) comes into effect on the date of publication of this notice (25 August 2021). A copy of the updated Contributions Plan is available here.
(Clause 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000)
Liverpool City Council resolved at its 30 June 2021 meeting to exhibit draft Liverpool Contributions Plan 2009 – Amendment No.3 (Range Road).
The draft Contributions Plan aims to provide a funding mechanism for the upgrade of Range Road, Cecil Park. The upgrade of Range Road facilitated by this proposed amendment will complement existing improvements being undertaken by Western Sydney Parkland Trust.
A detailed overview of the changes, including justification, is included in the Council report below. A copy of the draft Contributions Plan, including clear identification of changes is also provided below.
The draft Contributions Plan is on public exhibition from Wednesday 7 July 2021 to Wednesday 4 August 2021 in accordance with Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Public Exhibition) Regulation 2020.
Due to COVID-19 and for the safety and wellbeing of staff and community members, the draft Plan and related documents will not be available at Council’s Administration Centre or libraries. Enquiries may be directed to Patricia Sim at or 02 8711 7485.
Written submissions on the draft Plan are invited from the public and should be addressed to the CEO, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or by email to, by the close of the exhibition period on Monday 2 August 2021.
(Clause 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000)
Liverpool City Council resolved at its 30 June 2021 meeting to exhibit draft Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 – East Leppington.
The draft Contributions Plan aims to update and replace the existing Contributions Plan (adopted in 2014) that applies to development within the precinct. The purpose of this update is to:
- Prepare the plan for submission to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal;
- Update works and land costs; and
- Improve the general readability of the Plan.
A detailed overview of the changes, including justification, is included in the Council report below. A copy of the draft Contributions Plan, including clear identification of changes is also provided below.
The draft Contributions Plan is on public exhibition from Monday 5 July 2021 to Monday 2 August 2021 in accordance with Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Public Exhibition) Regulation 2020.
Due to COVID-19 and for the safety and wellbeing of staff and community members, the draft Plan and related documents will not be available at Council’s Administration Centre or libraries.
Enquiries may be directed to Patricia Sim at or 02 8711 7485.
Written submissions on the draft Plan are invited from the public and should be addressed to the CEO, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or by email to by Council by the close of the exhibition period on Monday 2 August 2021.
Council at its meeting of 31 March 2021 resolved to adopt an amendment to the Liverpool Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan upon gazettal of Liverpool LEP 2008 Map Amendment 1 (Amendment 75). The amendment to the Liverpool LEP 2008 was made on 18 June 2021.
The purpose of the amendment is to provide controls that align with a revised stormwater strategy and to rationalise the Austral and Leppington North precinct Indicative Layout Plan. Several other changes were made to the DCP, including:
- Introducing a control to provide for dwellings to be oriented towards an open space when they only have vehicular access via a laneway.
- Changes to most local street cross-sections, reflective of the new stormwater management strategy, and to formalise on-street parking.
- A new street cross section for collector roads which shows details for bus stops, kerb extensions and other modifications to the standard cross-section.
- Introduction of a new street cross section for local roads in the existing 20m wide road reserves.
- Introduction of a new section for street furniture.
- Shifting of some controls from the “street network layout and design” section to the new street furniture section
- Revised controls for street tree planting, given that some street will require trees in tree pits, and the former controls were not suited to this arrangement
- Promotion of passively irrigated street trees, where possible
- Guidance on street lighting of pedestrian/cyclist paths in open space or around creeks, and
- Controls to guide the layout of street furniture to avoid pedestrian pinch-points.
- Introduction of a new Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) section (traffic calming):
- Moving or removing redundant provisions from the “street network layout and design” section to the new LATM section
- Requirement for each development opening or modifying an existing street environment to prepare a LATM plan
- Providing controls on which LATM treatments are favoured by Council
- Providing controls on which LATM treatments are not favoured by Council
- Providing controls and guidance on intersection treatments and orienting vehicles to utilise the road hierarchy
- Providing street plans which illustrate examples of LATM devices.
