Archived Public Exhibtion and Notices 2023

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting a Draft Plan of Management for Hammondville Park, which proposes the re-categorisation of community land. The objective of the plan is to outline the ongoing use, maintenance, management, and improvement of Phillips Park for approximately the next 10 years.

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to

  • View the Draft proposed Plan of Management here
  • Provide feedback on the proposed re-categorisation of community land by completing our  online survey.

Council has also approved the updated Hammondville Park Masterplan at its meeting on the 25th October 2023.

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to:

Liverpool City Council is holding a public hearing for the re-categorisation of community land proposed in the Draft Plan of Management for Phillips Park, Lurnea. The objective of the plan is to outline the ongoing use, maintenance, management, and improvement of Phillips Park for approximately the next 10 years.

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to:

  • View the proposed Draft Plan of Management here
  • Register here to join us at the Public Hearing at 7.30pm - 8.30pm, on 12th December at Lurnea Community Hub, 66 Hill Road, Lurnea, to provide recorded feedback on the proposed re-categorisation of community land within the site. More information about the hearing can be found in our Background Information here and FAQs here
  • Complete our online Community Survey  on the draft plan and proposed re-categorisation of community land here
  • Provide feedback by sending a written submission, quoting file no. 403464.2023, to Mark Taylor Acting Co-ordinator, Community Planning, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email

Project Overview

Leppington Town Centre is located in the South West Growth Area and spans across both Liverpool City Council and Camden Council areas. The 440 hectare locality has been identified as a strategic centre by the NSW Government.

A draft planning proposal has been by prepared by Liverpool City Council and Camden Council (supported by NSW Department of Planning and Environment) to rezone land and amend development controls for several land parcels within the Leppington Town Centre.

Further information can be found on Liverpool Listens.

Leppington Town Centre Zoning Review  map

Liverpool City Council is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members of the public with an interest in the natural environment, waste recovery, floodplain and stormwater management of the Liverpool LGA to be appointed by Council to the Liverpool Environment Advisory Committee.

Committee members serve in a voluntary capacity. Applications close 5pm, Friday 24 November 2023. Please send expressions of interest to Michelle Playford

Liverpool City Council Environment Advisory Committee (EAC)

Liverpool City Council is the owner of the premises known as the Liverpool PCYC at 100 Cartwright Avenue, Miller NSW 2168.

Notice is hereby given that it is proposed to grant a new lease of the existing premises within Lot 100 DP 1118802, at 100 Cartwright Avenue, Miller to the existing tenant Liverpool PCYC for the continued use as Police and Community Youth Club associated activities.

The proposed lease agreement will be for a term of Five (5) years and is anticipated to commence on 15 December 2023.

Any person is entitled to make a submission to Council in respect of this proposal by Wednesday 29 November 2023.

Submissions must be made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting file reference number 2006/2057.

Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Senior Property Officer on 8711 7878.

Project Overview:

Liverpool City Council is seeking community feedback on a draft Conservation Zones Study and proposed amendments to the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008, to rezone certain sites to a Conservation Zone.

The purpose of this exhibition period is to receive initial feedback on the proposal early in the planning process, and prior to the progression of any rezoning.

The proposal recommends the application of a Conservation Zone (environmental zone) to 15 Council owned sites and 11 privately owned sites (i.e. not owned by Council). This is to make sure ecologically valuable bushland and waterways found on these sites are protected through an appropriate land use zone in the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008.

Related Documents:

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 4 December 2023, quoting 2023/4628.

For further enquiries in relation to the proposal, please contact Lilyan Abosh, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7631 or

What happens next?

All submissions from the public exhibition period will be considered and reported to a Council meeting in 2024.

In accordance with Section 418 (3) of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW), Liverpool City Council advises that the ordinary Council meeting to be held on 25/10/2023 will include the presentation of the audited Financial Statements and the Auditor’s Reports for the year ending 30/06/2023.

Click here for a summary of the Financial Statements.

Transport for NSW will carry out night work over 26 nights between Wednesday 1 November and Thursday 30 November 2023 along Elizabeth Drive, west of Badgerys Creek Road in Badgerys Creek and Luddenham Road, Luddenham.

Please view the M12 West Out of Hours work along Elizabeth Drive and Luddenham Road notification for more information.

If you have any questions, a complaint or would like more information on the M12 Motorway project, please contact our project team at 1800 517 155 or email

Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport is the new metro railway line that will service Greater Western Sydney and the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport.

A city-shaping project, the 23-kilometre new railway will connect the Western Sydney Aerotropolis in the south with St Marys in the north – where customers can connect to the existing Sydney Trains suburban T1 Western Line.

The NSW and Australian governments have a shared objective of having Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport operational when the airport opens for passenger services.

CPB Contractors Ghella (CPBG) are completing the Station boxes and tunnelling works. CPB Contractors and United Infrastructure (CPBUI) are completing the Surface and Civil Alignment Works. The Stations, Systems, Trains, Operations and Maintenance contract has been awarded to Parklife Metro consortium.

Click on the link below to read our latest project construction update newsletter.

Click here for the Latest Project Construction update

The project has dedicated place managers who are your first point of contact for any questions or enquiries. They can be contacted on 1800 717 703.

As part of the Moorebank Intermodal Precinct project, out of hours works will commence from 6pm Friday 20 October until 7am Monday 23 October 2023.

Project contractor, BMD Constructions, will be undertaking 24-hour work to upgrade the Moorebank Avenue and Anzac Road Intersection.

This work has been scheduled outside of regular construction hours to minimise the impact to road users and local businesses and includes but is not limited to:

  • Utility relocation/upgrade
  • Pavement works
  • Road alignment changes

In the event this work cannot occur due to the weather, it will be undertaken during the same hours on the following weekend (27-30 October) and any updates will be published to the project website.

What to expect

Access to Moorebank Avenue via Anzac Road westbound from Delfin Drive will be detoured via Wattle Grove Drive, Heathcote Road, M5 Motorway and Moorebank Avenue.

Eastbound lanes on Anzac Road remains as usual. This is to reduce light vehicle movement through the Moorebank Avenue and Anzac Road intersection.

Moorebank Avenue between the M5 and Cambridge Road will remain open under stop / slow traffic control.

Access into Anzac Road from Moorebank Avenue will be permitted. Follow the directions of traffic controllers. Work will involve under boring, excavating, saw cutting and asphalt works, installing pipes and conduits that will require the use of light vehicles, excavators, rollers, an asphalt paver, grader,
compaction equipment, bogie trucks and lighting towers.

Moorebank Avenue will remain open at all times.

Moorebank Intermodal Precinct project out of hours work 20-23 Octo

Council has been receiving representations, concerning an increase of heavy vehicle movements in Nuwarra Road. The heavy vehicles tend to use this road as a bypass route which impacts the residential amenity of the residents, living on both sides of Nuwarra Road. Hence, a load limit was proposed to restrict the heavy vehicles movements in Nuwarra Road.

