Public Exhibitions and Notices

Council gives notice or places on public exhibition important policies, documents, and development proposals and applications in accordance with legal requirements and resolutions of Council.

These items:

  • provide members of the public with information on important matters; and
  • allow members of the public to provide feedback before final decisions are made.

Public exhibitions and notices are listed below and development applications are listed on our ePlanning portal...


If you wish to lodge a submission, comment or objection about a matter currently on public exhibition or that is the subject of a public notice, Council must receive it before the expiry of the exhibition or notice period. Please quote Council's reference number in your correspondence.

Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or emailed to Submissions on exhibited Planning Proposals can also be made online through the Planning Proposal Submission Form.

Current Road Openings and Closures

Council has recognised that ease of traffic movement is important to our community and have implemented an active map to detail upcoming and current road openings and closures in the LGA. This functionality is an extension of Council’s existing ePlanning Portal which provides further details of current applications with council for determination. This map is updated daily as road opening and closure applications are received and processed by Council.

TRN Group has been engaged to construct the proposed Residential Development at 80 Ninth Avenue Austral.

80 Ninth Avenue, Austral

The works will include Detailed Earthworks, Drainage and Road Pavement Construction Works.

TRN will be commencing civil works 2/9/24. We will endeavour to minimise any inconvenience to adjoining residents.

We thank you for your understanding & co-operation in advance. Should you have any queries in relation to the works, please do not hesitate to contact TRN.

Sydney Waters West Region Delivery Team are currently renewing a section of water main along Gurner Avenue, Austral. This essential work will help improve the reliability of the local water supply and support development and growth within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis.

To comply with Transport for NSW conditions for Gurner Avenue Austral, we are required to do part of this work at night. For one of these evenings, Sydney Water has scheduled a water shutdown to commission the new water main during the night to reduce disruption to water supply. Should this work affect your water services, as separate Sydney Water notification will be sent directly to you.

Work hours & Location

After consulting with residents in the Austral area, a majority preferred construction works for five nights a week for 1 week, weather permitting.

Our work hours will happen from 9 September – 13 September, Monday evening – Saturday morning from 7pm to 5am. Work will be taking place in the road verge near Arrahman College (95 Seventeenth Ave, Austral) as well as our Site compound (230 – 240 Fourteenth Ave, Austral)

During this time:

  • Traffic control measures will be in place to safely direct vehicles around the work area.
  • Road areas will be maintained for normal use during the day
  • This work may affect your water services, on Wednesday 11 September only, as per a separate Sydney Water notification.

We will make every effort to minimise impacts from this work, however, you may experience some noise throughout the night.

If you have any concerns during the work, please contact Sandra Mendola, Community Engagement Advisor on 0474 744 031 or via email

The community is advised of a change in traffic conditions between Infantry Parade, Holsworthy and The Avenue, Voyager Point as we shift traffic along Heathcote Road.

These works are required to shift traffic lanes associated with the reconfiguration to shift traffic lanes to install traffic lights. Activities will involve utility adjustments, barrier relocation, line marking and resurfacing works.

Works will be carried out during weekends on the following dates, weather permitting at:

  • Heathcote Rd, at the MacArthur Drive roundabout - 8pm Friday 6 September to 5am Monday 9 September and 8pm Friday 13 September to 5am Monday 16 September

Partial lane closures and traffic control will be in place for the safety of workers and road users.

Road users are advised to drive to the conditions and follow the direction of signs and traffic control.

Transport for NSW thanks the community for their patience during this time.

For the latest traffic updates, you can call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App.

Transport for NSW (Transport) is making changes to improve safety at the intersection of Banks Road, Rundle Road and South Liverpool Road, Green Valley.

Transport identified vehicles turning onto South Liverpool Road as a key contributor to past crashes at the intersection. Changes will be done to this intersection to improve the safety for all road users.

This work is part of the Safer Roads Program. The Safer Roads Program is a state funded road safety infrastructure program that delivers sustainable and long-term reductions in road incidents by upgrading the existing road network.

What have we done so far?

  • Converted the shared right and through lane on both Banks Road and Rundle Road to a dedicated right turn lane onto South Liverpool Road
  • Installed a new traffic light on Banks Road to improve visibility of the traffic lights
  • New line marking

What work are we doing next?

Upcoming work includes:

  • Extending the concrete median on South Liverpool Road by approximately 55 metres which will impact right turns into and out of Silvereye Place and a few adjacent properties along South Liverpool Road
  • Installing a ‘left turn only’ sign on the concrete median on South Liverpool Road in front of Silvereye Place
  • New line marking

Further information on the project location is shown on the map below.

Our work schedule

We will be on site for up to 11 night shifts between Monday 26 August and Friday 20 September 2024, weather permitting.

We will work from Sunday to Thursday between the hours of 8pm and 5am.

We will not work on Friday or Saturday nights.

What will this mean for you and how will we manage it?

Our work needs to be carried out at night to limit disruption to traffic and reduce safety risks to our workers, pedestrians, and motorists.

These activities may be noisy at times, however we will do everything we can to reduce this by:

  • turning off equipment and vehicles when they are not in use
  • completing noisier tasks by midnight
  • installing noise blankets around our work when carrying out noisy activities
  • using quieter equipment where possible.

Traffic changes

There will be temporary traffic changes to make sure the work zone is safe. Lane closures and a reduced speed limit of 40km/hr will be in place for the safety of road users and our workers.

Access to the pedestrian crossing will be maintained under the guidance of traffic controllers.

Please keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and signs.

For the latest traffic updates, you can call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW App.

Transport for NSW thanks the community for their patience while we complete this important work.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us via or call 1800 568 981.

What work are we doing?

During standard work hours, the following work will occur:

  • Completion of new south bound slip lane off Milperra Road, including traffic switches
  • Commence roadworks on existing north bound lanes along Henry Lawson Drive, from Auld Avenue to the Northbridge Road intersection
  • Excavation and filling for road works
  • Construction of a retaining wall near the Georges River Golf Course
  • Adjustments to the south bound ALDI driveway slip lane
  • Footpath construction on Milperra Road with changes to pedestrian movement locations.