- Provided a cross-section and control relating to pedestrian only through-site links.
- Modified controls and cross-sections relating to half-road construction in instances where a half road is constructed on a lot boundary. And,
- Clarified garage width controls for front loaded dwellings.
The Development Control Plan comes into effect on the date of publication of this notice. Copies of the Development Control Plan as amended are available for download from the Department of Planning, Industry, and Environment’s website:
In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, Liverpool City Council is exhibiting the following names:
- The Northern Road, Luddenham to be renamed to Willmington Road, Luddenham.
- The Northern Road, Bringelly (between Bringelly Road and Thames Road) to be renamed to Wentworth Road, Bringelly.
Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting SPN-1/2021.
All submissions must be received by Sunday 11 July 2021.
Liverpool City Council declares with the approval of Her Excellency the Governor that the lands described in Schedule 1 below, excluding the interests described in Schedule 2 below are acquired by compulsory process in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for public recreation and drainage purposes.
Schedule 1
- Lot 2 DP1249397 being part of the land - comprised in Certificate of Title 2/1228502
- Lot 4 DP1249397 being part of the land - comprised in Certificate of Title 4/1228502
- Lot 7 DP1249397 being part of the land - comprised in Certificate of Title 304/1238463
- Lot 9 DP1249397 being part of the land - comprised in Certificate of Title 1/1052613
Schedule 2
- Easement for transmission line affecting the land shown as transmission line easement 60.96 wide in DP225521 vide Gov. Gaz. Dated 7.7.1961 Folio 2018 & 2019. 0858396 - Easement vested in the New South Wales Electricity Transmission Authority being part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 2/1228502
- AD263780 – Lease to Telstra Corporation Limited of part shown hatched in plan (page 22) with AD263780. Commences 1/7/2016. Expires: 30/6/2021 being part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 2/1228502
- AD263781 – Lease to Telstra Corporation Limited of part shown hatched in plan (page 22) with AD263781. Commences 1/7/2021. Expires: 30/6/2026 being part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 2/1228502
- Easement for transmission line affecting part of the land above described shown as 200 feet wide in DP228850 vide notification in Gov. Gaz. Dated 7-7-1961 folios 2018 & 2019. 0858394 - Easement now vested in the New South Wales Electricity Transmission Authority being part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 4/1228502
- J476016 - Easement for transmission line affecting the part (S) shown so burdened in the title diagram. 0858396 - Easement now vested in the New South Wales Electricity Transmission Authority being part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 304/1238463
- T979032 - Easement for transmission line affecting the part (S) shown so burdened in the title diagram being part of the land comprised in Certificate of Title 304/1238463
Following the release of the Greater Sydney Commission’s Greater Sydney Region Plan (A Metropolis of Three Cities) and Western City District Plan, Liverpool City Council has a legal obligation under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to review its Local Environmental Plan (LEP) to ensure that it aligns with the priorities listed in these plans.
The first Planning Proposal (Phase 1) of the LEP review was endorsed by Council on 26 August 2020 and was finalised by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment on 26 March 2021. Further information can be found at the following link:
Liverpool City Council has adopted Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 – Amendment No. 36 Incorporating Amendments to Parts 1 of LDCP 2008 at its Ordinary Meeting of 25 November 2020.
Amendment 36 makes changes to Section 26 Outdoor Advertising and Signage within Part 1 General Controls for all Development to improve clarity, rectify errors, and reduce complexity. The amendment also includes new objectives and controls to guide third party advertising proposals as facilitated by Amendment 69 to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008.
At its meeting on 25 August 2021, Council resolved to:
- Immediately exhibit its intentions for the minimum statutory period required, for a one-off grant of financial assistance equivalent to 10% of the person/s annual rates payable, with a minimum grant of $150 and maximum grant of $300, to a person/persons who own property within the Liverpool Local Government Area that fits within the definition of residential use, subject to a criteria that would include but not limited to:
- The property is being used solely for owner occupier purposes;
- All owners have claimed and been granted a government COVID disaster payment 2021;
- The property is in the name of an individual(s);
- Excludes owners or persons that have applied under the Hardship provisions due to COVID.