At its meeting on 20th September, Liverpool City Council Traffic Committee recommended 5-tonne load limit on Nuwarra Road between Newbridge Road and Heathcote Road, subject to a community consultation. The proposed change in load limit would discourage heavy vehicle movements in Nuwarra Road to improve residential amenity. As a part of this process, VMS signs on this Road would be installed for one-week period starting from 19/10/2023, seeking the community feedback.

Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object the proposal of 5 -tonne load limit on Nuwarra Road.

All submissions or feedback must be received by Thursday 26 October 2023.

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to quoting the reference number 344132.2023.

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by Thursday 26 October 2023

For further enquiries in relation to above mentioned load limit, please contact Amit Chowdhury, Transport Engineer, on 1300 36 2170 or via e-mail to

At its meeting on the 27th of September, Council endorsed twenty-nine (29) proposed street names to be allocated to new streets within the suburb of Edmondson Park.

The Street naming theme for Edmondson Park is military and the proposed street names commemorate Australian war dogs and names of Australian war battles.

The proposed names are:

  • Amiens Road
  • Caesar Boulevard
  • Compass Concourse
  • Horrie Road
  • Jericho Road
  • Jezzine Lane
  • Juno Drive
  • Justin Road
  • Lone Pine Lane
  • Milo Avenue
  • Nassau Lane
  • Nell Street
  • Opossum Street
  • Pedro Crescent
  • Pilckem Path

  • Polygon Lane
  • Prince Loop
  • Rafa Walk
  • Rank Road
  • Roosevelt Crescent
  • Saidor Street
  • Samakh Street
  • Sandy Way
  • Sarbi Circuit
  • Semut Street
  • Shaggy Ridge
  • Sharon Walk
  • Tex Crescent
  • Tulkarm Street

The proposed names have been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and have been granted pre-approval by the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).

If you would like further information on the origin of the above mentioned names, a copy of the Council report and minutes can be found on Council's website here.

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-5/2023.

Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object to any of the above-mentioned proposed names and provide any information that is relevant to support your view.

All submissions must be received by Monday 13th November 2023.

At the 27th of September meeting, Council endorsed six proposed additional street names for approved and future subdivisions in the suburb of Middleton Grange.

The existing Street naming theme for the locality is aviation and the proposed names are:

  • Jetstream Avenue
  • Nacelle Street
  • Pilot Street
  • Radome Street
  • Skyport Street
  • Wirraway Street

The proposed names have been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and have been granted pre-approval by the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).

Proposed names

Jetstream Avenue

In aviation terms, a jet stream refers to a high-altitude, fast-flowing air current in the atmosphere. It consists of strong winds that blow from west to east in the Northern Hemisphere and from east to west in the Southern Hemisphere. Jet streams can significantly impact aircraft travel, providing tailwinds for faster flights when flying in the same direction, or headwinds that slow down aircraft when flying against them.

Nacelle Street

A nacelle refers to an aerodynamic enclosure or structure that surrounds and protects certain components of an aircraft. It is typically found on jet engines, specifically the part that houses the engine itself.

Pilot Street

A pilot refers to an individual who is trained and licensed to operate an aircraft. Pilots are responsible for safely flying and navigating the aircraft, ensuring the well-being of passengers, and adhering to aviation regulations and procedures.

Radome Street

A radome refers to a protective enclosure that protects radar equipment installed on an aircraft. It is a specialised structure designed to be transparent to radar signals while providing physical protection to the radar system.

Skyport Street

A skyport is a specialised landing area for electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft or urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles in urban areas. It serves as an infrastructure hub for efficient short-distance aerial transportation, offering facilities like landing pads, charging stations, and passenger boarding areas.

Wirraway Street

The Wirraway is a World War II aircraft used by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). Initially designed as a trainer, it was also used for combat roles such as reconnaissance, ground attack, and light bombing. It played a significant role in Australia's defense during the early war years. Today, it is preserved as a historical aircraft.

A copy of the Council report and minutes can be found on Council’s website or by the following link here.

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-3/2023.

Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object to any of the above mentioned proposed names, and provide any information that is relevant to support your view.

All submissions must be received by Monday 13th November 2023.

Project Overview:

Liverpool City Council is seeking community feedback on a draft amendment to the Carparking and Access section of the following Council DCP’s:

  • Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 Part 2.11 Land Subdivision and Development in Edmondson Park;
  • Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 Part 3.2 Dwelling houses on Lots greater than 400sqm in the R2, R3 and R4 zones;
  • Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 Part 3.3 Dwelling houses on Hatchet Shaped Lots;
  • Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 Part 3.4 Semi Detached and Attached Dwellings (Duplexes and Terraces) in the R2, R3 and R4* zones;
  • Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 Part 3.5 Dwelling houses on Lots less than 400sqm in the R2, R3 and R4 Zone;
  • Edmondson Park South Development Control Plan 2012 and;
  • Liverpool Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan.

The purpose of this amendment is to update the objectives and controls in the above-mentioned Development Control Plans to include provisions for electric vehicle charging infrastructure in all new dwellings.

The proposed amendments include the following objective:

  1. To ensure the adoption of sustainable transportation practices by the integration of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in all new dwellings.

And the following controls added:

  1. Any new dwelling shall be provided with a dedicated 32-amp circuit provided in the electricity distribution board for the purpose of vehicle charging, and:
    1. a minimum of 1, 7 kW (32 A) type 2 electric vehicle charger located in the garage, carport or other parking area, Or
    2. That the electrical distribution board is adjacent to the garage, carport or other parking area, Or
    3. In instances where the electrical distribution board is not on the wall adjacent to a garage, carport or other parking area, an electrical conduit, pull-string and cover-plate is provided between the electrical distribution board and the vehicle parking area in a manner which permits a vehicle charger to be installed without penetrating any wall, ceiling or floor.

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by Monday 13 November 2023, quoting ref: 2023/1712.

For further enquiries in relation to the draft amendment, please contact Danielle Hijazi, Strategic Planner, on 1300 36 2170 or via e-mail at

What happens next?

All submissions will be considered and any submissions received will be reported to a Council meeting. If no submissions are received, or Council decides to proceed with the draft amendment after considering all submissions, the revised Development Control Plans will be finalised.

Related Documents:

Project Overview

Liverpool City Council is seeking community feedback on a draft amendment to the Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 – Part 3.7 (Residential Flat Buildings in the R4 zone) and Part 4 (Development in Liverpool City Centre).

The purpose of this amendment is to update the objectives and controls in the Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 to facilitate larger, family-friendly apartments in Liverpool City Centre and surrounding high-density areas. This is intended to facilitate more suitable housing options for families
residing in apartments throughout the Liverpool LGA.

The proposed amendments include increasing the apartment dwelling mix, to require 25% of total units to be 3 bedroom units, as well as update controls to align with the Apartment Design Guide 2015 (ADG) State Environmental Planning Policy 65 - Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development (SEPP
65) for streamlined Development Assessment processes.

Related Documents:

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 13 November 2023, quoting ref: 2023/3658.

For further enquiries in relation to the draft amendment, please contact Stephen Peterson, Senior Strategic Planner, on 0492 282 493 or

What happens next?

All submissions will be considered and reported to a Council meeting. If Council decides to proceed with the draft amendment, the revised Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 –– Part 3.7 Residential Flat Buildings in the R4 zone and Part 4 Development in Liverpool City Centre will be finalised.