Our night work will include:

  • Adjustment to existing traffic lanes and traffic flow
  • Changes to traffic signals at the Milperra Road and Tower Road intersections with Henry Lawson Drive
  • Changes to traffic lanes north of Tower Road in all directions
  • Excavation and filling for road widening
  • Continuing excavation for drainage works north of Tower Road into Georges River.

What will this mean for you?

We will be changing traffic conditions to facilitate future construction work on Henry Lawson Drive and Milperra, Tower, and Newbridge Roads.

Closure of the shared pedestrian and cycle path from the intersection of Henry Lawson Drive heading south to Auld Avenue will continue. Cyclists will be required to dismount due to narrow pathway conditions.

You may notice increased activity in the area, including:

  • Workers and vehicles
  • Traffic controllers and signage
  • Lane closures and reduced speed limits
  • Footpath closures
  • Pedestrian and cyclist detours
  • Noise from machinery and equipment
  • Long term changes to traffic conditions on Henry Lawson Drive between Auld Ave and Tower rd.
  • Long term changes to traffic conditions on Milperra Road & Newbridge Road approaching the Henry Lawson Drive intersection.

Where and when we'll be working?

Our normal work hours will be between 7am and 6pm from Monday to Friday and between 8am to 1pm on Saturday. We will not work on Sunday and during public holidays.

When required, night work hours will be Sunday to Thursday from 8pm to 5am the next day to minimise traffic disruptions and reduce safety risks to workers and road users. Traffic switches or scope with major impact may occur on Friday and/or Saturday nights due to road restrictions. The project will not exceed 5 nights in a 7-day period.

We will contact those residents directly impacted by night works in advance.

Managing our impacts

We will make every effort to minimise impacts to the local community and motorists in the area by keeping noise to a minimum and directing lights away from residential areas wherever possible.

For the latest traffic updates, call 132 701, visit or download the Live Traffic NSW app.

In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government of Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant an easement for drainage through Council’s public reserve at Lot 77 DP 27242, 40 Atkinson Street, Liverpool – as shown on the map below. The easement will be registered on title and exist in perpetuity.


The proposed easement to drain water to service the development of 58 McGowen Crescent, Liverpool is 1.5m wide and has an approximately area of 19.25m2 (which is subject to final survey). The applicant for this easement is G K C Developments Pty Ltd.

If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to the proposed easement, you can do so in writing by Monday 16 September 2024. Written submissions must be addressed to the A/Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or by e-mail to - quoting easement reference – 2014/1875. Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Property Services Section by contacting Council on 1300 36 2170.

At the 27th July 2024 meeting, Council endorsed seven proposed street names for approved and future subdivisions in the suburb of Casula.

The existing Street naming theme for the locality is flora and fauna and the proposed names are:

  • Cactus
  • Calendula
  • Guava
  • Peony
  • Periwinkle
  • Saffron
  • Snapdragon

The proposed names have been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and have been granted pre-approval by the NSW Geographical Names Board (GNB).

Proposed names


A cactus plant is known for its ability to thrive in arid environments due to its water-storing capabilities. In Australia, cacti were introduced to establish a cochineal industry. Cochineal insects, which feed on specific cacti, produce a scarlet dye historically used to dye British soldiers' red coats.


A calendula, commonly known as marigold, is a flowering plant well-known for its bright yellow to orange blossoms. Native to southern Europe, calendula is widely cultivated for its ornamental beauty and medicinal properties and is also used in culinary applications.


A guava is an oval shaped tropical fruit, native to Central America. The fruit has light green or yellow skin and is known for its sweet and tangy flavour. Additionally, guava leaves are used in traditional medicine for their anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.


A peony is a perennial flowering plant known for its large, fragrant, and often double-blooming flowers in shades of pink, red, white, and yellow. Native to Asia, Europe, and North America, peonies are highly valued in horticulture for their beauty and long-lasting blooms.


Periwinkle is an evergreen perennial flowering plant native to Europe, Northwest Africa, and Southwest Asia. They are renowned for their attractive, star-shaped flowers in hues of blue, purple, pink, and white, and glossy green foliage. They are commonly used as ground cover in gardens due to their hardy nature and ability to thrive in a variety of conditions, including shaded areas.


Saffron, native to Southwest Asia, is a spice derived from the Crocus sativus flower and is known specifically for its vibrant red stigmas, unique flavour, rich golden-yellow hue, and medicinal properties. Saffron is widely used in culinary applications and has been used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits.


Snapdragon is a genus of flowering plants, native to Europe, the US, and North Africa. Known for their vibrant, dragon-shaped blooms in colours like red, pink, yellow, and white, they are popular in gardens and floral arrangements. Snapdragons attract pollinators and are prized for their unique appearance and easy cultivation.

We welcome submissions on the proposed Street names. Please ensure submissions are addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-2/2024.

Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object to any of the above mentioned proposed names, and provide any information that is relevant to support your view.

All submissions must be received by Monday 9th September 2024.

At the 24th of July 2024 Meeting, Council endorsed the street names Landa and Solomon to name two (2) new streets created as a result of an approved subdivision located at 1895 Camden Valley Way, Horningsea Park.

The proposed street names, Solomon and Landa, commemorate two historical figures who were impactful in the preservation of the Horningsea Park Estate. Vaiben Solomon purchased the Estate around 1855 and lived in Horningsea Park House with his family until 1872. Meanwhile, the Hon. Paul Landa, as NSW Minister for Planning and Environment in the late 1970s and early 1980s, was instrumental in the heritage conservation of Horningsea Park House. Figure 1 – Aerial image of new subdivision at 1895 Camden Valley Way, Horningsea Park Figure 2 – Proposed locations of Landa and Solomon Crescents within the new subdivision at 1895 Camden Valley Way, Horningsea Park.