- For a one-off grant of $50, to a person/s who own properties that sit within the definition of residential that currently receive the pensioner rate rebate;
- Direct the CEO to present a report back to Council in the September 2021 meeting, with clear instructions on how persons who meet the criteria can apply for the grant;
- Direct the CEO to ensure that immediately following the report to Council, that applications can be submitted via electronic means and in person should COVID restrictions allow for in person submission;
- Close applications for this grant at the end of October on the proviso that applications are opened no later than the 1st of October; and
- Direct the CEO to update Councillors at the October briefing session on applications received to that date
Written submissions are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: or to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting NOM06-263677.2021.
All submissions must be received by Sunday 26 September 2021
Council and Greater Sydney Parklands are proposing, under Section 38B of Roads Act 1993, to restrict traffic through the Western Sydney Parklands by closing the following road sections in Middleton Grange, indefinitely:
- Flynn Avenue, Percival Avenue to Twenty Seventh Avenue.
- Southern Cross Avenue, 90m west of Percival Avenue to Twenty Seventh Avenue; and
- McIver Avenue, Gate within the Parkland to Twenty Seventh Avenue.
A map showing the road sections to be closed is as shown below.
Being through the Western Sydney Parklands, Council will work with the Greater Sydney Parklands to make decisions about the future use of the road sections after the proposed closures. All interested persons are invited to make submissions concerning the proposed road closures to Council.
Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO attention: Transport Management Section, and posted to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or email to, by Sunday 18 July 2021.
Once the submission period is completed, Council will consider all submissions before deciding whether to continue with the proposed road closures. For enquiries, please contact Council’s Service Manager, Transport Management via email
As per Clause 31 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, Liverpool City Council has adopted Liverpool Contributions Plan 2008 – Edmondson Park (Amendment No.2). This amendment was made to address an inconsistency between the Contributions Plan and the Local Environmental Plan 2008 (LEP 2008). Specifically, the Contributions Plan was updated to include reference to and values for the 21 dwellings per hectare density control referred to in LEP 2008.
Liverpool Contributions Plan 2008 – Edmondson Park (Amendment No.2) comes into effect on the date of publication of this notice (5 January 2021). A copy of the updated Contributions Plan is available here.
In accordance with Section 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.
The draft VPA provides for the Developer of 28 Yarrunga Street, Prestons (Muhibbah Construction P/L) to pay a monetary contribution to Liverpool City Council in association with Development Application DA-904/2019 which approved a staged development involving the demolition of existing structures and construction of a multi-storey warehouse complex over two (2) stages containing eight (8) warehouse units.
The VPA puts forward an offer of a total of $207,300 to contribute to the upgrade of the existing Bernera Road / Yarrunga Street / Yato Road intersection located approximately 400m east of the site in lieu of the Developer carrying out a portion of the proposed road works.
The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from: 12 May 2021 to 9 June 2021.
Council will receive written submissions up until 5pm on 9 June 2021. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting DA-904/2019, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to
Related documents:
In accordance with Section 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.
The draft VPA provides for the Developer of 4-8 Hoxton Park Road, Liverpool (ZHC Investments Pty Limited) to deliver affordable housing and pay a monetary contribution to Liverpool City Council in association with Planning Proposal RZ-2/2018, which seeks the following amendments to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008:
- Rezone the site, and part of Gillespie Street, Liverpool, from B6 Enterprise Corridor to B4 Mixed Use;
- Removal of the Site as a ‘Key Site’ on the Key Sites Map KYS 10;
- Increase the maximum height of buildings development standard applying to the site from 24m to 50m, and amend HOB map;
- Increase the maximum floor space ratio for the Site from 2.5:1 to 5:1, and amend the FSR map; and
- Apply Clause 6.4A of the LLEP 2008 to the Site and amend the FSR map to identify the site as ‘Area 12’.