Transport for NSW will carry out night work over 21 night shifts between Tuesday 3 October 2023 and Tuesday 31 October 2023 along Elizabeth Drive, west of Badgerys Creek Road in Badgerys Creek and Luddenham Road, Luddenham.

Please view the M12 West Out of Hours work along Elizabeth Drive and Luddenham Road notification for more information.


Council has prepared the draft Parking Enforcement Policy outlining the way in which motor vehicle parking will be regulated under relevant laws.

The intention of the new policy is to allow motor vehicles to partially park over a nature strip with rollback kerbing, provided the vehicle does not interfere with the use of the footpath, obstruct lines of sight for vehicles using the roadway or cause damage to Council infrastructure which includes
the kerb, nature strip, footpath area and underground services. See image below.

This is an important feature of the new policy ,which aims to improve access and the safe movement of motor vehicles where the width of a road has been reduced and rollback kerbing installed.

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed Draft Enforcement Parking Policy by clicking here.

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871 or via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 16 October 2023, quoting Draft Parking Enforcement Policy.

For further enquiries, please contact Noelle Warwar, Acting Coordinator, on 1300 36 2170.

Liverpool City Council is seeking submissions from the community on its draft plan for the future use and activation of Collingwood House.

Following consultation with a range of internal and external stakeholders, the plan identifies a variety of potential community and commercial activation opportunities designed to attract visitation and encourage activation.

Council is now seeking submissions from the community about the opportunities raised by the draft plan, any opportunities that may have been overlooked and ideas as to how these activations could be delivered.

Submissions will inform the development of an implementation strategy for the plan, as well as the final opportunities presented to Council.

Submissions can be made to the or email address referencing TRIM 2023/4120 and should be received by 5pm 16 October 2023.

To view the draft plan click here

Council is committed to building strong and resilient communities in Liverpool and to maximising social wellbeing for all residents. One way of achieving this is to provide financial and in-kind assistance to individuals and groups to develop leadership skills, increase participation in community life and address identified local needs.

The Grants, Donations, and Community Sponsorship Policy (the Policy) provides the framework for delivering Council’s grants programs to the Liverpool community. In response to community needs and feedback from internal and external stakeholders, the Policy has been reviewed to incorporate additional opportunities for community groups and organisations to receive funding for a broader range of projects and initiatives supporting the community.

The review has resulted in two key changes:

  • Amend the Community Sponsorship eligibility criteria to allow Council to assess and approve retrospective funding for community events within a one-month timeframe from the date of the event.
  • Expansion of the Community Grants Program to incorporate Community Education, Arts, Health & Wellbeing programs, with up to $10,000 in funding available per project.

The Community Grants program will now support community project that address:

  • Partnerships and Collaborations
  • Community Health, Wellbeing, and Inclusion
  • Community Education and Skill Development
  • Connection to Local Heritage and Community Art Initiatives.

Written submissions are invited from the public, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (quote Grants, Donations and Community Sponsorship Policy) by 5pm, 10 October 2023 (TBD).

Submissions must be made in writing to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to

For further enquiries relating to the Policy, please contact Javeria Hoda Community Development Worker Funding & Support on 8711 7821 or

Project Overview

Liverpool City Council is seeking community feedback on a planning proposal to amend the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (LLEP 2008), for land at 93-145 Hoxton Park Road, 51 Maryvale Avenue and 260 Memorial Avenue, Liverpool. The proposal intends to facilitate the development of residential flat buildings, with a maximum of 6 storeys. Access to the potential future development would be from Dale Avenue, Liverpool.

The planning proposal has not been endorsed by Council, and is being placed on Early Exhibition to receive initial community feedback, prior to the proposal being further assessed by Council .

The subject site is currently zoned R4 High Density Residential which permits the development of Residential Flat Buildings. The planning proposal intends to:

  • Increase the maximum Height of Buildings from 15m to 21m (4 storeys to 6 storeys);
  • Increase the Floor Space Ratio control from 1:1 to 1.5:1;
  • Provide a portion of apartments as affordable housing;
  • Allow ‘Retail Premises’ with a maximum gross floor area of 200m² to support the dwellings.

Related Documents:

Who’s Listening

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 9 October 2023, quoting ref: RZ-3/2022.

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Stephen Peterson Senior Strategic Planner, on 0492 282 493 or

All submissions will be assessed and the results of the public exhibition will then be reported to Council.

What happens next?

All submissions will be assessed and the results of the public exhibition will then be reported to Council.

Come and find out the results of Liverpool City Council’s independent review of the NSW Government’s Wianamatta South Creek Flood Study.

Council officers and Manly Hydraulics Laboratory’s flood experts will be there to share the results and answer your questions at our public information session:

Tuesday 12 September 2023 | drop-in between 4-8pm

Bringelly Community Centre, 5 Greendale Rd, Bringelly NSW 2556

In November 2020, Liverpool City Council publicly exhibited the NSW Government’s Wianamatta South Creek Flood Study and conducted extensive community consultation before presenting a report to Council in March 2021.

Council then resolved to undertake a review of the flood model by an independent consultant and undertake assessment of recent major floods since 2019.

This review of the flood model and assessment of recent major floods has now been completed by Manly Hydraulics Laboratory (MHL) and the results are now available for community consultation.

As part of the community consultation process the results were presented to the Aerotropolis Community Consultative Committee (ACCC) on 18th July 2023.

View Council's independent review here

Liverpool City Council is preparing a flood study for the Harris and Williams Creek catchments. The study area covers parts of the suburbs of Holsworthy, Hammondville, Voyager Point and Pleasure Point. This study will update council’s existing flood information and will help us plan for, predict, and manage the risk of flooding within the stud area.

We would appreciate your participating in the study by completing the short questionnaire that is enclosed and returning it before Thursday 10 August 2023.

Harris Creek Flood Study Community Questionnaire

Transport for NSW will continue out of hours work between Tuesday 1�August and Thursday 31 August 2023 along Elizabeth Drive, Clifton Avenue, Salisbury Avenue, Mamre Road, Range Road and Duff Road in Kemps Creek and Cecil Park.

Across the project, low impact earthwork and bridge work activities will continue from 6am, Monday to Saturday. �Concrete pours for bridge works, may on occasion, need to start from 5am or finish after 6pm, Monday to Saturdays as continuity and weather are critical to ensuring the concrete pours and cures correctly to prevent failure of the pavement.

Please view the M12 Central Night work notification for more information.

t’s full steam ahead on the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project, with tunnelling of the new 23-kilometre line now underway.

The Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport 1,066-tonne tunnel boring machines (TBMs) Eileen and Peggy have started their journeys at the future Airport Business Park Station, carving out the first 5.5-kilometre sections of the twin metro tunnels towards the Aerotropolis.

Excavating around 120 metres a week, tunnelling is the first key step in building the six new metro stations from St Marys to the centre of the new Aerotropolis. TBMs Eileen and Peggy are now well into the ground, bringing metro services one step closer for Greater Western Sydney locals.