We welcome submissions on the proposed Street names. Please ensure submissions are addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-3/2024. Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object to any of the above mentioned proposed names, and provide any information that is relevant to support your view. All submissions must be received by Monday 9 September 2024.

In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government of Act 1993, notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council proposes to grant an easement for electrical cables through Council’s public reserve at Lot 12 DP 838683, Lot 12 Elizabeth Drive, Cecil Hills (Frederick Road, Cecil Hills) – as shown on the map below. The easement will be registered on title and exist in perpetuity.

proposed electrical Easement

The easement for electrical cables for the substation at Cecil Hills High School will be 1m wide and approximately 5m in length (which is subject to final survey). The applicant for this easement is NSW Education Department and the easement will vest in Endeavour Energy.

If you wish to make a submission to Council in relation to the proposed easement, you can do so in writing by Monday 9 September 2024. Written submissions must be addressed to the A/Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, by mail to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, or by e-mail to - quoting easement reference – 2024/4113. Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Property Services Section by contacting Council on 1300 36 2170.

A new 33 kV Endeavour Energy connection is required in Moorebank to improve and extend power infrastructure within the local area and meet load requirements for the operation of Moorebank Intermodal Precinct.

These works were approved by Endeavour Energy on the 21 April 2024 and will involve upgrades to the over-head infrastructure along Heathcote Road between Seton Road and Junction Road, and along Junction Road.

Works will also include the installation of underground high voltage cable along Junction Road.

To minimise noise impacts to adjacent residents where practical and possible, highly noise intensive works such as excavations will be undertaken during the daytime hours between 7am and 6pm. However, some night works will be required to be undertaken due proximity and potential impacts to major roadways including Heathcote Road.

Moorebank 33kV Endeavour Energy Connection Works – Planned Night-shift Works

Moorebank 33kV Connection Works Community Notification 240719 LOGOS-MAP

How Will Works Affect You?

The work will involve the use of machinery which generates noise, light and vibration. We will make practical possible effort to minimise these impacts by using noise blankets, turning off vehicles when not in use, replacing the reserving signals on vehicles with clickers and for night time work directing lights down.

Noise levels will vary between moderate to noisy.
Works will progress along the alignment at a steady pace barring unexpected delays. Individual residents are unlikely to be directly affected by noisy works for the entire period of the project.

Traffic Changes

It will still be possible to travel on Junction Road in both directions. However, there will be some temporary traffic changes to ensure the work zone is safe. During Junction Road trenching works (daytime), a temporary traffic control setup will include the introduction of 40km/h speed limit whilst works are taking place. The road will reduce to one lane managed under STOP/GO control.

There will also be changes to traffic conditions to allow the works on Heathcote Road which will take place during night time hours. Travel will also be maintained in both directions at all times.
Travel times will be affected. Construction speed limits are enforceable, please keep to speed limits and follow the direction of traffic controllers and other signage

If you have any questions or would like more on the works on Moorebank Logistics Park 33kV Connection Works, please contact our project team on 1300 427 614 or email

At Council’s ordinary meeting held on 24 July 2024, Council resolved to place the draft Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations on Public Land Policy on public exhibition for 28 days in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993. Tthe purpose of the policy is to guide prospective providers and Council on the provision, installation and management of EV charging infrastructure on Council owned Public Land.

The draft Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations on Public Land Policy is available for viewing here.  Written submissions are to be addressed to the CEO and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or emailed to

LCC EV Liverpool Overarching Strategy Document Final

Submissions should quote reference 2023/5728 and be submitted prior to 5pm 4th September 2024.

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 24 July 2024, Liverpool City Council (“Council”) adopted the City of Liverpool Section 7.12 Aerotropolis Contributions Plan 2024 (“the Plan”). A copy of the Meeting Minutes can be viewed at (Minutes of Ordinary Meeting - Wednesday, 24 July 2024 (

Contributions collected under the plan will be used to fund delivery of critical local infrastructure – roads, open space, community facilities, etc. – within the Liverpool LGA portion of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. (excluding Luddenham village).

The Plan follows the Ministerial amendment to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 (EP&A Regulation), section 209, which will permit Council to levy up to 4.6 per cent of the cost of carrying out development in the Aerotropolis Precinct. The levy will be applied to all development with a construction cost greater than $200,000.

The Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Development Levies) Regulations 2024 was gazetted on the 12 July 2024.

Following Plan endorsement, Council publicly notifies the decision for a period of 14 days before the Plan comes into effect. Public notification of the decision will occur between 30 July 2024 and 13 August 2024, before the Plan coming into effect on 14 August 2024.

For further information on the City of Liverpool Section 7.12 Aerotropolis Contributions Plan 2024, please contact Rouzbeh Loghmani, Council’s Coordinator Contributions Planning, at

Sydney Water is building the Upper South Creek Advanced Water Recycling Centre (AWRC) in Kemps Creek and associated pipelines to support population and economic growth in Western Sydney.

We are continuing work to build the AWRC and the pipelines that extend east from Kemps Creek to Lansdowne and west from Kemps Creek to Wallacia.

Our August Work Look Ahead notification was recently distributed to nearby homes and businesses and is also available to view on Sydney Water Talk.

To find out more about this project please contact us:

Phone: 1800 064 127 (complaints and enquiries line)


On 14 May 2024, Council carried the motion to place the Draft Tree Management Framework on Public Exhibition for a minimum period of 28 days.

Council has developed the Tree Management Framework that comprises three separate documents, including:

These three document were developed in conjunction with expert consultants in Landscape Architecture, Consulting Arboriculture, Site Planning and Urban Design to establish a comprehensive and industry leading strategic and procedural framework for the installation, protection, management, and maintenance of our trees.

