Please be advised that due to necessary updates, All Council Systems will not be accessible between 8PM and 11:59PM on Thursday 25th July 2024.

Archived Public Exhibitions and Notices 2022

Public Exhibition Notice – Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement – VPA-49 – 275 Adams Road Luddenham (SSD1-18/2020)

In accordance with Sections 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The draft VPA provides for the Developer of VPA-49 – 275 Adams Road Luddenham to pay monetary contributions to Council by the Developer.

The VPA provides development contributions, which consists of:

a. monetary contributions for the capital investment value amount of $20,438,722 (excluding GST) for the provision of a Public   Purpose in respect of the development of the subject of State Significant Development Application SSD-10446.

The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 21 November 2022 to 19 December 2022 on Council’s website

Council will receive written submissions up until 5pm on 19 December 2022. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting VPA-49, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Voluntary Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note

Council Resolution

You are hereby notified that an Extraordinary Council Meeting of Liverpool City Council will be held at the FRANCIS GREENWAY CENTRE, 170 GEORGE STREET, LIVERPOOL on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 commencing at 2.30pm. Doors to the Francis Greenway Centre will open at 2.20pm.

The item to be considered in Open Council will be:

  • Appointment of Acting Chief Executive Officer

The following item will be considered in Confidential Session pursuant to S10A(2)(a) of the Local Government Act 1993 because it contains personal matters concerning particular individuals (other than councillors).

  • Selection of Chief Executive Officer

This Acquisition Notice was published in the NSW Government Gazette on 11 November 2022, in respect of public recreation land in Edmondson Park compulsorily acquired by Council.


Land acquisition (just terms compensation) act 1991

Notice of compulsory acquisition of land

Liverpool City Council declares with the approval of Her Excellency the

Governor that the land described in Schedule 1 below, excluding the interests

described in Schedule 2 below, is acquired by compulsory process in

accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms

Compensation) Act 1991 for the purpose of public recreation.

Dated at this day of 2022


General Manager

Schedule 1


Schedule 2

  1. BK 2545 No 929-covenant affecting the part shown so burdened in th

    title diagram

  2. G737245 covenant affecting the part shown so burdened in the title


  3. H653667 covenant affecting the part shown so burdened in the title


  4. K135418 easement for transmission line affecting the part(s) shown so

    burdened in the title diagram 0896377

    easement now vested in prospect electricity

  5. DP1244889 restriction(s) on the use of land referred to and numbered

    (2) in the s.88B instrument affecting the part(s) shown so burdened in

    the title diagram

  6. DP1244889 restriction(s) on the use of land referred to and numbered

    (3) in the s.88B instrument affecting the part(s) shown so burdened in

    the title diagram

  7. DP1244889 restriction(s) on the use of land referred to and numbered

    (4) in the s.88B instrument affecting the part shown so burdened in the

    title diagram

  8. DP1244889 easement to drain water 1 metre(s) wide affecting the

    part(s) shown so burdened in the title diagram

  9. DP1244889 positive covenant affecting the part shown so burdened in

    the title diagram

  10. DP1250284 easement to drain water 7 metre(s) wide and variable

    affecting the part(s) shown so burdened in DP1250284


Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the process of identifying and managing the likely social impacts of proposed developments, polices and plans. It aims to maximize the social outcomes, community wellbeing and social sustainability of developments in the Liverpool LGA.

Liverpool City Council first adopted the SIA Policy & Guidelines in 2012. As a part of the bi-annual review process, Council is now undertaking an internal and external consultation for updating the current policy.

The draft policy includes the following key changes:

  • Updating the Policy Statement (section1.1)
  • Additional scoping question in the guidelines for further clarity to the applicants (Appendix B)
  • Updating the existing list of developments for SIA requirements (Table1)

Have Your Say

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed draft policy and provide feedback by 16 December 2022.

Written submissions are also invited and should be received by 16 December 2022 (quoting file no. 2009/0259) and addressed to:

Acting Chief Executive Officer
Enquiries: Rumana Akhter
Draft SIA Policy & Guidelines (2009/0259)
Locked Bag 7064

Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2009/0259)

Comments received will be reviewed and analysed, and the draft policy will then be finalised in response to the comments.  The Final Policy will be uploaded here for public viewing once it becomes available.

Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 80) and amendments to Section 2.6 of the Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008

Council is publicly exhibiting the Holsworthy Local Centre Planning Proposal. The site is envisaged to be developed as a mixed-use precinct with residential buildings being located above commercial and retail development (e.g. shops, businesses and offices).

The draft proposal is related to the land located at 2 Macarthur Drive, Holsworthy (Lot 5, DP 825745) as shown below.

Public exhibtion

Details of the draft proposal are as follows:

  • Applicant: Mecone
  • Zone: B2 – Local Centre
  • The proposed development will provide for:
    • Approximately 350 apartments (mix of 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom units)
    • Over 8,800sqm  of shopping area at ground level.
  • View the Fact Sheet below to see the proposed changes to planning controls within the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 and Liverpool Development Control Plan for this proposal.


Have your say

Submissions can be made via;

  1. Submit to Council: Email your submission to or post to:

    Acting Chief Executive Officer

    Locked Bag 7064



  2. NSW Planning Portal - – search for the application PP-2022-1519 and use the ‘Make a Submission’ tab.

Submissions are to be made by 5pm 12 December 2022, and quote ref no. RZ-8/2017.

Should you require any further information on the Holsworthy Local Centre please contact Riz Afzal, Senior Strategic Planner on 8711 7942 or

In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to close the council public road reserve listed in Schedule 1.

Bapaume Road Closure

Part of Gurner Avenue, Austral comprising an approximate area of 1,899 sqm (outlined in red on the map below).

Upon closure of the road reserve, council intends to sell the land to an adjoining land owner. The closure of these section of road reserve should have minimal or no impact on traffic.

All interested persons are hereby invited to make submissions concerning the proposal to the A/Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to: Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to: by Friday 16 December 2022 being within a minimum period of twenty-eight days. Please note that under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, such submissions may be referred to third parties for consideration.

Once the submission period is completed, Liverpool City Council will consider all duly made submissions before deciding whether to continue with the road closure proposal.

Council Ref: 2021/4255

Enquiries: Manor Raman

Telephone: 02 8711 7593

A/chief executive officer

Liverpool city council

At its meeting on 26 October 2022, Council resolved to place two proposed changes to Council’s Code of Meeting Practice (see highlighted sections – Clauses 9.20 and 19.2) on public exhibition in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and to seek community feedback.