TBM Eileen pays tribute to the first female Mayor of Penrith, Eileen Cammack OBE, who also established the first pathology laboratory at Nepean District Hospital. TBM Peggy honours pioneer aviator Peggy Kelman OBE, who was instrumental in promoting female aviation and flying companion of Nancy-Bird Walton.

A joint venture between CPB Contractors and Ghella was awarded the $1.8 billion Station Boxes and Tunnelling contract in 2021 to deliver 9.8 kilometres of twin metro tunnels, five station boxes and two services facilities shafts.

This project will support more than 14,000 jobs during construction, including 250 new apprentices, with at least 20 per cent of the contract workforce coming from local communities.

The Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport line will be operational when Western Sydney International Airport opens for passenger services, with an expected travel time of 15 minutes from St Marys metro station to Airport Terminal Station and a further 5 minutes to the Aerotropolis Station.

For more information about the project, visit

Liverpool City Council is seeking community input on a planning proposal to change planning controls at 22 Box Road, Casula, which is a Council owned reserve, locally known as Mimosa Park.

Council previously investigated options to further develop the site as a local park, however it was found unsuitable for a recreation area. Therefore, a change to planning controls are proposed to enable the development of a single dwelling on the site. Funds generated from the sale of the site will be used to further embellish Jardine Park, Casula.

The planning proposal intends on supporting this outcome by amending the Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008, to change the zone from RE1 Public Recreation, to R2 Low Density Residential. The proposal also intends to apply height of building, floor space ratio and minimum lot size development standards to the site, which will be the same as the adjoining low density residential zone.

Related Documents

The Planning Proposal can also be viewed by searching for ‘PP-2023-701’ on the NSW Planning Portal or via Liverpool Listens on Councils Website.

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 14 August 2023, quoting ref: RZ-9/2022.

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Brianna van Zyl Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7940 or

Project overview

Liverpool City Council is undertaking an exciting project for the Collingwood Visitation Precinct (Liverpool Regional Museum, former Visitors Centre site, College Park, Congressional Drive open space, Discovery Park and Collingwood House).  Delivered in partnership with the NSW Government, the masterplan will set a vision for an innovative and exciting precinct of cultural activities, parklands, and opportunities to connect with nature and come together with family, friends, community and visitors.

Have your say

We want you to help shape the future vision for this exciting space. During this first phase of consultation, we want to hear your big ideas and understand what you need in the space, to do this you can:

  • Join us at the Project Showcase

Wednesday 5th of July, 10am-3pm, Miller Park, Miller As part of Liverpool City Council’s NAIDOC Week Family Fun Day

  • Send us a Written submission: Share your vision for one or all of these spaces through a written submission to:

Mark Taylor Acting Co-ordinator Community Planning

Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871


This is the first opportunity to help shape the draft vision for these important spaces. At a later stage, we will present the draft Masterplan for community feedback, and illustrate how your inputs have helped shape the draft.

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Concept Plan for the landscape upgrade of local park Angle Park, in the suburb of Chipping Norton.


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed Draft Concept Plan and provide Council with feedback by completing a short online survey by clicking here.

Written submissions concerning the Draft Concept Plan are also invited and should be received by 7 July 2023 (quoting file no. 2023/1404) and addressed to:

Acting Chief Executive Officer

Angle Park Consultation (2023/1404)

Locked Bag 7064


Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2023/1404)

For enquiries regarding the Draft Concept Plan – Angle Park, please phone Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 1300 36 2170.

Angle Park, Chipping Norton Concept Analysis

Liverpool City Council resolved at its 31 May 2023 meeting to exhibit the draft Aerotropolis s7.12 Contributions Plan 2023.

The draft plan outlines how Council will collect contributions from developers to fund the significant infrastructure needed to deliver on the vision of a vibrant aerotropolis precinct to support a wide rage of local jobs, communities, industries and residences.  Working collaboratively with Penrith City Council to identify and synchronise infrastructure across the whole aerotropolis precinct, this Plan applies only to the land within the Liverpool LGA.

The draft Plan proposes a 4.5% levy  on development over $200,000 to fund the acquisition of land and delivery of local infrastructure needed to align with growth , fulfil the precincts potential and create a sustainable, well connected and liveable city.  This levy is necessary to avoid creating a $2.8billion shortfall in local infrastructure.

While the NSW Government has zoned the land, Council has the delegated responsibility for reviewing and delivering infrastructure, as well as the assessment and determination of development applications.  Contribution Plans are a legislative mechanism for Council to fund infrastructure to support these growth precincts.

The framework and nexus of local infrastructure provision was guided by:

  • Land Acquisition Mapping under State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021
  • Infrastructure mapping under the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan 2022
  • The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2022

prepared by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.

The draft Aerotropolis Contributions Plan will:

  • Ensure services, facilities and infrastructure are delivered as development occurs in order to meet the needs of our growing city
  • Implement streamlined and transparent development contributions processes for development in the aerotropolis precinct, and
  • Fund towards the provision of local transport networks, open space, parks, community facilities, sporting, and recreation facilities


The draft Aerotropolis s7.12 Contributions Plan (Ref: 2023/2388) is on Public Exhibition from Thursday 15 June 2023 – 14 July 2023 in accordance with Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Public Exhibition) Regulations 2020.

Enquires may be directed to Council’s Contributions Planning Team by email at or by phone at 1300 36 2170

Written submissions on the draft plan invited from the public and Industry should be addressed to the CEO, Liverpool City Council, locked bag 7064, Liverpool BC 1872 or by email by the close of the exhibition period on Friday 14 July 2023.

When making a submission please use reference 2023/2388.

Related Documents

Project Overview

Council has prepared the draft Liverpool Rural Lands Strategy as required by action 16.1 of the Local Strategic Planning Statement – Connected Liverpool 2040 (LSPS). This draft strategy applies to land including Denham Court and suburbs west of Austral. The strategy aims to guide the retention, improvement, rezoning and development of rural lands in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA).

The draft strategy identifies the need for agricultural lands to be recognised for their economic productivity value, as well as their intrinsic and landscape values. The strategy recognises that our planning framework needs to respond to issues in our rural areas, including the protection of biodiversity values, protection of rural heritage and management of areas which will transition to urban lands in the future.

The strategy will be important in providing guidance to any Liverpool Local Environmental Plan 2008 (LEP) and Development Control Plan (DCP) amendment in these areas, including planning controls for both land-uses (zoning) and built form.

To view all the related documents click here

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871 or via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 1 August 2023, quoting 2022/3079.

For further enquiries, please contact Kweku Aikins, Senior Strategic Planner, on 1300 36 2170 or

What happens next?

All submissions will be assessed and reported to Council.

In line with section 253 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993, Council must give public notice of its intention to amend its Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy and seek community feedback.

Council has amended the policy to include an additional clause, which can be found at 4.8.2 (g).

In accordance with that decision, Councils draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy is placed on public exhibition until Wednesday 22 June 2023.

For further information regarding this public exhibition, please contact Jessica Saliba, Coordinator Governance at referencing the ‘Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy’.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s business paper.

Draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy

CPB Contractors Ghella are completing the station boxes and tunnelling works for Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport.