The Tree Management Framework will replace Council’s outdated Tree Management Policy 2016, which has struggled to encompass and address the variety and complexity of tree related issues faced by Council. It also delivers on Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2022-2023 objective ‘Environmental’ by helping to mitigate urban heat, enhancing the overall health of our urban forests, increasing biodiversity, combatting climate change and improving sustainability and environmental resilience within our LGA.

Trees are a vital part of mitigating Liverpool’s high vulnerability to urban heat and provide a broad range of environmental, social, economic and health benefits to our community. Immediate and ongoing action is required as physical conditions and targets will only become more difficult as time goes on. It is important we act now and act decisively.

Council is seeking your input on the Draft Tree Management Framework.

Have your say and provide feedback here.

Submissions will close 15 September 2024.

Once the Public Exhibition period has closed, feedback will be collated, considered and used to inform the final iteration of the Tree Policy, Tree Management Strategy and Tree Management Technical Guidelines documents, to be put forth to Council for final adoption.

For further enquiries and/or questions relating to the Tree Management Framework, please contact Ariz Ashraf - Coordinator City Design and Public Domain via phone on 8711 7894  or via email at or Joshua Walters - Acting Senior Urban Designer via phone on 02 8711 7656 or via email at

Council has recently resolved to place the Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

The purpose of the Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy is to provide a framework relating to the management and operations of mobile food vehicles in the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA).

Proposed amendments to policy seek to ensure that mobile food vending vehicles are supported and best positioned for successful trade and business growth, while ensuring that the expansion of trading does not unfairly compromise the economic viability of existing shop front food operators during peak trading periods.

Importantly the scope of the Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy is limited to the provision of food trucks and other mobile food vending vehicles including trailers and carts, within community land.  The provision of food trucks on private land is not covered by this policy and will be subject to standard development consent approvals.

For further information please contact Council’s Events Approving Officer at and reference Mobile Food Vending Vehicles Policy.

Liverpool City Council is currently seeking submissions from the community, including developers, real estate agents, property owners and managers on the Draft Local Heritage Management Policy.

To provide clarity to owners or developers of heritage-listed properties, or properties impacted by Aboriginal Cultural Heritage or Historic Archaeology, Liverpool City Council has developed a Local Heritage Management Policy which aims to provide upfront, information needed to prepare a development application or to undertake works to a heritage item without consent from Council.

The Draft policy does not add to the requirements for owners, developers or managers, but clearly defines, outlines and guides how an application is to be prepared, and where specialist reports are required, how these documents are drafted.

The purpose of this policy is to minimise any delays to the processing of a development application, but also to encourage where possible, the use of exemption provisions under the Local Environmental Plan that allow for minor works and maintenance to heritage buildings without consent from Council.

A copy of the Heritage Policy can be found here

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on 7 February 2024, Council resolved to adopt an amendment to the Liverpool Development Control Plan 2008 – (Amendment No. 37) incorporating amendments to Part 1 of LDCP 2008.

The purpose of the amendment is to provide new objectives and controls to incorporate requirements for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in new dwellings.

By implementing these amendments, Council aims to support the adoption of sustainable transportation practices and contribute to both the Australian and NSW Government's goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The Development Control Plan comes into effect on the date of publication of this notice.

A copy of the REF and relevant documentation can be viewed by selecting the link here


Project Overview

Liverpool City Council is seeking community feedback on a draft housekeeping amendment to various parts of Liverpool Development Control Plan (DCP) 2008.

The purpose of this amendment is to update the relevant parts Liverpool DCP 2008, to align with finalised reforms undertaken by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) including renaming of ‘Environmental’ Zones to ‘Conservation’ Zones and ‘Employment’ Zones Reform’.

A review of the Liverpool DCP 2008 has therefore been undertaken to remove references to the former Business and Industrial zones and reference the new Employment zone names.

In addition, the Employment Zones Reform introduced Key Site Areas for certain employment zoned land. The Liverpool DCP 2008 has been updated with the ‘Area Map’ reference where applicable.

Other Amendments

The Liverpool Local Strategic Planning Statement, ‘Connected Liverpool 2040’, includes a short-term action to review the Liverpool DCP 2008, to encourage new commercial and industrial buildings to be rooftop solar ready. To address this, a new control for rooftop solar panels is drafted within Part 4 (Development in Liverpool CBD), Part 6 (Development in Business areas) and Part 7 (Development of Industrial Areas) of the Liverpool DCP 2008.

A minor typographical amendment has also been made within Part 7 (Development in Industrial Areas) of the Liverpool DCP 2008, to help clarify the landscaped area requirements for industrial development.

Related Documents:

Who’s Listening:

Submissions are invited from the public and can be made through here or sent via email to

Written submissions should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, and be received by 6 September 2024, quoting ref: 2023/3630.

For further enquiries in relation to the draft amendment, please contact Stephen Peterson, Senior Strategic Planner, on 8711 7856 or

What happens next?

All submissions will be considered and reported to a future Council meeting. If Council decides to proceed with the draft amendments, the revised Liverpool DCP 2008 will be finalised and published on Council’s website

Council, at the Ordinary Council meeting on 24 July 2024, resolved to place the Draft Development Assessment Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

The Draft Development Assessment Policy will be on public exhibition from Thursday, 15, August 2024 to 11 September 2024.

In March 2017, the Department of Planning and Environment (now Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure – DPHI) released the Development Assessment Best Practice Guide  to promote best practice principles to assist Council’s with the management of development applications.

To build on the success of the Guide, a draft Development Assessment Policy (the draft DA Policy) for Liverpool City Council (Council) has been prepared. The draft DA Policy aligns with the principles outlined in the Guide and specifies how development applications lodged with Council will be assessed and determined.

This policy will apply to all stages of the development application process, including:

  • Pre-Lodgement;
  • Improve assessment times.
  • Lodgement;
  • Assessment;
  • Determination; and
  • Post Determination options.