In accordance with that decision, Council’s Code of Meeting Practice is placed on public exhibition until Wednesday 30 November 2022 and can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Council will receive submissions up until 9.30am Wednesday 14 December 2022. Submissions can be sent via email to or in person in writing to the Customer Service Centre at 33 Moore Street Liverpool.

For any enquiries regarding this public exhibition, please contact George Georgakis, Manager Council and Executive Services on 8711 7584 or email enquiries to with reference to the 'Code of Meeting Practice'.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary, however, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.

Transport for NSW will continue night work along Elizabeth Drive to:

  • install a new underground water main between Luddenham Road and Badgerys Creek Road in Badgerys Creek from Thursday 17 November and Tuesday 22 November 2022.
  • investigate a gas main between Cecil Road and Wallgrove Road in Cecil Park from Monday 21 November and Tuesday 22 November 2022.
  • This work is being carried out at night for the safety of motorists and workers, and to minimise community impacts.

Please click on the notification buttons below for more information about these works.

If you have any questions or would like more information on the M12 Motorway project, please contact our project team.

Public Exhibition - Liverpool Pioneers Memorial Park Preliminary Design Proposal

Liverpool City Council is currently responsible for the care and management of the former St Luke’s Anglican Cemetery, now known as Liverpool Pioneers’ Memorial Park. The cemetery was established in 1820 and remained in use until the 1950s, when the Crown gave care and control to Liverpool City Council.  In the early 1970s, Council transformed the cemetery with the creation of a rest park for the Liverpool community’s use.

In 2010, Liverpool City Council commenced the refurbishment and reinstatement of the cemetery by returning 300 original burial headstones and creating new pathways, lighting, fencing and formal contemplation areas.

As a former cemetery, the park and its archaeological deposits are considered to be of state significance and therefore warrants guidance and protection to ensure any further works undertaken within the park, including maintenance, restoration and the installation of new monuments, considers this significance and seeks to minimise the degree of impact.

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Preliminary Design proposing a landscape upgrade of the northern end of Liverpool Pioneers’ Memorial Park. The park is bounded between Macquarie Street and Northumberland Street and on the north by the Hume Highway.

The Preliminary Design proposes a range of improvements including :

  • A children’s play space
  • Re-purposing the area of the large mound
  • Installation of park furniture including picnic shelters and seating
  • Landscape improvements including new garden beds and tree planting
  • Connection and improved pathway access through the  northern end of the cemetery
  • Additional interpretive signage


The public exhibition and community consultation is now closed.

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed preliminary design and provide feedback by completing the survey online by 30 November 2022.

Written submissions concerning the preliminary design are also invited and should be received by 30 November 2022 (quoting file no. 2021/4042) and addressed to:

Acting Chief Executive Officer
Liverpool Pioneers Memorial Park (2021/2042)
Locked Bag 7064

Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2021/2042)

Presentation of financial statements

As per Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act. In accordance with Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act, 1993, Liverpool City Council advises that the ordinary Council meeting held on 26/10/2022 included the presentation of the audited Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Reports for the year ending 30/06/2022.

A summary of the Financial Statements is provided here.

Liverpool Water Resource Recovery Facility Reporting

Sydney Water is encouraging residents living near the Liverpool Water Resource Recovery Facility in Warwick Farm and Chipping Norton to report odour issues associated with Sydney Water infrastructure.

The information provided, combined with Sydney Water’s operational data, will help to identify sources of odour and solutions.

To report odour click here - Liverpool WRRF Odour Survey – Sydney Water

For any queries, contact Jeremy Smith at Sydney Water via email or phone 0429 155 580.

This Acquisition Notice was published in the NSW Government Gazette on 14 October 2022, in respect of public recreation land in Austral compulsorily acquired by Council.


Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land

Liverpool City Council declares with the approval of Her Excellency the Governor that the land described in Schedule 1 below, excluding the interests described in Schedule 2 below, is acquired by compulsory process in accordance with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for local open space.

Dated at Liverpool, NSW this 11th day of October 2022

General Manager

Schedule 1


Schedule 2

Easement(s) affecting the part(s) shown so burdened in the title diagram created by:

K135414 – For transmission line 60.96

DP738282 – To drain water 2.5 wide

0704650 – Easement K135414 vested in New South Wales Electricity Transmission Authority

Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land

The exhibition period for the draft Community Engagement Strategy and draft Community Participation Plan has now ended. Council thanks you for your contribution and feedback during the exhibition period.

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting its Draft Community Engagement Strategy and Draft Community Participation Plan 2022 from 28 October – 25 November 2022.

The Community Engagement Strategy and accompanying Community Participation Plan detail Council's overarching engagement principles and notifications of planning functions for Council. The documents guide engagement practices with local community and stakeholders and deliver principles of community engagement in an inclusive, collaborative, transparent, authentic and timely manner to facilitate effective decision making.

Attached to the engagement strategy is Councils amended Community Participation plan. It involves minor administrative changes including the update of land use definitions to reflect the standard instrument, removal of requirement to notify applications in the local newspaper and a clause to allow discretion for additional notification requirements for applications considered to have significant community interest.

The Strategy is reviewed within three months of the local government elections to ensure it reflects both City and community sentiments in relation to community engagement practices and incorporates statutory requirements.

Please contact the Corporate Strategy and Performance team at for more information.

Public Notice - Moorebank Logistics Park, Bapaume Road Weekend Closure

As part of the Moorebank Logistics Park project, Bapaume Road will be closed temporarily from 6pm Friday 11 November until 5am Monday 14 November 2022, weather permitting.

Project contractor, BMD Constructions will be undertaking 24-hour work to upgrade stormwater, communication and pavement along Bapaume Road, with noisier work finishing before midnight.

This work has been scheduled outside of regular construction hours to minimise the impact to road users and local businesses.

In the event this work cannot occur due to the weather, it will be undertaken during the same hours on the following weekend (18-21 November) and any updates will be published to the project website.

What to expect

Bapaume Road Closure

This work will create additional background noise. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Work will involve excavating and asphalt works, installing pipes and conduits, requiring the use of light vehicles, excavators, rollers, an asphalt paver, grader, compaction equipment, bogie trucks and lighting towers.

Limited access to ABB will be possible during the closure via prior arrangement with ABB. Emergency access will be maintained.

Moorebank Avenue and Anzac Road will remain open at all times.

Keeping you updated

Works notifications are published on the project website at

We encourage community members and interested stakeholders to register for project updates to receive notification updates by email. Please contact our Community Relations team on the details below or opt-in for emailed updates by completing the form on our website.