Construction at the Aerotropolis site is continuing over the next two months. Most work will be carried out during standard construction hours Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm. Some out-of-hours work activities will be carried out to mitigate quality and safety risks.

Out-of-hours work in June and July will include:

  • Oversized plant and equipment deliveries, excavated material removal, survey, formwork, utility adjustments and waterproofing
  • Low noise impact work including station box and tunnel excavation, mesh installation, shotcreting and ground support installation will start in early June and occur up to seven days a week, 24 hours a day
  • Concrete pours and associated works will occur up to six days per week from Monday to Friday 6pm to 10pm and Saturday 1pm to 4pm
  • Work to construct stub tunnels, including spoil removal and haulage, is planned to commence in June and will occur 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Standard construction hours work in June and July will include:

  • Ongoing site establishment including maintenance, and installing internal roads, signage, temporary site utilities and environmental controls
  • Site wide and station box excavation including earthworks, anchor installation, rock bolting and shotcreting
  • Site wide concrete works, including installation of steel reinforcement and formwork for various structures
  • Construction and commissioning of a water treatment plant and dewatering of sediment basin
  • Delivering and removing plant, equipment and excavated material with truck and trailers
  • Construction of stub tunnels for proposed future extensions of the Metro line
  • Safely removing hazardous materials, in line with SafeWork NSW and Environment Protection Authority guidelines, and Sydney Metro health and safety procedures
  • Site photography using drone cameras above the construction site.

Liverpool City Council resolved, at its meeting on Wednesday 25 September 2019, to call for expressions of interest from persons who live, work in and/ or own businesses within the Liverpool Local Government Area to be appointed by Council to the Intermodal Precinct Committee, which is an advisory committee of Council. At its meeting of 26 February 2020 Council adopted the Intermodal Precinct Committee Charter, which guides the Committee’s functions.

As a result of one of the currently appointed community members being elected as a Councillor, and one community representative resigning, Council is now seeking two community representatives to serve on the committee. Committee members serve in a voluntary capacity.

The functions of the Committee are:

  • To ensure, through collaboration with the Intermodal Company, that the negative impacts are minimised and financial mitigation offers are considered and utilised to improve the health and safety of residents in Liverpool.
  • To provide advice to assist in any Council submissions on development or modification applications relating to the Intermodal development, with emphasis on minimising adverse impacts on the health of the community.
  • To develop partnerships with relevant stakeholders, environmental groups and key organisations;
  • To make recommendations to Council regarding achievement of positive and negative outcomes for the residents of Liverpool.

The first meeting of the Committee was held in June 2020 and from then on, a quarterly basis. Council decided more recently to conduct the meetings every second month.

Council will receive expressions of interest for Committee membership up until 5:00pm on 30 June 2023.

Please complete the Expressions of Interest Form which can be downloaded here or is available on Council’s website.

Please address your Expression of Interest to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, quoting Ref: Intermodal Precinct Committee EOI via email to

The following applications have been made to Council seeking approval for the development listed below. Before Council makes any decision on the application, any person may make a submission to the consent authority concerning the development applications during the submission period specified. Submissions
must specify the grounds of objection, if any.

The development applications and the documents accompanying the application, including any environmental impact statements, are available for inspection online at

For designated development, unless the Independent Planning Commission has held a public hearing, a person who objected to the development by making a submission and who is dissatisfied with the determination of the consent authority to grant development consent, may appeal to the Court, and if the
Independent Planning Commission holds a public hearing, the Commission’s determination of the application is final and not subject to appeal.


The following development application has a 14 day exhibition period which commences on public exhibition from Wednesday 26 April 2023 and concludes on Wednesday 10 May 2023:

Proposal Change of use to an educational establishment and fitout
Applicant MR W PURDON

LOT 59 DP 1021820, LOT 60 DP 1021820

Assessing Officer Anisur Rahman Mahmud: 02 8711 7918
Consent authority Liverpool City Council
Council reference DA-70/2023

The Chief Executive Officer
Liverpool City Council
Locked Bag 7064
Liverpool BC NSW 1871

Or your submission can be lodged online at or emailed to:

The lodging of a submission with Council is voluntary. However, if you do not choose to lodge a submission, your views may not be taken into account by Council regarding the matter in which you are interested.

Please note that information collected by Council regarding development applications and associated documents, including submissions relating to development applications, is open access information that can be obtained by members of the public under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
However, in accordance with Guideline 3 issued by the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Council will not publish any personal information relating to development applications, including any personal details contained within public submissions, on Council's website.

NSW legislation requires the public disclosure of donations or gifts when a person is lodging or commenting on a development proposal. (Refer to Council’s website or contact Council for a copy of the relevant disclosure form.)

A person making a public submission in relation to a development application lodged with Council must disclose any reportable political donation or gift made in the previous two years (and up to the time the matter is determined) to anyone by that person or any associate of that person including:

  • All reportable political donations made to any Councillor (A reportable political donation, being for an amount of or above $1,000, includes any donation made at the time the person was a candidate for election to Council.)
  • All gifts made to any Councillor or staff member of Council. (A gift includes a gift of money or the provision of any other valuable thing or service for no consideration or inadequate consideration.)

The Australian and NSW Governments are upgrading Heathcote Road between Infantry Parade, Holsworthy and The Avenue, Voyager Point to help reduce congestion, improve road safety and provide more reliable journeys for all road users.

CPB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture are carrying out the Station Boxes and Tunnelling works to support the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.

Construction at the Airport Business Park and Terminal sites is continuing over the next two months. Most work will be carried out during standard construction hours Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm. Some out-of-hours work activities will be carried out to mitigate quality and safety risks.

Out-of-hours work in April and May will include:

  • Oversized plant and equipment deliveries including tunnel segment deliveries
  • Station box, temporary shaft and tunnel excavation
  • Spoil conveyor installation, tunnel boring machine component delivery and assembly
  • Surface earthworks, concrete formwork and piling
  • Tunnelling work, including spoil removal and haulage, is planned to commence in April 2023 and will occur 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Standard construction hours work in April and May will include:

  • Maintenance of site access roads and environmental controls
  • Installation of concrete piles for the remaining section of the permanent dive structure
  • Site wide, station box and portal excavation including earthworks, anchor installation, rock bolting and shotcreting
  • Site wide concrete works, including formwork, for various structures
  • Construction and commissioning of a water treatment plant and dewatering of sediment basin
  • Delivering and removing plant, equipment and excavated material with truck and trailers
  • Establishment and operation of an excavated materials storage area
  • Spoil conveyor, grout plant and crane installation
  • Tunnel boring machine component delivery and assembly, and tunnel segment deliveries
  • Site photography using drone cameras above the construction site.

March - April 2023

Transport for NSW is upgrading Henry Lawson Drive Stage 1A, between Tower Road, Bankstown Aerodrome and Auld Avenue, Milperra.

What's happening?