The Draft Development Assessment Policy aims to:

  • Support the management of development applications by establishing a clear and consistent approach;
  • Improve community and customer satisfaction; and
  • Establish clear directions and expectations for Applicants to provide well-made, assessment ready applications;

For further information or to make a submission please contact Laura Mehew at and reference Draft Development Assessment Policy.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper.

Submissions will close on 11 September 2024.

The Draft Development Assessment Policy can be found here.

At the Council meeting on 24 July 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Gifts and Benefits Policy , Draft Conflicts of Interest Policy , Draft Secondary Employment Policy and Draft Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

Council has four policies that support behaviours in line with the Code of Conduct. Together they aim to enhance the reputation of Council as an organisation with the highest standards of ethical governance.

  • The Gifts and Benefits Policy guides Council officials in identifying, assessing and managing offers of gifts or benefits in accordance with Council’s Code of Conduct and statutory requirements.
  • The Conflicts of Interest Policy provides a framework that supplements the Code of Conduct and assists Council officials to identify and deal with conflicts of interest.
  • The Secondary Employment Policy addresses the specific conflicts of interest that may arise from staff engaging in employment or business outside of their role with Council. It sets out the process for notifying, approving, prohibiting and reviewing secondary employment.
  • The Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy draws attention to the suite of internal control mechanisms that have been implemented by Council to prevent fraud and corruption, centered around prevention, detection and response.

The four ethical conduct policies have been reviewed and found to be generally fit for purpose. Changes have been proposed to:

  • better align with language used in the Code of Conduct,
  • remove duplication,
  • update references to policies and legislation, and
  • make minor corrections to correct errors and increase clarity.

For further information or to make a submission please contact David Day, Head of Governance at and reference Ethical Conduct Policies.

Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper.

Submissions will close on 28 August 2024.

  • The Draft Gifts and Benefits Policy can be found here
  • The Draft Conflicts of Interest Policy can be found here
  • The Draft Secondary Employment Policy can be found here
  • The Draft Fraud and Corruption Prevention Policy can be found here

Ventia, on behalf of Transport for NSW will be carrying out drainage maintenance and repair work on Elizabeth Drive between Lawson Road and Cecil Road, Badgerys Creek and Kemps Creek.

More information on the work can be found in the attached community attachment.

Work will take up to 49 night shifts to complete between Monday 5 February and Thursday 11 April 2024, weather permitting. Working hours are between 7pm and 5am, Sunday to Thursday. No work will occur on Friday, Saturday nights or public holidays.

While this work takes place, Elizabeth Drive will remain open, however, there will be temporary lane closures and a reduced speed limit of 40km/h will be in place. Motorists should drive to the conditions and follow the direction of traffic control and signs.

If you have questions about the project or our night work schedule, please contact the Ventia Parkland Engagement team on 1800 577 441 or

Liverpool City Council is undertaking a review of Alcohol-Free Zones across the region, and is proposing to continue existing Alcohol-Free Zones, with proposed locations on public exhibition for a period of 30 days until 8 July 2024.

The establishment of any Alcohol-Free Zones must be in accordance with the Department of Local Government – Ministerial Guidelines on Alcohol-Free Zones;

  • Alcohol Prohibited Areas (AFAs) are established in public places, or part of a public place and include parks or reserves, or other public space that has been established by Council where the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.
  • Alcohol Free Zones (AFZs) are established in public roads, footpaths and car parks, where the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.
  • Alcohol-free zones can be in force for a maximum duration of four (4) years, although they may be continued at the conclusion of the original period.

The continuation of alcohol free zones will assist with reducing alcohol related crime, violence, and anti-social behaviour in identified locations to help create a safer environment for the whole community.

Exhibition until 8 July 2024.

Submissions must be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to quoting ref no 2024/2966.

Proposed continuation of existing Alcohol

At the 13th of December 2023 Council Meeting, a motion was passed to name a new bridge, currently under constructed by Transport for NSW (TfNSW) over Harris Creek, Hammondville as “Alison Megarrity Memorial Bridge”.

Tree MGmt frame work

Figure 1: Approximate location of the new Bridge

The naming of the Bridge “Alison Megarrity Memorial Bridge” is to commemorate the Late Alision Megarrity and to honour the significant community contribution Mrs Megarrity has made to the whole Liverpool Local Government Area.

Alison Megarrity was elected to Liverpool Council as an East Ward Councillor in a bi-election in September 1994, and was re-elected in 1995 serving on Council until September 1999.

In March of 1999 Alison had the honour of contesting the newly created state seat of Menai. Over the course of 12 years, Alison Megarrity advocated for and secured several improvements for residents in the surrounding area, including:

  • Widening of Heathcote Road to four lanes between the M5 and Infantry Parade;
  • Upgraded intersection at Heathcote and Nuwarra Roads;
  • Installation of traffic lights facilitating entry to St Christopher’s Holsworthy;
  • A four-level parking station at Holsworthy Station and later a second multi-story carpark (including temporary commuter parking at Moorebank Sports Club with shuttle buses during construction);
  • The installation of traffic detectors at Macarthur Drive to better manage traffic flow; and
  • Secured funding for the duplication of the Harris Creek bridge

Submissions on the proposed Bridge name are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-1/2024.

All submissions must be received by Wednesday 7 August 2024.

Liverpool City Council is the appointed Manager of Phillips Park (R83052) Reserve Trust which is a corporation established, constituted and appointed as Trustee of Crown Reserve R83052, known as Phillips Park, located at 66 Hill Road, Lurnea.

Notice is hereby given that it is proposed to grant a new lease of the existing cafe premises, at Phillips Park, to the existing tenant Tunza Pty Ltd for the continued use as a cafe.

The proposed lease agreement will be for a term of Five (5) years and is anticipated to commence in July 2024.

Proposed Lease of the Café Building at ‘Phillips Park’ Hill Road, Lurnea

Any person is entitled to make a submission to Council in respect of this proposal by Monday 24 June 2024. Submissions must be made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting file reference number 2022/2729. Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Senior Leasing Officer on 02 8711 7794.