Contact us

We appreciate your cooperation and patience while these important works are undertaken. If you have any queries about this work or would like to speak with a member of the project team, please contact us:

Phone 1800 986 465 (24/7)



Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Concept Plan proposing the landscape upgrade at McGirr Park, Miller.   The local park is situated on Cartwright Avenue within the residential area of Miller.

The Draft Concept Plan includes the provision of the following:

  • A new children’s playground with new coloured rubber safety surface;
  • New concrete footpath connections;
  • Ninja Warrior course;
  • New car park;
  • Installation of new park furniture; and
  • Landscape improvements including new garden beds and tree planting.


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed Draft Concept Plan and provide feedback by completing this online survey on our Liverpool Listens page by 20 November 2022.

Written submissions concerning the Draft Concept Plan are also invited and should be received by 20 November 2022 (quoting file no. 2021/4020) and addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer

McGirr Park Consultation (2021/4020)

Locked Bag 7064


Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2021/4020)

Comments received will be reviewed and analysed, and the concept design will then be finalised in response to the comments.  The Final Concept Plan will be uploaded here for public viewing once it becomes available.

Liverpool City Council is pleased to advise that Pye Hill Reserve in Cecil Hills has been identified for recreational development.   Stage 1 of upgrade works is the delivery of an Inclusive play space which is part of Council’s 2022/2023 Capital Works Program.  This is funded by the Australian Government under the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP).


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed Draft Concept Plan and provide Council with feedback by completing a short online survey at

Written submissions concerning the Draft Concept Plan are also invited and should be received by 13 November 2022 (quoting file no. 2021/7505) and addressed to:

Acting Chief Executive Officer
Pye Hill Reserve Consultation (2021/7505)
Locked Bag 7064

Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2021/7505)

For enquiries regarding the Draft Concept Plan – Pye Hill Reserve, please phone Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 1300 36 2170.

Elizabeth Drive will be closed between Badgerys Creek Road and Devonshire Road from 8pm Friday 21 October to 5am Monday 24 October 2022.

This closure is needed to install a new underground water main.

Please click on the community notification below for more information about this work including detours.

This work is being carried out over a weekend for the safety of motorists and workers, and to minimise community impacts.

If you have any questions about this work, please call 1800 517 155.

The Bridge on Kurrajong Road that connects Carnes Hill is proposed to be named “Harry Hunt Memorial Bridge” in commemoration of the late Harry Hunt OAM.

The location of the bridge is outlined in Figure 1 below:

Proposed Bridge Naming

Figure 1: Location of the Bridge

Harry Hunt OAM

Harry Hunt OAM, often known by the title “Mr Liverpool” provided an unmatched contribution to the Liverpool community over the past 50 years. Harry had a long term association with the Liverpool area and made vast contributions to the local community, through his work as a business person, volunteer, leader and mentor.

Harry's engagement with the Liverpool community began in 1960 when he commenced his work at Hunts Motel at the Crossroads, initially assisting his family in the operation and management of the Hunts Motel enterprise. Over time, Harry would develop the skills and knowledge to take over the management of Hunts, and by 1980, he was the sole owner of Hunts Motel and Function Centre, a position he held for 42 years, until his passing in February, 2022. During his time at Hunts, Harry became involved in community programs and generously donated his function centre to host an array of charity and community fundraisers and events for the disadvantaged.

Harry’s contributions extended far beyond Hunts Motel as a business and function centre and stretched deep into the Liverpool community. Harry was a part of the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce for over 25 years and held the position of president of the Chamber of Commerce for 13 years. After 20 years’ service with the Chamber of Commerce, Harry was recognised as a patron and lifelong member. In 2022, upon his passing, Harry was inducted as the first member into the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce Hall of fame in recognition for his work and support for the Chamber and businesses in Liverpool through his service and leadership. It was his knowledge, compassion and genuine love for the Liverpool community that allowed Harry to work well alongside other business owners and entrepreneurs, as he inspired and mentored many business people in the community today.

Harry was recognised as the Liverpool Business Person of the year in 1990, and in the same year he was Awarded Officer of the Order of Liverpool. In 2005, he was appointed Companion of the Order of Liverpool, also receiving the City of Liverpool Citizen Award that year. The Quota Club of Liverpool recognised Harry Hunt as the Citizen of the year in 1992 for his services to the community of Liverpool.

In 2007, Harry was awarded the prestigious Order of Australia Medal for service to the community as a supporter of fundraising events for charitable groups, and the City of Liverpool through a range of business, service and social welfare organisations. He was then further recognised in 2021 as the Liverpool Senior Citizen of the year.

While Harry was honored with such awards and titles, he always remained humble and his heart was always with his family and helping his community. Harry dedicated his life to giving back to his community and was driven by his passion to teach and share his knowledge, time and skills with others.

Submissions on the proposed Bridge name are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-4/2022.

All submissions must be received by Tuesday 1st November 2022.

Council received a street naming request to rename Squillaciote Crescent in Austral. Squillaciote was the surname of an early resident of the area and current residents have advised that the name is difficult to pronounce.

The name Squillaciote is not in line with relevant sections of the NSW Address Policy User Manual as follows:

  • Section 6.7.1 Ensuring Public Safety and Service Delivery - Ensuring Public Safety and Service Delivery Road names shall not risk public and operational safety for emergency response, or cause confusion for transport, communication, and mail services.
  • Section 6.7.2 Language – Road names shall be easy to pronounce, spell and write, and preferably not exceed three words (including the road type) or 25 characters.

There are concerns that in an emergency, residents will not be able to pronounce or spell the street name which may cause confusion and delay an emergency response.


Figure 1: Surrounding Street Names to Squillaciote Crescent.

Proposed renaming to Driver Street, Austral

In consultation with Council’s Heritage Officer, a new street name has been proposed and assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and the NSW Address Policy and User Manual. The Geographical Names Board have granted pre-approval for the street name, Driver Street.

The name “Driver” is in commemoration of John and Elizabeth Driver, with John being an early land grant holder. John along with his wife Elizabeth, were strong supporters of the Rum Rebellion. The rum rebellion of 1808 was Australia's first and only military coup, staged by the New South Wales Corps to depose Governor William Bligh for the illicit rum trade of early Sydney. The Drivers were one of 16 of the colony’s principal inhabitants who signed a letter in support of the Coup to disband Governor William Bligh, written by John Macarthur, and addressed to Major Johnston on 26 January 1808, the day of the coup.