Investigations will continue on site from March 2023. This will include:

  • survey control and pre-construction surveys
  • set out of project boundaries and clearing limits
  • utilities investigations
  • geotechnical investigations
  • building condition surveys
  • placement of concrete barriers
  • establishing site compound
  • demolishing the property at 439 Henry Lawson Drive

Night work will occur from Monday 20 March until Thursday 23 March outside of standard working hours, weather permitting. The night work will take place in the following locations:

  • Intersection of Milperra Road and Henry Lawson Drive
  • Intersection of Henry Lawson Drive and Tower Road
  • Henry Lawson Drive north of Auld Avenue

There will be some noise and disruption associated with this investigation work. We will make every effort to minimise impact to the local community and motorists in the area. This includes completing noisier activities, like saw-cutting and jack-hammering by midnight.

Working hours

Our work hours will be between 7am and 6pm from Monday to Friday and between 8am to 1pm on Saturday. We will not work on Sundays and during public holidays.

Some of our work will need to be carried out at night to minimise traffic disruptions and reduce safety risks to workers and road users. In some instances, we will work up to five nights a week, weather permitting and excluding public holidays. Our night time work will be from Sunday to Thursday between 8pm to 5am the next day.

Traffic and pedestrian path changes during our work

Temporary traffic changes will be in place to ensure the work zone is safe for road workers, motorists and pedestrians. Please follow the direction of traffic controllers and follow traffic signs. Motorists may experience minor delays due to these changed traffic conditions.

You can also call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW app, for traffic updates.

Contact us

If you have any questions or would like information, please contact our project team:

Phone: 1800 953 560



Transport for NSW will carry out early morning work over 38 morning shifts between Wednesday 22 February 2023 and Tuesday 18 April 2023, weather permitting. The work will take place within the project boundary along Elizabeth Drive north of the future airport access road. During this period, we will pour concrete foundation and paving.

The night work will also take place over 23 night shifts between Wednesday 1 March 2023 and Friday 31 March 2023 along Elizabeth Drive, east of Luddenham Road in Badgerys Creek and Luddenham Road, Luddenham.�

Please view the M12 West Out of hours work notification notification for more information.�

CPB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture are carrying out the Station Boxes and Tunnelling works to support the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.

The project’s standard construction hours are Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 1pm. Most work is carried out between these hours, however some work activities may be carried out after-hours to mitigate quality and safety risks, and in line with the project Environment Protection Licence (EPL), Road Occupancy Licences, and Transport for NSW requirements.

Our notification dated 16 December 2022 outlined extended construction hours to allow for the completion of continuous concrete pours and associated activities under a variation to the project EPL. This variation has now been extended to the completion of the station boxes and tunnelling works.

The extended construction hours will continue to be Monday to Friday 6pm to 10pm and Saturday 1pm to 4pm, for the completion of continuous concrete pours and associated activities to meet quality compliance requirements. Work during these extended construction hours will occur up to six days per week. All high impact activities will cease at 8pm.

At its meeting of 1 February 2022, Council endorsed the name Chinook Street for an approved subdivision located along Croatia Avenue in Edmondson Park.

Figure 1: Location of proposed new road

Chinook Street, Edmondson Park 1

Figure 2: Location of proposed new road (aerial view)

Chinook Street, Edmondson Park 2

The Street naming theme for the locality is ‘military’ and the proposed name ‘Chinook Street’, has been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy. The Geographical Names Board has also granted pre-approval for the proposed name.

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-2/2023.

All submissions must be received by Monday 13 March 2023.

Lot 737 DP 533701 Ireland Park & Lot 1 DP 1050030 Elouera Bushland Reserve – 147 Cartwright Avenue, Sadleir

In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government of Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant easements for drainage through Council’s public reserves at Lot 737 DP 533701 Ireland Park and Lot 1 DP 1050030 Elouera Bushland Reserve, Cartwright Avenue, Sadleir – as shown on the map below.

The easements will be registered on title and exist in perpetuity.

picture drainage

The proposed easement to drain water to service the development of 243 Memorial Avenue, Liverpool (Easement 1) is 1m wide and has an approximately area of 60.66m2 (which is subject to final survey). The applicant for this easement is Mr Gazey El Asmar.

The proposed easement to drain water to service the development of 255-259 Memorial Avenue, Liverpool (Easement 2) is 1.5m wide and has an approximately area of 543m2 (which is subject to final survey). The applicant for this easement is The Modern Construction Pty Ltd.

If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to either Easement 1 and/or Easement 2, you can do so in writing by Monday 13 March 2023. Written submissions must be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or by e-mail
to - quoting easement reference – Easement 1 (2022/1189) or Easement 2 (2021/4253). Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Property Services Section by contacting Council on 1300 36 2170.

Council is committed to building strong and resilient communities in Liverpool and to maximising social wellbeing for all residents. In response to community needs and feedback from internal and external stakeholders, Council has developed a draft Positive Ageing Plan 2022 - 2026.

The Plan reaffirms Council's commitment to ensuring Liverpool is a city that continues to support social, economic, cultural, environmental, and civic opportunities for our older population.

The Plan aligns with the World Health Organisation's Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (GNAFCC) framework and the key priorities identified in the Community Strategic Plan 2022 - 2032.

Written submissions are invited from the public, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (quote Liverpool Positive Ageing Plan) by 5pm, 1 March 2023

Submissions must be made in writing to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to

For further enquiries relating to the Plan, please contact Paola Jamett-Caru, Community Development Worker Aged and Disability on 8711 7408 or

Council is committed to building strong and resilient communities in Liverpool and to maximising social wellbeing for all residents. One way of achieving this is to provide financial and in-kind assistance to individuals and groups to develop leadership skills, increase participation in community life and address identified local needs.

The Grants, Donations, and Community Sponsorship Policy (the Policy) provides the framework for delivering Council’s grants programs to the Liverpool community. In response to community needs and feedback from internal and external stakeholders, the Policy has been reviewed to incorporate additional opportunities for community groups and organisations to receive funding for a broader range of projects and initiatives supporting the community. The review has resulted in two key changes:

  • Incorporating provision of funds for minor infrastructure improvements and capital works under the Matching Grants Program, for example for eligible community facilities and sporting fields ; and
  • Provision of funding for eligible heritage-related projects such as research and publications under the Community Grants Program.

At its meeting held on 16 November 2022, Council resolved to place the updated Grants, Donations and Community Sponsorship Policy on public exhibition.

Written submissions are invited from the public, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (quote Grants, Donations and Community Sponsorship Policy) by 5pm, 1 March 2023

Grants Donations and Community Sponsorship Policy

Submissions must be made in writing to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to

For further enquiries relating to the Policy, please contact Javeria Hoda Community Development Worker Funding & Support on 8711 7821 or

At the 14th of December meeting, Council endorsed six proposed additional street names for approved and future subdivisions in East Leppington.

The existing Street naming theme for the locality is Girl Guides and the proposed names are:

  • Campfire Street
  • Salute Street
  • Horseshoe Street
  • Thoughtful Avenue
  • Kumbaya Street
  • Woggle Street

The proposed names have been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and have been granted pre-approval by the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).

Girl Guides

Girl Guides Australia is the peak organisation for girls and young women in Australia and their mission is to empower girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders. A list of additional street names with a brief description of each name has been complied below:

Campfire Street

Campfires have been important to the Girl Guides for over 100 years. Guides gather at camp each night and are taught many skills as they reminisce on the day’s activities. Long before that, the campfire was an important part of village life as families sat around at night sharing the past and planning for the coming days.