The proposal aims to facilitate the development of 90 dwellings and 790m2 of commercial floorspace.
The VPA puts forward an offer of a monetary contribution of $77,750 (in addition to contributions under Section 7.11/7.12 of the Act) to contribute to public domain improvements in the nearby vicinity, and affordable housing lots that must:
- comprise at a minimum:
- 1 x 1 bedroom affordable housing lot;
- 2 x 2 bedroom affordable housing lot;
- 1 x 3 bedroom affordable housing lot;
- have an aggregate gross floor area of no less than five per cent (5%) of the gross floor area of all residential lots within the Development; and
- be to a similar and comparable standard to all other residential lots within the Development.
The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from: 10 May 2021 to 7 June 2021.
The documents can be viewed on Council’s website
Council will receive written submissions until 5pm on 7 June 2021. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting RZ-2/2018, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to
In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, Liverpool City Council is exhibiting the following names:
- SPN-2/2021 – Dagostino Street, Austral - currently known as Impala Street, to be renamed to Dagostino Street, Austral.
Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting SPN-2/2021.
All submissions must be received by Sunday 9 May 2021.
Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 79). Draft Amendment 79 seeks to:
- Rezone the site, and part of Gillespie Street, Liverpool, from B6 Enterprise Corridor to B4 Mixed Use;
- Removal of the Site as a ‘Key Site’ on the Key Sites Map KYS 10;
- Increase the maximum height of buildings development standard applying to the site from 24m to 50m, and amend HOB map;
- Increase the maximum floor space ratio for the Site from 2.5:1 to 5:1, and amend the FSR map; and
- Apply Clause 6.4A of the LLEP 2008 to the Site, and amend the FSR map to identify the site as ‘Area 12’.
The proposal aims to facilitate the development of 90 dwellings and 790m2 of commercial floorspace.
Additional information including all relevant documentation is available on Council’s e-Planning Portal and can be found by searching the application number RZ-2/2018.
Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or emailed to Submissions on exhibited Planning Proposals can also be made online through the Planning Proposal Submission Form.
Submissions must be received by 17 March 2021 quoting RZ-2/2018.
For further enquiries, please contact Cameron Jewell, Programme Lead Liverpool Collaboration Area, on 8711 7862 or
Related documents:
Lot 201 Kurrajong Road, Carnes Hill - Lot 201 in DP 1194243 &
Lot 87 Kurrajong Road, Prestons - Lot 87 in DP 1236888
Adjacent to the Freemans Ridge Estate
In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant easements for underground electricity cables and underground gas main through Council’s public reserves at Lot 201 Kurrajong Road, Carnes Hill and Lot 87 Kurrajong Road, Prestons - highlighted yellow on the map below. These easements will be registered on title and exist in perpetuity.
The easement for electrical cables will be 3m wide and approximately 55m in length (which is subject to final survey). The Applicant for this easement is Ingham Property Development Pty Ltd and the easement will vest in Endeavour Energy (Epsilom Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation). The easement is to facilitate electricity reticulation works for the final stage of the development.
The easement for gas main will be 1m wide and approximately 600m in length (which is subject to final survey). The Applicant for this easement is Jemena Gas Networks (NSW) Limited and the easement will also vest in Jemena. The easement is to facilitate the upgrade of the existing gas infrastructure within the Hoxton Park area.
If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to this proposal, you can do so in writing by Thursday 1 April 2021. Written submissions must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to: Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC 1871 or by e-mail to: - quoting file reference numbers 2021/0971 and 2020/4539.
Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Property Services Section by contacting Council on 1300 36 2170.
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Wednesday 24 February 2021, Council resolved to provide $20,000 to Australian Air League Moorebank Squadron as a contribution towards celebrating the 60 year anniversary of active service to the Liverpool and the South West Sydney Area. The financial contribution is provided so that Liverpool City and its residents can participate in celebrating and acknowledging their achievements with them.