The draft Delivery Program responds to the vision and priorities of the Community Strategic Plan and details the principal activities to be undertaken in 2022-2026.

The draft Operational Plan details the annual budget for projects and activities the Council will deliver in 2024-2025.

The draft Statement of Revenue Pricing Policy (fees and charges) is also part of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan under a separate document. Fees and Charges are levied by Council to enable the provision and upkeep of facilities owned and managed by Council enabling services to be provided to the community.

Supporting the Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget is the Long-Term Financial Plan which outlines how Council will manage its resources and includes Council's Capital Works Program to be completed annually and over the four year period.

The 2024-2025 rating category applicable to your area is shown in the Liverpool Rating Category Map. It includes information on subcategories in the LGA (residential, farming, industrial, business etc). Your respective category is shown on your rates notice which is levied from 1 July to 30 June each year.

Submissions should be made in writing with the reference 2024/1883 and addressed to: The Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC, NSW 1871 or email

Submissions close 5pm, Tuesday 11 June 2024.

At the Council meeting on 24 April 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

This Policy provides information about Council’s position on compliance and enforcement matters for Liverpool City and is based on the NSW Ombudsman “Enforcement Guidelines for Councils 2015”.

The purpose of the Policy is to provide structure, consistency and transparency in decision making, and to facilitate a proportionate approach to compliance and enforcement. It is also intended to assist Council staff to act promptly, effectively, and consistently in response to allegations of unlawful activity.

This Policy outlines the decision-making process and matters to be considered at the various stages of the enforcement process from the receipt and investigation of reports alleging unlawful activity, through to enforcement options to be considered by Council.

For further information or to make a submission please contact Noelle Warwar, Community Standards at and reference Draft Compliance and Enforcement Policy. Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Submissions will close on Wednesday 12 June 2024.

At the Council meeting on 26 June 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Privacy Policy and Draft Data Breach Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

Council’s Privacy Policy has been amended following the introduction of the Mandatory Notification of Data Breach Scheme (MNDB Scheme) established by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) (PPIP Act).

The MNDB Scheme requires Council to notify affected individuals and the Privacy Commissioner when there has been an ‘eligible data breach’ and outlines roles and responsibilities and the requirement to have a Privacy Management Plan, Data Breach Policy and Incident register.

In addition, the Privacy Policy has been amended to address minor matters such as typographical errors and changes in role titles.

For further information or to make a submission please contact David Day, Head of Governance at and reference Draft Privacy Policy and Draft Data Breach Policy. Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper.  Submissions will close on 31 July 2024.

The Draft Privacy Policy can be found here

The Draft Data Breach Policy can be found here

Liverpool City Council adopted the IPART-reviewed Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 – East Leppington in the Council Ordinary Meeting of 26 June 2024 (Refer to page 14 from the Minutes of Ordinary Meeting). Council notifies public of its decision for 14 days, between 02.07.24 and 16.07.24, before the IPART-reviewed Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 - East Leppington is published on Council website and takes effect on 17 July 2024.

Once the IPART-reviewed Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 – East Leppington takes effect on 17 July 2024, it will repeal the current Liverpool Contributions Plan 2014 – East Leppington in accordance with Clause 215(2)(a) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021. The contribution rates under the IPART-reviewed Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 – East Leppington will be charged at average uncapped rate of approximately $66,365 per residential lot.

The IPART-reviewed Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 – East Leppington applies to the same area as the current Liverpool Contributions Plan 2014 – East Leppington applies. The plan application area is shown edged black on the following map.


Council will regularly review all works costs in the IPART-reviewed Liverpool Contributions Plan 2021 – East Leppington as plan implementation progresses and in accordance with IPART recommendation.

In line with section 253 (1) of the Local Government Act 1993, at the Council meeting on 29 May 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

Council has amended the policy to include an additional clause relating to encouraging diversity in public office, which can be found at 1.2 (d) and to amend 4.8.2(g) in relation to allowances for alternate panel members attending the Sydney Western Sydney Planning Panel.

For further information or to make a submission please contact David Day, Head of Governance at and reference Draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy. Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Submissions will close on 28 June 2024.

The Draft Civic Expenses and Facilities Policy can be found here

We are continuing to upgrade Fourth and Tenth Avenue in Austral, as part of the Sydney Catholic Schools Capital Works Strategy Plan. Burton Contractors is carrying out this work.

Upcoming work

From Tuesday 28 November, we will be closing the northbound lane at Fourth Avenue between Tenth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue to commence road upgrade works. It is expected that the northbound lane will be temporarily unavailable until approximately the end of January 2024.

We will also have a single night of work on Monday 27 November to safely install our traffic set up on Fourth Avenue.

The map overleaf shows the road closure locations and planned detour routes.

How will our work affect you?

The planned closure of Fourth Avenue on Tuesday 28 November will mean that motorists travelling in a southbound direction on Fourth Avenue will be required to detour via Eleventh Avenue, Edmondson Avenue and Eight Avenue.

Motorists travelling in a westbound direction on Eleventh Avenue will be required to turn north at the intersection of Fourth Avenue, and then detour via Twelfth Avenue, Edmondson Avenue and Eight Avenue.

Tenth Avenue will temporarily remain a one-way street between Edmondson Avenue and Fourth Avenue as we continue our upgrade works.

map v3

Work hours

Our work hours are from 7am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm on Saturdays. There will be no work on Sundays or public holidays. Work is dependent on weather and site conditions and is subject to change.

Minimising community impact

Our work activities will require the use of machinery that may generate some noise.

We will work with residents in close proximity to these works to minimise impacts and all work will be carried out in line with project environmental approvals.

Traffic and pedestrian changes

There will be traffic changes in place during our work to ensure the work zone is safe which may affect travel times. Please keep to speed limits and follow signs and traffic controller directions.

We understand that this work will generate some inconvenience in the area. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding while we complete this important work.

We will continue to notify you of any upcoming works.