Horseshoe Street

Guides start and end their meetings by marching in a horseshoe formation.

Kumbaya Street

Kumbaya is a traditional folk song, sung by guides at the end of the day to symbolise human and spiritual unity, closeness and compassion.

Salute Street

The Scout Salute is used as a formal greeting between guides or used to show respect at official ceremonies such as flag raising. It is performed by making the Scout sign and raising it so that the fingertips touch the brow of the head.

Thoughtful Avenue

Girl Guides abide by a set of laws that provide a framework and philosophy for living. Being Thoughtful is a key value the scouts abide by.

Woggle Street

A woggle is a device to fasten the neckerchief, or scarf, worn as part of the Scout or Girl Guides uniform, originated by a Scout in the 1920s.

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-1/2023.

All submissions must be received by Monday 6 February 2023.

9 January to 31 March 2023

Transport for NSW will continue work to investigate and protect gas mains located near Elizabeth Drive and Wallgrove Road in Cecil Park between 9 January 2023 and 31 March 2023.

During this work, we will:

  • expose and visually inspect gas main infrastructure
  • carry out any repairs and coat or wrap pipes to prevent corrosion
  • install concrete slabs for protection.
  • In addition, we will work at night on Monday 9 January, Tuesday 10 January or Wednesday 11 January
  • 2023 to relocate concrete barriers on Elizabeth Drive and install concrete barriers along the M7 off ramp.

CPB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture (CPBG) are carrying out the Station Boxes and Tunnelling works to support the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.

Construction at the Airport Business Park and Terminal sites is continuing over the next 12 weeks. Some out-of-hours work activities may be carried out to mitigate quality and safety risks.

Work during standard hours will include:

  • Ongoing site establishment including maintenance, and installing internal access roads, fencing, signage, site sheds, facilities and environmental controls
  • Excavation and placement of concrete piles with piling rigs, and capping beam construction including concrete pours
  • Site wide, station box and portal bulk excavation including bulk earthworks, anchor installation, rock bolting and shotcreting
  • Tunnel boring machine component delivery and assembly
  • Site wide concrete works for miscellaneous structures
  • Water treatment plant installation, operation and dewatering of sediment basin
  • Delivering and removing plant, equipment and excavated material with truck and trailers
  • Installing concrete pads and survey markers on existing road, concrete or posts along and up to 50 metres either side of the tunnel alignment
  • Establishment of excavated materials storage area.

Out-of-hours work will include:

  • Surface earthworks
  • Concrete formwork and piling
  • Portal and station box excavation, anchor installation and shotcreting
  • Deliveries of oversized plant and equipment, including tunnel segment delivery
  • Heavy vehicle delivery and haulage of excavated materials
  • Tunnel boring machine component delivery and assembly.

Construction will pause over the holiday period from Saturday 24 December 2022 to Monday 2 January 2023. During the shutdown period, project staff will continue to carry out regular security, environmental and safety monitoring of worksites

Extension of Time - Wianamatta South Creek Flood Study 2020

Council would like to advise that the deadline for the requested flood related information on the Wianamatta South Creek Flood Study has been extended until 28th February 2023. It would be appreciated if surveys could be returned to Council by this date.

Should you have any specific questions or wish to obtain further information on the study, please visit the project website at or email

Transport for NSW will continue night work for 15 shifts along Elizabeth Drive, east of Luddenham Road in Badgerys Creek Road and Luddenham Road, Luddenham until Friday 13 January 2023, weather permitting.

Please view the M12 West Night work along Elizabeth Drive and Luddenham Road notification for more information.

If you have any questions or would like more on the M12 Motorway project, please contact our project team at 1800 517 155 or email

Cirillo Reserve in Middleton Grange will be out of action until 7 January 2023 for field maintenance works in preparation for the next sport season.

PB Contractors Ghella Joint Venture (CPBG) is carrying out works at the Bringelly service facility site on Derwent Road to support the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport, Station Boxes and Tunnelling project. Construction at the Bringelly site is continuing over the next 12 weeks. Some out-of-hours work activities such as oversized plant and equipment deliveries, survey, concreting and utility adjustments may be carried out to mitigate quality and safety risks.

Work will include:

  • Ongoing site establishment including earthworks, maintenance, and installing fencing, signage, site sheds, facilities and environmental controls
  • Excavation and placement of concrete piles with piling rigs, and capping beam construction including concrete pours
  • Internal access road construction
  • Site wide and shaft bulk excavation including bulk earthworks, anchor installation, rock bolting and shotcreting
  • Site wide concrete works for future services facility and miscellaneous structures
  • Water treatment plant operation and dewatering of sediment basin
  • Delivering and removing plant, equipment and excavated material with truck and trailers
  • Installing survey markers on existing road, concrete or posts along and up to 50 metres either side of the tunnel alignment. Small concrete pads will be installed at some locations to enable marker placement.
  • Safely removing hazardous materials, in line with SafeWork NSW and Environment Protection Authority guidelines, as well as Sydney Metro’s health and safety procedures.

Public Exhibition Notice – Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement – VPA-49 – 275 Adams Road Luddenham (SSD1-18/2020)

In accordance with Sections 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 25D of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, notice is hereby given that a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The draft VPA provides for the Developer of VPA-49 – 275 Adams Road Luddenham to pay monetary contributions to Council by the Developer.

The VPA provides development contributions, which consists of:

a. monetary contributions for the capital investment value amount of $20,438,722 (excluding GST) for the provision of a Public   Purpose in respect of the development of the subject of State Significant Development Application SSD-10446.

The draft VPA and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 21 November 2022 to 19 December 2022 on Council’s website

Council will receive written submissions up until 5pm on 19 December 2022. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting VPA-49, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Voluntary Planning Agreement

Explanatory Note

Council Resolution

CPB Contractors and United Infrastructure Joint Venture (CPBUI JV) are carrying out the Surface and Civil Alignment Works to support the Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport project.

Work in November will include:

  • Continuing site, geotechnical and contamination investigations along the project alignment off Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek and Luddenham Road, Luddenham
  • Construction of the access road and site compound off Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek
  • Fortnightly aerial land surveys of the surface alignment to inform the construction design and planning of the project. These activities are not for surveillance and will continue until completion of the Surface and Civil Alignment Works
  • Road surveys along Badgerys Creek Road, Elizabeth Drive and Luddenham Road
  • Fencing works between Cosgroves Creek and Elizabeth Drive, Badgerys Creek.

In accordance with Section 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Clause 204 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, notice is hereby given that a Deed of Variation to the Planning Agreement that applies to 146 Newbridge Road, Moorebank and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The objective of this Deed for the Developer of 146 Newbridge Road, Moorebank are as follows .

  1. Reflect numerical amendments to the Act and Regulation;
  2. Clarify the circumstances in which the Developer may request the deferral of any Works under the VPA;
  3. Ensure the Original Development Contributions are consistent with planning agreements in the surrounding Moorebank area;
  4. Require the Developer to procure the acquisition of, or to acquire the Road Bridge Stratum and dedicate it to Council, or if this does not occur, to regulate the manner in which Council may acquire that interest and the security that must be provided to Council if Council is required to acquire that interest (including payment of the Road Bridge Stratum Payment);
  5. Amend the nature of development contributions to be made under the VPA to ensure they accurately reflect current market value and the staging of the Development.