Under section 356 of the Local Government Act, Council is required to advertise resolutions of financial contribution of this nature for 28 days to allow for community feedback. The notice of motion can be viewed in full on pages 212 and 213 of the 24 February Council minutes.
Written submissions are invited from the public and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (quote NOM 2) by the due date being 6 April 2021. Submissions must be made in writing to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to
Hart Park, 6 Hart Street, Warwick Farm – Lot 2 in DP 1172981
Under Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant a Licence Agreement to Transport for NSW for the occupation of part of Hart Park, 6 Hart Street, Warwick Farm – Lot 2 in DP 1172981 as a site compound for the proposed multi-storey car park extension works.
The Licence Agreement is proposed for a term of approximately 15 months.
The aerial location map below indicates the proposed location of the Licence Area – Site Compound area (outlined in yellow).
If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to this proposal, you can do so in writing by Friday 26 March 2021.
Written submissions must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to: Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC 1871 or by e-mail to: - quoting file reference number 2021/0760.
Any enquiries may be referred to Council’s Property Officer on (02) 8711 7593.
Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 89). Draft Amendment 89 seeks to insert a clause enabling the ‘recreation facility (outdoor)’ land use as an additional permitted use at 25 Dwyer Road, Bringelly.
Additional information including all relevant documentation is available on Council’s e-Planning Portal and can be found by searching the application number RZ-9/2020.
Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and can be sent to Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, by email to or by using the online submission form available at:
Submissions must be received by 10 February 2021 quoting RZ-9/2020.
For further enquiries, please contact Luke Oste, Executive Planner, on 8711 7886 or
Related documents:
* Fact Sheet
* Planning Proposal
* Gateway Determination
At its ordinary meeting held on Wednesday 16 December 2020, Council resolved its intention to provide $25,000 to the Macarthur Football Club as a one year sponsorship to support the club in its inaugural A-League season.
A key component of this sponsorship package is the support of the Liverpool community by Macarthur FC through the provision of school holiday clinics and attendance of Macarthur FC players to assist Council with promotion of programs and community messaging.
In accordance with section 356(2) of the Local Government Act 1993 Council is exhibiting this resolution for a period of 28 days for public comment.
Written submissions are invited from the public and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (quote Macarthur FC Sponsorship) by 5pm Monday 15 March 2021.
Submissions must be made in writing to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by e-mail to
For further enquiries relating to the sponsorship proposal, please contact Mr Mark Westley, Manager Community Recreation, on 8711 7579 or
Liverpool City Council is inviting expressions of interest from local community members to be part of the Companion Animals Advisory Committee.
Expressions of interest are welcomed from:
- Liverpool residents (two).
The Committee will:
- Act as an advisory board to Council;
- Provide a consultative forum for the community to raise issues relating to Companion Animals; and
- Engage with the community.
The Committee will meet quarterly (first Tuesday of every third month) and operate under Council’s corporate governance framework, including the Code of Conduct. For further information about the role of the Committee, please read the Terms of Reference.
Please download this EOI form and send your completed EOI to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, quoting Companion Animals Advisory Committee via email Expressions of interest must be received by 5pm on 31 January 2021.
For enquiries please contact Ben Krkach, Coordinator Regulatory Services on 8711 7621.
(Clause 28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000)
Liverpool City Council resolved at its 27 October 2020 meeting to exhibit the draft Aerotropolis Contributions Plan 2020.
The draft Plan outlines how Council will collect contributions from developers to fund the significant infrastructure needed to deliver on the vision of a vibrant airport centric precinct to support a wide range of local jobs. Prepared in collaboration with Penrith City Council, it applies to land within the initial precincts of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis which is expected to accommodate more than 100,000 workers and 30,000 residents.