Access to properties will be maintained for local residents and businesses for the duration of the traffic changes.
(Contact Number – 0429 528 430 – Joshua Macree – Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Advisor)


The amended draft planning agreement (VPA-49) enables the determination of the State Significant Development application SSD-10446 at 275 Adams Road, Luddenham.

The agreement will require the Developer to pay monetary contributions to Council towards public infrastructure within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct. The payment will be made to Council through either of the following methods:

  1. Monetary contributions will be calculated and paid to Council at a rate of 10% of the Capital Investment Value only if the Aerotropolis 7.12 Contributions Plan has not been adopted before 31 December 2027; or
  2. Monetary contributions will be calculated and paid to Council at a rate adopted in the final Aerotropolis 7.12 Contributions Plan if the plan is adopted before 31 December 2027.

The amended draft planning agreement  and amended Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 3 May 2024 to 31 May 2024.

Council will receive written submissions up until 5 pm on Sunday, 31 May 2024. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting VPA-49, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Council's draft DIAP 2024 - 2028 draws on the Disability Inclusion Amendment Act 2022 and NSW DIAP Guidelines outlining its ongoing commitment to supporting equity and inclusion for people with disability in Liverpool.

The draft DIAP 2024 - 2028 is now on public exhibition for community feedback. Submissions must be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or by email to quoting ref no. 2021/7170.

Printed copies will be made available at Yellamundie, LG Floor, 52 Scott Street, Liverpool. Submissions close 31 May 2024.

For any questions relating to the draft DIAP 2024- 2028, please contact the Community Development Worker Aged and Disability on 87117408.

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

At its meeting on the 27th March 2024, Council endorsed to publicly exhibit the Street names Hyams and Bemboka Street, Prestons.

A Street naming proposal was received in February 2024, to name two new roads as a result of an approved subdivision, created off Braidwood Drive, Prestons.


Figure 1: Subdivision plan showing location of proposed two new roads “Hyams and Bemboka Street”

The Street naming theme for the locality is South Coast NSW towns and the proposed Street names “Hyams” and “Bemboka” have been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and the Geographical Names Board has granted pre-approval.

If you would like further information on the origin of the above mentioned names, a copy of the Council report and minutes can be found on Council’s website or by the following link here .

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the reference number SPN-6/2023.

Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object to any of the above-mentioned proposed names and provide any information that is relevant to support your view. 

All submissions must be received by Monday 17th May 2024.

Liverpool City Council is the owner of the premises known as the Liverpool PCYC at 100 Cartwright Avenue, Miller NSW 2168

Notice is hereby given that it is proposed to grant a new lease of the existing premises being Lot 100 DP 1118802, 100 Cartwright Avenue, Miller to the existing tenant Liverpool PCYC for the continued use as Police and community youth club associated activities.

map Cartwright Avenue

The proposed lease agreement will be for a term of Five (5) years.

Any person is entitled to make a submission to Council in respect of this proposal by Wednesday 10 April 2024. Submissions must be made in writing, addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871, quoting file reference number 2006/2057. Enquiries may be referred to Council’s Senior Property Officer on 8711 7878.

Liverpool City Council is the owner of the premises known as the Liverpool PCYC at 100 Cartwright Avenue, Miller NSW 2168

Notice is hereby given that it is proposed to grant a new lease of the existing premises being Lot 100 DP 1118802, 100 Cartwright Avenue, Miller to the existing tenant Liverpool PCYC for the continued use as Police and community youth club associated activities.

map Cartwright Avenue


Liverpool City council is pleased to publicly exhibit concept design of Hopkins Creek Modification Works from Second Avenue to the confluence of Hinchinbrook Creek.

The modification works will resolve current issues of bed and bank erosion, water ponding, excessive weed growth, and challenges with access to undertake maintenance activities and provide reasonable flood protection of properties from a possible 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) flood event.

Key features of the concept design include the following:

  • Upgrading the channel with improved batters and a rock lined base;
  • Incorporating stepping stones into the channel, to enable pedestrian crossing;
  • Providing new tree planting, to replace existing trees that may need to be removed to facilitate the upgrade of the channel, and enhance the character of the site; and
  • Extending and improving the existing culvert, downstream of Hoxton Park Road.

Have your Say

Community consultation is important for successful implementation of the proposed Hopkins Creek modification works, and you are invited to review the design and provide your valuable feedback. A community consultation session regarding the project has been arranged on Saturday 17 February 2024 from 11:00am to 2:00pm at Carnes Hill Community Center, located at 600 Kurrajong Road, Carnes Hill.

Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the concept design and provide feedback by visiting:

The City Development Fund (CDF) is a special rate on all commercial use properties within the identified City Development area boundary which is spent within that boundary on projects to improve all or any of the following aspects of the CBD: image, role, urban design, safety, recreation, public art, heritage, economic development and general amenity.

The purpose of the CDF Policy is to clearly define the geographic boundary that projects funded by the CDF can occur and how the CDF is be managed and reviewed.

Council originally adopted the CDF Policy on 26 May 2015. The policy outlines that the policy be reviewed every two years.

Policy update

The policy update includes the addition of major events, CCTV and streetlights as examples of projects on which the CDF can be spent. The addition of the above contributes to Council’s aspirations for a vibrant, safe and activated nighttime economy and supports the ‘Experience the World’ series in the City Centre.

City Development Fund Policy

Request for Feedback

Council is seeking feedback from interested members of the public by 5pm 8 March 2024. Written feedback is to be emailed to Councils’ City Economy unit at

In accordance with Sections 7.5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Section 204 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021, notice is hereby given that a draft Planning Agreement (VPA-57) and accompanying Explanatory Note have been prepared and are available for public inspection.

The draft Planning Agreement provides for the Developer of VPA-57 at 145 Mersey Road, Bringelly to pay monetary contributions at a rate of 4.6% of the total cost of works provided under development application DA-116/2022 and adjusted by any later modifications to Council. The draft planning agreement also includes conditions to enable the determination of DA-116/2022 by Council.