Elizabeth subscribed £30 towards Macarthur’s expenses for his anticipated trial in England against Bligh. The Drivers received a 200-acre land grant at Cabramatta for their support of the rum rebellion also known as the anti-Bligh regime. John Driver died in 1810 and Elizabeth Driver in 1825.

Driver Street is consistent with the street naming theme of early residents for this section of Austral and has been assessed against the road naming principals detailed in the NSW Address Policy and User Manual and has been checked for any potential conflicts using the Geographical Names Board’s online road naming system. The name is easily pronounceable and does not contain unusual spelling.

Council considered this proposal at the 31 August 2022 Council meeting. A copy of the Council resolution is provided below:


Submissions on the proposed name are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-2/2022.

All submissions must be received by Tuesday 25 October 2022.

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Concept Plan for the landscape upgrade at Affleck Gardens Park in Middleton Grange.


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed design and provide feedback by completing the online survey at or by visiting Council's Website at to view the Draft Concept Plan and download the Community Survey.

Written submissions concerning the Draft Concept Plan are also invited and should be received by 9 October 2022 (quoting file no. 2020/2076) and addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer

Affleck Gardens Park Consultation (2020/2076)

Locked Bag 7064


Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2020/2076)

For enquiries regarding the Draft Concept Plan – Affleck Gardens Park, please phone Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 1300 36 2170.

Public Exhibition Notice – Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement – VPA-47 – 47 Seventeenth Avenue Austral (DA-922/2021)

In accordance with Sections 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The draft VPA provides for the Developer of 47-59 Seventeenth Avenue, Austral to pay monetary contributions, to Council by the Developer.

The VPA provides development contributions, which consists of:

  • Monetary contributions of $95,000 as a proportion of the cost of construction of the Gross Pollutant Trap

The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 5th September 2022 to 3rd October 2022.

Council will receive written submissions up until 5pm on 3rd October 2022. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting VPA-47, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Public Notice - NSW Government’s 30km/h speed limit in Liverpool CBD

Liverpool City Council is inviting the community to have their say on the NSW Government trial of a 30km/h speed limit in the Liverpool CBD.

Community members can provide Council with feedback in the following ways:

  1. By completing the online survey.
  2. Email to: (quoting file no. 2022/2380); or
  3. Mail to: Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool CBD 30km/h Speed Limit Consultation (2022/2380), Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871

The Public Exhibition will close on Friday 19 August 2022.

At the Council meeting on 31 August 2022, Council resolved to make changes to the Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy.

In line with section 253 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council must give public notice of its intention to amend its Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy and seek community feedback.

Council has amended the policy to include additional clauses, which can be found at 4.1.9, 4.1.10 and 4.8.7.

In accordance with that decision, Councils draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy is placed on public exhibition until Monday 10 October 2022.

For further information regarding this public exhibition, please contact Jessica Saliba, Coordinator Governance at referencing the ‘Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy’.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper.

Draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy - September

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Concept Plan for proposed landscape upgrades at Gibbs Park in the suburb of Sadleir.

The Draft Concept Plan includes provision of the following:

  • A new children’s playground with rubber safety surface and shade structure;
  • Installation of new park furniture; and
  • Landscape improvements including new garden beds and tree planting.


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed Draft Concept Plan and provide Council with feedback by completing a short online survey by 14 September 2022.

Written submissions concerning the Draft Concept Plan are also invited and should be received by 14 September 2022 (quoting file no. 2021/7519) and addressed to:

Acting Chief Executive Officer Gibbs Park Consultation (2021/7519) Locked Bag 7064 LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871

Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2021/7519)

Comments received will be reviewed and analysed, and the concept design will then be finalised in response to the comments.  The Final Concept Plan will be uploaded here for public viewing once it becomes available.Gibbs Park - Local Park ConstructionGibbs Park - Local Park ConstructionGibbs Park - Local Park Construction

The Final Concept Plan will be uploaded onto the Liverpool Listens project page for public viewing once it becomes available.

Council has been trialling day-time Council meetings, commencing at 2pm, since June 2022.

Meetings may be viewed live at here.

Have Your Say

Community Consultation period: 1 August - 10 August, 2022.

Council meetings have a maximum duration of 5 hours.

To complete the Survey click here

Joint Public Exhibition - Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Map Amendment No. 4) and Development Application No. DA-750/2021

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Map Amendment No. 4) and Development Application No. DA-750/2021.

The planning proposal seeks to amend the Key Sites Map in the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 to relocate the existing key site shape that applies to 104 Fifteenth Avenue, West Hoxton (Lot 2 DP 1074727). The key site provision allows for the development of a service station and take away food and drinks premises at the site as additional permitted uses.

Related documents for the planning proposal:

Although the planning proposal only relates to the location of the key site shape, the proposal is intended to facilitate the development outcome proposed under DA-750/2021, which is also on public exhibition. DA-750/2021 seeks development consent for the construction of a service station and convenience store, take away food and drinks premises, child care centre and Torrens title subdivision at 104 Fifteenth Avenue, West Hoxton (Lot 2 DP 1074727).

Related documents for the development application:

Additional information on the planning proposal is available by searching for ‘PP-2022-6200’ on the NSW Planning Portal or by visiting Council’s ePlanning page and searching for ‘RZ-5/2021’. Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using the NSW Planning Portal; Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 7 August 2022, quoting ref: RZ-5/2021.

Additional information on the development application is available by visiting Council’s ePlanning page and searching for ‘DA-750/2021’. Submissions are invited from the public and can be sent via email to Written submissions should be received by 5pm on 7 August 2022, quoting ref: DA-750/2021.

For further enquiries relating to the planning proposal, please contact Lilyan Abosh, Strategic Planner, on 8711 7631 or

For further enquiries relating to the development application, please contact Kevin Kim, Senior Development Assessment Planner, on 8711 7896 or

Public Notice - EOI Heritage Advisory Committee

Liverpool City Council is calling for expressions of interest from members of the community for appointment by Council to the Heritage Advisory Committee, an advisory committee of Council. Community members must be residents of Liverpool Local Government Area. Council will consider the appointment of between two and seven Community Representatives.

The Heritage Advisory Committee assists Council to support the conservation and promotion of heritage within the Liverpool Local Government Area by providing relevant community-based advice and expertise.

Council is seeking expressions of interest from residents of the Liverpool Local Government Area who have knowledge of the local history of the Local Government Area, interest in its conservation and preservation and experience in either the promotion of heritage or the technical aspects of heritage conservation and preservation. Council encourages expressions of interest from members of various heritage societies and groups within the Local Government Area but please note that Council will appoint no more than one person per group to the Committee. Individual members of the community are also welcome to submit expressions of interest.