The draft Plan proposes a 6.5 per cent levy on developments over $200,000 to fund local infrastructure needed to align with growth, fulfil the precinct’s potential and create a sustainable, well-connected and liveable city. This levy is necessary to avoid a $2.5 billion shortfall in infrastructure funding for the precinct.
While the NSW Government has zoned the land, Council is responsible for reviewing and accepting development applications as well as identification and delivery of local infrastructure needs. Liverpool and Penrith Councils need a sustainable contributions plan that will fund the infrastructure to support these developments.
The Precinct Plans for the initial precincts and the Special Infrastructure Contribution for the Aerotropolis, prepared by the Western Sydney Planning Partnership and the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment respectively, will shortly be on exhibition. These documents, together with Council’s contributions plan and background report, provide a broad overview of plans for the precinct.
The draft Aerotropolis Development Contributions Plan will:
- Ensure services, facilities and infrastructure are delivered as development occurs, in order to meet the needs of our growing City
- Implement streamlined and transparent development contributions processes for development in the aerotropolis, and
- Fund engineering infrastructure, community facilities, parks, sports and recreation facilities.
The draft Aerotropolis Development Contributions Plan is on public exhibition from Monday 2 November in accordance with Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Public Exhibition) Regulation 2020.
Enquiries may be directed to Shaun Beckley, Manager Infrastructure Planning by email at or by phone on 02 8711 7417.
Written submissions on the draft Plan are invited from the public and should be addressed to the A/CEO, Liverpool City Council Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or by email to
Submissions must be received by Sunday 31 January 2021.
The NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment have proposed a Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) for Western Sydney Aerotropolis is on exhibition until 18 December 2020. The SIC is proposed to help fund the delivery of key state and regional infrastructure in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. More information on the SIC can be found here.
Related documents:
Council is seeking expression of interests for community representatives to participate in the Environment Advisory Committee.
The Committee is the key link between the local community and Council and acts as both a focus and forum for the discussion of technical, social, economic and cultural issues in relation to environment conservation and flooding.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide effective community feedback on environment and flood related issues so that Council can make informed decisions on environmental and floodplain management.
This is an opportunity for community members to contribute to Council’s future directions in environmental and floodplain management of the Liverpool Local Government Area.
The committee is made up of Councillors, community members and industry representatives. Council will appoint memberships for an initial term of two years with meetings occurring every second month from February 2021.
For more information contact Michael Zengovski, Manager City Environment on 8711 7885.
Nominations for the committee close on Wednesday 27 January 2021.
Please address your Expression of Interest to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, quoting reference 2016/3752 by post to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or email to
Expressions of Interest forms
- Environment Advisory Committee (EAC) Nomination Information - Industry Representative
- Environment Advisory Committee (EAC) Nomination Information - Community Member
- Environment Advisory Committee Charter
Ernie Smith Reserve, Jack O’Sullivan Road, Moorebank – Pt Lot 1 in DP 816815, Lot 2 DP 517744, Pt Lot 1 DP 517744 and Part unformed road Kelso Crescent
Under Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant a Licence for Active Recreation in accordance with the Generic Plan of Management for Sports Grounds and the Hire of Playing Surfaces Policy over Ernie Smith Reserve, Jack O’Sullivan Road, Moorebank NSW 2170 (Part Lot 1 DP 816815, Lot 2 DP 517744, Part Lot 1 DP 517744, Part unformed road Kelso Crescent).
The proposed new Licence Agreement is to be granted in favour of Southern Districts Soccer Football Association Incorporated (ABN 14 955 153 767) – the Licensee is currently in occupation under the current licence.
Term of Proposed Licence is 15 years commencing 1 September 2023 and terminating on 31 August 2038. The current licence is for a period of 5 years terminating on 31 August 2023.
The aerial location map below indicates the proposed location of the Licence Area (edged red).
If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to this proposal, you can do so in writing by Monday 19 January 2021.
Written submissions must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to: Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC 1871 or by e-mail to: - quoting file reference number 2007/1167.
Any enquiries may be referred to Council’s Manager Property on phone number 8711 7729.