The Deed and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 7th September 2023 to 8th October 2023. If you have any questions please send an email to quoting ‘VPA-11’

Related documents:

Project Overview

Public exhibition is now closed.

Liverpool City Council is seeking community feedback on a draft amendment to the Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 – Part 2.5 Middleton Grange.

The purpose of this amendment is to update the objectives and controls in the Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 for the future Middleton Grange Local Centre.  

The proposed amendments include changes to the road layout, open space controls, and other design requirements for the future Local Centre.

Related Documents:

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 20 October 2023, quoting ref: 2023/4229.

For further enquiries in relation to the draft amendment, please contact Lilyan Abosh, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7631 or Alternatively, please contact Nancy-Leigh Norris, Executive Planner on 8711 7794 or

What happens next?

All submissions will be considered and reported to a Council meeting. If Council decides to proceed with the draft amendment, the revised Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 – Part 2.5 Middleton Grange will be finalised.  Planning approval (such as a Development Application) is still required prior to the development of the Local Centre.

At the 30th of August meeting, the Council endorsed twelve proposed street names to be used within the Moorebank intermodal precinct.

The Street naming theme for the locality is both Military and Logistics. The proposed names are:

Transport/Logistic theme

Military War Dogs theme

  • Cargo Street
  • Consignment Place
  • Container Place
  • Dispatch Loop
  • Distribution Street
  • Logistic Street
  • Transport Street
  • Marcus Street
  • Tiber Place
  • Trajan Place

The proposed names have been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and have been granted pre-approval by the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).


Figure 1: Aerial view render of the Moorebank Intermodal Precinct: Logos Property

Transport/Logistic Names

Cargo Street

Cargo refers to the goods or products being transported from one place to another. It includes items like raw materials, finished products, or any valuable merchandise being shipped using different modes of transportation.

Consignment Place

Consignment refers to the act of sending goods from one party to another for delivery. It involves entrusting the responsibility of delivering the goods to a carrier or logistics provider.

Container Place

A "container" is a strong metal box used to store and transport goods. It comes in different sizes and can be easily moved between ships, trucks, and trains. Containers help keep goods safe during transportation and make logistics operations more efficient.

Dispatch Loop

Dispatch means sending off goods for delivery. It involves coordinating and scheduling the movement of goods to their destinations. It is the process of getting goods ready and sending them on their way to where they need to go.

Distribution Street

Distribution means delivering goods to where they need to go. It involves organising and moving goods from one place to another, ensuring they reach their intended destinations or customers.

Logistic Street

Logistics means the careful coordination of moving things from one place to another. It involves planning, organising, and managing the flow of goods to ensure they get to where they need to be on time. Logistics is all about making sure things are in the right place at the right time.

Transport Street

Transportation means moving people or things from one place to another. It involves using cars, trucks, trains, ships, or airplanes to physically take them where they need to go. Transportation helps people travel and goods reach their destinations.

War dog theme


Marcus was an Australian tracker dog trained at the Ingleburn infantry camp, who served in South Vietnam between 1967-1971 and did not return from the war.

Tiber Place

Tiber was an Australian tracker dog trained at the Ingleburn infantry camp, who served in South Vietnam between 1967-1971 and did not return from the war.

Trajan Place

Trajan was an Australian tracker dog trained at the Ingleburn infantry camp who served in South Vietnam between 1967-1971 and did not from the war.

Further information on the history of the above-mentioned war dogs can be found at:

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-4/2023.

All submissions must be received by Monday 9th October 2023.

The Draft Display of Goods on Footpaths Local Approvals Policy outlines the type and location of goods that can be displayed by businesses on footpaths in front of their shops. Council endorsed the public exhibition of the draft Policy at the Ordinary Meeting on 29 March 2023.

The Draft Policy allows the display of goods without an application to Council if they comply with the criteria and conditions specified under the Draft Policy.

Display of Goods on Footpaths Local Approvals Policy

Written submissions are invited from the public, to be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer (quote Display of Goods on Footpaths - Local Approvals Policy) by 5pm, 22 May 2023.

Submissions must be made in writing to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to

Liverpool City Council is planning to undertake playground upgrade works at Collimore Park in the 2023/24 financial year. The playground to be upgraded shall offer informal recreation and leisure activities for the local residents. The upgrade works will include:

  • An inclusive play space;
  • Fencing;
  • Shade structure;
  • Landscape improvements; and
  • Upgrades to park furniture

Works are anticipated to commence towards the end of this year.

Collimore Park playground Concept Plan

In response to the local community, Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Concept Plan for the installation of a new playground in Cole Park, Moorebank.

The Draft Concept Plan includes provision of the following:

  • Children’s multi-play unit and dual swings
  • Coloured rubber safety surface
  • Sunshade
  • Connecting pathway, bench seat and tree planting.


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed Draft Concept Plan and provide Council with feedback by completing a short online survey at 22 March 2023.

Written submissions concerning the Draft Concept Plan are also invited and should be received by 19 March 2023 (quoting file no. 2022/2471) and addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer

Cole Park Consultation (2022/2471)

Locked Bag 7064


Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2022/2471)

Project Overview

Liverpool City Council has received a planning proposal request, to amend the Height of Building (HOB) and Floor Space Ratio (FSR) development standards for 61-71 Goulburn Street, Liverpool. The proposal will facilitate the development of a private hospital, consulting suites and supporting retail.

The proposal seeks to amend the Height of Building control from 35 to 79 metres, and the Floor Space Ratio control from 2.5:1 to 6.9:1. The changes will facilitate a development of 32,280m2, and 79m in height, comprising approximately 155 private hospital beds, 12,000m2 of consulting and education suites and 353m2 of supporting retail uses.

An indicative image of the proposed development is below, and can be found in the Architectural Concept Design (and Shadow Diagrams) below:

private hospital

To view all the related documents click here

Who’s Listening:

The Planning Proposal can also be viewed by searching for ‘PP-2021-7276’ on the NSW Planning Portal or via Liverpool Listens on Councils Website.

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 5pm on 12May 2023, quoting ref: RZ-6/2021.

For further enquiries relating to the rezoning, please contact Brianna van Zyl, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7940 or

What happens next?

All submissions will be assessed and reported to Council.

This exhibition has concluded.

The draft Delivery Program responds to the vision and priorities of the Community Strategic Plan and details the principal activities to be undertaken in 2022-2026.

The draft Operational Plan details the annual budget for projects and activities Council will deliver in 2023-2024.

The draft Statement of Revenue Pricing Policy (fees and charges) is also part of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan under a separate document. Fees and Charges are levied by Council to enable the provision and upkeep of facilities owned and managed by Council enabling services to be provided to the community.

Supporting the Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget is the Long-Term Financial Plan which outlines how Council will manage its resources and includes Council's Capital Works Program to be completed annually and over the four year period.


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