Council has prepared an information kit for interested persons. The kit includes:

  • Information about the Committee
  • Heritage Advisory Committee Charter
  • Expression of interest form

For further information please contact Thomas Wheeler, Heritage Officer, Liverpool City Council on 8711 7571 or email:

Interested persons should complete all sections of the expression of interest form, providing supporting information where requested.

The closing date for submitting your expression of interest form is 30 June 2022 at 4:30pm.

Please address your expression of interest to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting (2017/0738), or post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Public Exhibition - Integrated Pest Management Policy and Strategy

An Integrated Pest Management Policy and Integrated Pest Management Strategy have been developed to guide how pest animals and weeds will be managed within Liverpool Local Government Area. The Policy identifies Council’s pest management objectives and commitments.  The Strategy provides details on how the objectives will be met, including the identification of priority pest species and actions to improve their management.

At its meeting on 25 May 2022, Council resolved to place the Integrated Pest Management Policy and Strategy on public exhibition for 28 day in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and to seek community feedback.

In accordance with that decision, Council’s Integrated Pest Management Policy and Integrated Pest Management Strategy are placed on public exhibition until 5pm, Thursday 30 June 2022.

Download the Integrated Pest Management Policy and Integrated Pest Management Strategy and Appendix D Integrated Pest Management Strategy.

Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or emailed to  Submissions should quote reference 2016/2116. If you require any further information, please contact Karen Visman - Coordinator Environment Management at .

Public Exhibition - Climate Change Policy and Liverpool Climate Action Plan

At its meeting on 25 May 2022, Council resolved to place the Climate Change Policy and Liverpool Climate Action Plan on public exhibition for 28 days in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993.

The Climate Change Policy sets out Council's commitment principles, which are:

  • Achieve net-zero carbon emissions from Council’s operations by 2050
  • Provide effective and strong leadership to the Liverpool community in responding to climate change and building a sustainable city
  • Assist our community to reach the NSW government aspirational target of net-zero emissions by 2050

The Liverpool Climate Action Plan identifies key actions and priorities to work towards these commitments.  It builds on state and regional policy as well as Liverpool’s own net zero pathways work to progress climate action.

Download the Climate Change Policy and Liverpool Climate Action Plan

Submissions close 5pm, Thursday 30 June 2022.

Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or emailed to  Submissions should quote reference 2021/3252. If you require any further information, please contact Karen Visman - Coordinator Environment Management at .

Public Exhibition - NSW Government Employment Zones Reform

The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) has initiated employment zones reform which involves replacing the existing Business zones (B) and Industrial zones (IN) with Employment zones (E) and updating the current land use tables.

The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) is facilitating the public exhibition of the translation of the existing Business and Industrial zones into the new Employment zones. The exhibition period will run from Tuesday 31 May 2022 until Tuesday 12 July 2022.

To view the exhibition and make a submission please visit the department’s Planning Portal. The Employment Zones Reform webpage provides further information on the reform process. A Planning Portal User Guide provides explanations on how to use the search tool to view proposed zone translations and how to make submissions.

At its meeting on 27 April 2022, Council considered the employment zones reform and supported its public exhibition. Council report, minutes of meeting and proposed land use tables under new employment zones can be downloaded by the links provided below.

If you have any questions, please contact the DPE Planning Customer Support Team on 1300 420 596 or by email at Alternatively, if you seek to speak to a Council planner, please contact Riz Afzal – Senior Strategic Planner on 8711 7942 or via

Call for nominations – Moorebank Logistics Park Community Consultative Committee

Nominations are open for the appointment of community members to the Moorebank Logistics Park Community Consultative Committee.

Many State Significant projects in NSW have Community Consultative Committees. These committees provide a forum for dialogue between the proponent and representatives of the local community, stakeholder groups and local councils on issues directly relating to the project.

About the project

The Moorebank Logistics Park is a vital piece of infrastructure for NSW which will transform the way containerised freight moves through Port Botany through the delivery of a fully automated port-to-site rail link. Once complete, the Moorebank facility will move 1.5 million shipping containers annually by rail instead of road and create significant benefit by:

  • Taking 2,700 heavy truck movements off Sydney’s roads each day
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 110,000 tonnes every year
  • Delivering $11 billion in economic benefits through improved productivity
  • Creating an expected 6,800 jobs

Membership of the Community Consultative Committee

Established in 2019, the Moorebank Logistics Park Community Consultative Committee has an active membership of people who live locally or are members of a stakeholder group.

We are seeking to fill three membership positions on the committee.

NSW Department of Planning and Environment’s Community Consultative Committee guidelines (Section 3.4) require that community representatives must:

  • be current residents or landowners within the relevant local government area
  • demonstrate involvement in local community groups and/or activities
  • have knowledge and awareness of the project and related issues of concern to the local community
  • be able to represent and communicate the interests of the affected local community
  • be willing to adhere to the committee’s code of conduct.

In addition, representatives of stakeholder groups must:

  • be a member of a stakeholder group with an interest in the project – including an industry, community, environmental or Aboriginal group
  • have knowledge and awareness of the project and related issues of concern
  • be able to represent and communicate the interests of the group or community
  • be willing to adhere to the committee’s code of conduct.

The role of a committee member is voluntary.

Selection criteria: Committee members are expected to contribute constructively to committee discussions, attend around four meetings a year, and communicate information about the Moorebank Logistics Park between the committee and the broader community.

If you would like to apply, download a copy of the nomination form at

Applications close at 11.59pm (AEST) on Friday 17 June 2022 and must be lodged by sending to the independent chairperson of the Community Consultative Committee, Dr Colin Gellatly:

Post: Dr Colin Gellatly, PO Box 56, Hunters Hill NSW 2110

Public Notice – Proposed Street Name Under Section 162 Roads Act 1993, and Notification of Proposed Place Names

SPN-12/2021 – Naming of a bypassed section of Elizabeth Drive to Farrier Place, Luddenham

Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW) has requested Council assist in naming a bypassed section of Elizabeth Drive to Farrier Place, Luddenham in conjunction with Penrith City Council.

The extent of the road is shown in Figure 1 below and relates to a short section of the former Elizabeth Drive alignment near its former intersection with The Northern Road.

 Section of street to be named Farrier Place

Figure 1: Section of street to be named Farrier Place

The name “Farrier” is named after a person who fits shoes for horses and is in reference to the rural location and stud farms in the area.

SPN-1/2022 – Naming of a New Road to be constructed in Moorebank Logistical Park to Bushmaster Avenue

A street naming proposal was received in December 2021, to name a new road to be constructed at the intersection of Moorebank Avenue and Anzac Road, Moorebank (Moorebank Logistics Park). The extent of the road is shown in Figure 2 below.

FIGURE 2  Location of proposed Bushmaster Avenue

Figure 2: Location of proposed Bushmaster Avenue

A Bushmaster is an Australian built military vehicle, designed and first produced in Bendigo, Victoria, in 1998. Bushmaster Avenue is consistent with this section of Moorebank’s Street naming theme (Military).

SPN-3/2022 - Assign the name Regal Lane, Liverpool to an unnamed laneway between Scott Street and Railway Service Way

A street naming proposal was received in November 2021, to name a laneway located between Scott Street and Railway Service Way, Liverpool as shown in Figure 3 and 4 below.

Figure 3: Location of proposed Regal Lane – Ariel View

Figure 3: Location of proposed Regal Lane – Ariel View

: Location of proposed Regal Lane – Street View

Figure 4: Location of proposed Regal Lane – Street View

The name “Regal” originates from Liverpool’s first and only theatre which opened in 1911. The theatre was located at this site before it was demolished in 2014 for the construction of the Quest Hotel which currently stands adjacent to the laneway. The theatre was known as Liverpool Picture Palace, then rebuilt as the grand Butterfly Theatre in 1925 before being renamed the Regal Theatre in the 1940’s. It continued as Liverpool’s only theatre until it closed in the late 1970’s.

Naming the Laneway “Regal Lane” will re-connect residents and visitors to the local history of the site.

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the above SPN reference number.

All submissions must be received by 12 June 2022.

Liverpool City Council Draft Delivery Program 2022-2026, Draft Operational Plan 2022-2023 and Draft 2023-2032 Long Term Financial Plan

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the draft Delivery Program, draft Operational Plan and draft Long Term Financial Plan from 13 May – 10 June 2022.

The Draft Delivery Program responds to the vision and priorities of the Community Strategic Plan. It includes the Long Term Financial Plan, fees and charges and major projects.

The Draft Operational Plan details annual projects and activities Council will deliver.

Have your say

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the draft Delivery Program, draft Operational Plandraft 2022-2023 Revenue Pricing Policy Fees and Charges and draft Long Term Financial Plan and provide Council with feedback.

To provide a submission, please take our survey here or send your response with the reference number 2022/1706 and addressed to: The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871 or emailed to

Submissions close 5pm, Friday 10 June 2022.

Should you require any further information, please contact the Corporate Strategy and Performance team at

Public Exhibition - Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 95)

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (Amendment 95).

Draft Amendment 95 seeks to amend Schedule 5 of the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 to add two properties to the heritage items list and remove six existing items from the list. The properties to be added are 122 Atkinson Street, Liverpool (Lot 52 DP 1090837) and 124 Moore Street, Liverpool (Cnr Lot 1 DP 10447). The six existing items proposed to be removed are:

  • Item 4 - Two water tanks (RAAF receiving station site and former supply to OTC staff);
  • Item 5 - Former OTC Site Group, including radio receiving station and site of former staff housing;
  • Item 27 - Remnants of former farm homestead (“Pemberton”);
  • Item 36 - Ingleburn village site and lecture hall building (Nissen hut);
  • Item 57A - Defence National Storage and Distribution Centre; and
  • Item 59 - Remnants of former sandstone cottage (“Benera”).

The items proposed to be removed have been heavily impacted by major developments and / or are no longer subject to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008. Justification for these changes is contained within the planning proposal report.

Related documents:

Additional information is available by searching for ‘PP-2022-865’ on the NSW Planning Portal or by visiting Council’s ePlanning page and searching for ‘RZ-4/2021’.

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using the NSW Planning Portal; Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on Friday 10 June 2022, quoting ref: RZ-4/2021.

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Lilyan Abosh, Strategic Planner, on 8711 7631 or

Badgerys Creek and Bringelly areas

Update on road works Friday 1 April to Tuesday 31 May 2022

Transport for NSW is carrying out road enabling works to support the delivery of the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport. The new metro rail will become the transport spine for Greater Western Sydney, connecting communities and travellers with the new Western Sydney

International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport and the growing region. The city-shaping project will deliver new stations at the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, Western Sydney International, Luddenham, Orchard Hills and St Marys. The 23 kilometre new railway is planned to open at the same time as passenger services start at the airport.

There are four projects underway at Badgerys Creek and Bringelly that will provide road access to future Sydney Metro construction sites and a services facility, and improve traffic flow and safety for construction vehicles and general traffic (see map below).

badgerys creek map

Project updates

1. Elizabeth Drive and Badgerys Creek Road roundabout extension

Work planned for Friday 1 April to Tuesday 31 May includes:

  • establishing site fencing and traffic barriers
  • grubbing and clearing of vegetation, demolition, excavation and earthworks
  • constructing a road off the roundabout including kerb and gutter work
  • installing signage, line marking, landscaping, fencing and gates.

Equipment used will include road-saws, jackhammers, trucks, rollers, tippers, earthmoving vehicles, light construction vehicles, cranes, milling and paving machines, excavators and generators.

2. Pitt Street works

Work on Pitt Street continues and will deliver widening and upgrading to cater for heavy construction vehicles as well as new signage and line markings.

Work completed in March:

  • establishing site fencing and compound
  • setting up erosion and sediment controls, carrying out surveys and site investigations
  • grubbing and clearing of vegetation, demolition and excavation.

Work planned for Friday 1 April to Tuesday 31 May includes:

  • excavation and earthworks
  • utility adjustments and stormwater work
  • road construction and pavement work
  • installing signage and line marking, landscaping, fencing and gates.

Equipment used will include road-saws, jackhammers, trucks, tippers, rollers, earthmoving vehicles, light construction vehicles and excavators.

3. Badgerys Creek Road new roundabout and access road

Work completed in March:

  • gubbing and clearing of vegetation on the east side of Badgerys Creek Road
  • electrical and water utility relocation
  • construction of a new access road.

Work planned for Friday 1 April to Tuesday 31 May includes:

  • grubbing and clearing, excavation and earthworks on the western side of Badgerys Creek Road
  • installing new stormwater drainage
  • relocation of Telstra assets
  • new kerb, gutter and roundabout construction
  • asphalting and pavement work
  • concreting driveways and other property adjustment work
  • installing signage, line marking, landscaping, fencing and gates.

Temporary road closures are planned to be in place on Badgerys Creek Road for utility relocation and construction of the new roundabout on Friday 1 April to Monday 4 April from 6pm Friday to 7am Monday, weather permitting. We are planning to work 24 hours a day during that period to complete our work. Access for local residents and businesses will be maintained at all times during the closure .

This work requires a closure of Badgerys Creek Road, Bringelly. Detours will be in place for road users via Elizabeth Drive and The Northern Road. Please keep to speed limits and follow signs and traffic controllers’ directions.

Traffic control will be stationed at Elizabeth Drive and The Northern Road intersections to allow access for local residents and businesses. Please speak with traffic control on approach and follow their instructions at all times.

The work site is located at 215 Badgerys Creek Road and 142 Badgerys Creek Road, Bringelly. Access to properties on the:

  • northern side of the work site should be made via Elizabeth Drive and Badgerys Creek Road intersection
  • southern side of the work site should be made via the Dart Road U-turn facility off The Northern Road.

4. New driveway for the Bringelly Services Facility, Derwent Road

Work completed in March:

  • grubbing and clearing of vegetation and demolition
  • utilities relocation
  • stormwater adjustments and driveway preparation.

Work planned for Friday 1 April to Tuesday 31 May includes:

  • excavation and earthworks
  • completing driveway and other property adjustment work
  • road construction and pavement work
  • installing signage, line marking, landscaping, fencing and gates.

Equipment used will include road-saws, jackhammers, trucks, rollers, tippers, earthmoving vehicles, light construction vehicles, cranes, milling and paving machines, excavators and generators.

What to expect

There will be temporary traffic changes during our work to ensure that work zones are safe. This may affect travel times. Please keep to speed limits and follow signs and traffic controllers’ directions.

  • Work will generate some noise and dust and our team will minimise impacts where possible.
  • There will be an increase of light and construction vehicles near the work sites.
  • Minor traffic disruptions will occur with traffic control measures in place.
  • Access to driveways and properties will be maintained however there may be some minor interruptions due to work. We will liaise with affected property owners and work to minimise impacts prior to any property access changes.

For traffic updates, you can call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App.

Our work schedule

Our standard work hours will be Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm, weather permitting. On weekends, high noise activities will only take place on Saturdays between 8am and 1pm. We will not work on Public Holidays.

Our night work hours will be Sunday to Friday nights from 8pm to 5am. We will finish high noise works by midnight whenever possible.

These works will be undertaken in accordance with Public Health Orders and a COVIDSafe plan is in place. Please note the weather and site conditions may impact our planned dates of work and require some scheduling flexibility or additional days’ work. We will continue to keep the community informed of construction plans and provide a project update in June 2022.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like to subscribe to our email updates, please contact:

  • For project enquiries, please call 1800 684 490
  • For urgent calls outside business hours, please call our 24/7 construction response line on 1800 775 465
  • email:
  • If you need help understanding this information, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call us on 1800 684 490.

For enquiries relating to the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project, please call 1800 717 703 or email

Public Exhibition - Draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy

At its meeting on 27 April 2022, Council resolved to place the draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy on public exhibition in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and to seek community feedback.

In accordance with that decision, Councils draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy is placed on public exhibition until Wednesday 25 May 2022.

Download the draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy.

Should you require any further information, please contact

Draft Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 from 29 April – 27 May 2022.

The Community Strategic Plan is a ten-year plan that focuses on the community’s vision for Liverpool. The Plan defines the community’s priorities for the next ten years and how all stakeholders can work together to achieve the desired future.

Have your say

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the Draft Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032 and provide Council with feedback.

To provide a submission, please take our Survey or send your response with the reference number 2022/1485 and addressed to: The Acting Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW, 1871 or emailed to

Submissions close 5pm, Friday 27 May 2022.

Should you require any further information, please contact the Corporate Strategy and Performance team at

Exhibition Of Draft Code Of Meeting Practice

At its meeting on 30 March 2022, Council resolved to place the draft Code of Meeting Practice, based on the Office of Local Government's Model Code (and some specific clauses for Liverpool to compliment the Code) on public exhibition in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, and to seek community feedback.

In accordance with that decision, Council’s Draft Code of Meeting Practice is placed on public exhibition until Wednesday 27 April 2022 and can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

Council will receive submissions up until 9.30am Wednesday 11 May 2022. Submissions can be sent via email to or in person in writing to the Customer Service Centre at 33 Moore Street Liverpool. A report will be submitted to the Council meeting on 25 May 2022 to consider all submissions received.

For any enquiries regarding this public exhibition, please contact George Georgakis, Manager Council and Executive Services on 8711 7584 or email enquiries to with reference to the 'Code of Meeting Practice'.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Your submission, including any personal information, is accessible by any person upon written application, subject to Council’s Privacy Management Plan and the Government Information (Public Access) Act, 2009. The inclusion of personal information in your submission is voluntary, however, if not provided, may affect consideration of the submission. The information will ultimately be stored in Council’s records system.

Link to Draft Code of Meeting Practice

Link to report considered by Council at the 30 March 2022 meeting

Community Venue Hire - limited venues now available for Ramadan 2022

In the lead-up to the holy month of Ramadan, Council has finalised its community venues hire bookings for each evening from 1 April until 30 April 2022.

Limited venues are now available for casual hire (one off bookings only) at the below venues:

  • Chipping Norton Community Centre
  • Chipping Norton Recreation Centre (The Lakes Boatshed)
  • Moorebank Community Centre
  • Wattle Grove Youth Centre

For further information, please contact Community Facilities Management on

Public Exhibition – Draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 Amendment 84

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting draft Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 Amendment 84.

This planning proposal seeks to amend the current lot yield restriction applying to various sites along Pleasure Point Road in Pleasure Point from a four-lot maximum to a five-lot maximum. Council has been made the local plan-making authority for the planning proposal.

The following documents provide further information about the proposal:

Additional information is available by searching for ‘PP-2022-436’ on the NSW Planning Portal or by visiting Council’s ePlanning page and searching for ‘RZ-6/2019’.

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using the NSW Planning Portal; Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 22 April 2022, quoting ref: RZ-6/2019.

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Cameron Jewell, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7862 or

Working to improve infrastructure and facilities in Western Sydney via WestInvest - Have Your Say

The NSW Government is working to improve infrastructure and facilities in Western Sydney via WestInvest a new $5bn program for transformational infrastructure projects to support community amenity and economic recovery, making a real difference to life in 15 local Government areas - including our LGA.

They want to hear from you because you know best what will improve your lives and those of your families and communities.

Have your say now: visit or call the hotline on 02 9228 5260.

Intermodal Precinct Committee Expressions of Interest for Community Member

Liverpool City Council is currently seeking a community representative to serve on the Intermodal Precinct Committee. Committee members serve in a voluntary capacity.

The functions of the Committee are:

  1. To ensure, through collaboration with the Intermodal Company, that the negative impacts are minimised and financial mitigation offers are considered and utilised to improve the health and safety of residents in Liverpool.
  2. To provide advice to assist in any Council submissions on development or modification applications relating to the Intermodal development, with emphasis on minimising adverse impacts on the health of the community.
  3. To develop partnerships with relevant stakeholders, environmental groups and key organisations;
  4. To make recommendations to Council regarding achievement of positive and negative outcomes for the residents of Liverpool.

The Committee meets on a quarterly basis.

Council will receive expressions of interest for Committee membership up until 5.00pm on 31 March 2022.

Please complete the Expressions of Interest Form which can be downloaded here.

Please address your Expression of Interest to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, quoting Ref: Intermodal Precinct Committee EOI via email to

Preliminary Community Consultation on Planning Proposal Request for a Private Hospital – 61-71 Goulburn Street, Liverpool (RZ-6/2021)

Council is in receipt of a planning proposal request which seeks to amend development standards on six parcels of land at 61-71 Goulburn Street Liverpool. In line with Council’s Community Participation Plan, the proposal is being publicly exhibited for a period of 28 days prior to being reported to Council.

The planning proposal request seeks to amend the height of building (HOB) and floor-space ratio (FSR) development standards in order to facilitate development of a private hospital, consulting suites and supporting retail.

The proposal seeks to amend the Height of Building control from 35 to 91 metres, and the Floor Space Ratio control from 2.5:1 to 7.9:1. The changes will facilitate a development comprising approximately 155 private hospital beds, 9,390m2 of consulting and education suites and 353m2 of supporting retail uses.

Related documents:

Additional information is available by searching for ‘PP-2021-7276’ on the NSW Planning Portal or ‘RZ-6/2021’ on Council’s ePlanning site.

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made using Council’s Planning Proposal Submission Form or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 1 March 2022, quoting ref: RZ-6/2021.

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Cameron Jewell, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7862 or

Proposed Street Name Under Section 162 Roads Act 1993, and Notification of Proposed Place Names:

SPN-8/2021 - Naming of a car park to “Gasworks Car Park” located on the Corner of Shepherd and Speed Street, Liverpool as seen in Figure 1 below.

Gasworks Car Park

Figure 1: Car park to be named Gasworks Car Park

The location of the car park was formerly the site of the Liverpool Gasworks from approximately the 1890-1920s.

Naming the car park “Gasworks Car Park” will reconnect the site with its history.

SPN-9/2021-   Naming of a car park to “Telowra Car Park” located on the Corner of Speed and Pirie Street, Liverpool as seen in Figure 2 below.

Telowra Car Park

Figure 2: Car park to be named Telowra Car Park

The location of the car park was formerly the site of the historic “Telowra House” and from the late 1800s and early 1900s was the home of George W.S. Rowe, the Secretary of the Rosehill Racing Club. Horse races were named after George, “The George Rowe Stakes” and the house, “The Telowra Handicap” amongst others.

Naming the car park “Telowra Car Park” will reconnect the site with its history

In accordance with the Roads Act 1993, Liverpool City Council is exhibiting the following names:

SPN-10/2021- Naming of a pathway between Canberra Avenue and Casula Road, Casula to "Sophienburg Steps", as seen in Figure 3 below.

Sophienburg Steps

Figure 3: Location of steps to be named Sophienburg Steps

The location of the steps was formerly the location of Sophienburg house and estate and dates back to the 1840s. The house was owned by several significant members of NSW Parliament including Thomas Holt, James Atkinson and Samuel Saul.

Naming the Stairway “Sophienburg Steps” will reconnect the site with its history.

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the above SPN reference number.

All submissions must be received by Monday 18th February 2022.

Public Exhibition Notice – Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement – VPA-44 – 5 Melito Court Prestons (DA-1060/2020)

In accordance with Sections 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The draft VPA provides for the Developer of 5 Melito Court, Prestons, to pay monetary contributions to Council by the Developer.

The VPA provides development contributions, which consists of:

  • Monetary contributions of $387,600 for Traffic Management Infrastructure Upgrades – Intersection of Bernera Road, Yarrunga Street and Yato Road

The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 5 September 2022 to 3 October 2022. 

Council will receive written submissions up until 5pm on 3 October 2022. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting VPA-44, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Hume Highway and Governor Macquarie Drive Intersection Upgrade, Warwick Farm  Review of Environmental Factors

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Governor Macquarie Drive (GMD) upgrade on its approach to the Hume Highway, Warwick Farm.

The REF has been prepared to identify possible environmental impacts of the upgrades works and recommends measures to be undertaken during the constriction works to minimise environmental impacts.

The road upgrade is a federal funded project, aimed to reduce traffic congestion, improve travel time and road safety on the GMD section between the Hume Highway and Munday Street.

The upgrade includes construction of signalised left turn slip lane, from GMD into Hume Highway and from the Highway into GMD, as well as road widening on the GMD approach to provide two lanes in each direction.  A layout of the road upgrade is an shown below.


A copy of the relevant documentation can be viewed by selecting the Related Documents links below.

Written submissions to the proposed upgrade, addressed to the CEO can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, via email to, or using the online submission form linked at the top of this webpage.

Submissions must be received by 7 February 2022, quoting GMD REF.

For further enquiries, please contact Mahavir Arya, Transport Engineer on 8711 7592 or

Related Documents:

In accordance with Sections 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The draft VPA provides for the Developer of Middleton Grange Town Centre to pay monetary contributions, works and the dedication of land to Council by the Developer.

The VPA provides development contributions, which consists of:

  1. works amounting to $11,504,000;
  2. monetary contributions of up to $8,000,000; and
  3. dedication of designated Land at no cost to Council.

The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 25 July 2022 to 22 August 2022 on Council’s website

Council will receive written submissions up until 5pm on 22 August 2022. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting RZ-4/2007, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Draft VPA – Middleton Grange Town Centre

Explanatory Note to VPA – Middleton Grange Town Centre

Council Resolution – Proposed Planning Agreement – Middleton Grange Town Centre