The draft Planning Agreement and Explanatory Note are available for public inspection from 10 February 2024 to 9 March 2024 on Council’s website.

Council will receive written submissions up until 5 pm on 9 March 2023. Please address your submission to the Chief Executive Officer, quoting VPA-57, and either post it to Locked Bag 7064 Liverpool BC NSW 1871 or email it to

Related documents:

Transport for NSW has provided funds through the Safer Speeds in High Pedestrian Activity and Local Areas for the 2023-24 financial year to provide 40km/h zone in Main Street and Sarah Hollands Drive, Carnes Hill. This is to improve road safety around Carnes Hill shopping precinct.

This requires installation of number of devices and ‘40km/hr High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA)’ signs to self-regulate the new speed limit in Main Street and Sarah Hollands Drive. This proposal will address community concern for safe pedestrian crossings across Sarah Hollands Drive. Main Street is within the shopping precinct with high pedestrian movements.

Thus, both streets qualifies for establishment of 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area.

In addition, a development has consent condition to install median in Sarah Hollands Drive section between Kurrajong Road and Stonequarry Way. This will also be constructed as part of these works.

The works are scheduled to be completed in the current financial year and is expected for construction to commence in February 2024.

Details and location of the devices, signs and linemarkings are indicated in the attached plans.

Council would appreciate your support for implementing the 40km/h HPAA in Main Street and Sarah Hollands Drive, Carnes Hill.

Written submissions addressed to the CEO can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, via email to, or using the online submission form linked at the top of this webpage.  Submissions must be received by 14 February 2024 quoting CON-2/2024.

For further enquiries, please contact Mahavir Arya, Transport Engineer on 8711 7592 or


Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Bernera Road upgrade of the section between Yarrawa Street and Kurrajong Road, Prestons.

The REF has been prepared to identify possible environmental impacts of the proposed upgrade works and recommends measures to be undertaken during the construction works and operation to minimise environmental impacts.

Council would be undertaking the works in three stages. The stage-1 works involve road upgrade of approximately 300m section south of Yarrawa Street intersection. This is a Federal funded project aimed to increase road capacity and improve travel flow. The remaining two stages involving Bernera Road, Yarrunga Street and Yato Road intersection upgrade and installation of central median up to Kurrajong Road to provide four lane divided road would be undertaken in future subject to available funds.

The stage-1 upgrade involves road widening, installation of median island and rehabilitation to provide a four lane divided road. This works is scheduled to be completed by June 2025. A layout of the road upgrade is shown below.

Bernara road closed

Written submissions to the proposed upgrade, addressed to the CEO can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, via email to, or using the online submission form linked at the top of this webpage.  Submissions must be received by 18 February 2024 quoting BER REF-1/2024.

For further information, please contact Mahavir Arya, Transport Engineer on 8711 7592 or

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the  Kurrajong Road and Mowbray Street Intersection Upgrade, Prestons.

The REF has been prepared to identify possible environmental impacts of the upgrades works  and recommends measures to be undertaken during the constriction works to minimise  environmental impacts.

The road upgrade is a Federal funded project, aimed to improve road safety at this intersection.

The upgrade is to install new traffic signals which will require local road widening on the  western side and exit access from the adjoining public car park. A layout of the road upgrade is shown below.

KR Map

A copy of the REF and relevant documentation are listed below:

Written submissions to the proposed upgrade, addressed to the CEO can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, via email to, or using the online submission form linked at the top of this webpage. Submissions must be received by 15 April 2024 quoting KM REF-2/2023.

For further enquiries, please contact Mahavir Arya, Transport Engineer on 8711  7592 or

Fourth Ave north bound between Sixth Ave & Haybale St Austral will be closed for approx 10 weeks from the 9th of January. This is required to complete an upgrade of the road. Detours will be in place. North bound traffic will need to detour left at Sixth Ave, right into Contour Rd and then right into Haybale St. Heavy vehicles are not permitted via the above detour and need to use Edmondson Ave. No Stopping restrictions will be in place on both side of Sixth Ave between Fourth Ave & Contour Rd.

road closure Jan

At the 22nd November meeting, Council endorsed to publicly exhibit the Street name Tinonee Street, Hoxton Park and Gula Street, Edmondson Park.

Tinonee Street, Hoxton Park

A Street naming proposal was received in September 2023, to name a new road that is currently under construction off Twentieth Avenue, Hoxton Park.

Image 01Figure 1: Subdivision plan showing location of proposed Tinonee Street

The Street naming theme for the locality is Northern NSW towns and the proposed Street name Tinonee, has been assessed using Council’s Naming Convention Policy and the Geographical Names Board has granted pre-approval.

Tinonee is a small town located on the banks of the Manning River near Taree on the Mid North Coast of NSW.

Image 02Figure 2: Location of suburb Tinonee NSW (source: google maps)

Whilst the name Tinonee does not represent a direct association with the Aboriginal heritage of Liverpool, the proposed name serves as a tribute to the indigenous history of New South Wales. Furthermore, the proposed name ensures a unified theme is continued for the locality.

Gula Street, Edmondson Park

A Street naming proposal was received in April 2023, from a consultant working with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW), to name the access road for the Edmondson Park North Commuter car park.

Image 03Figure 3: Location of proposed Gula Street (ariel view)

“Gula” as defined in the Dharawal language, means “killing spear”. Council has received a letter of support from Tharawal Aboriginal Land Council, affirming their endorsement for the use of the name. Furthermore, the proposed name ensures a unified theme is continued for the locality.

If you would like further information on the origin of the above mentioned names, a copy of the Council report and minutes can be found on Council’s website or by the following link:

Submissions on the proposed names are invited and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, via email: quoting the following reference numbers:

Tinonee Street, Hoxton Park SPN-7/2023

Gula Street, Edmondson Park SPN-8/2023

Should you choose to make a submission, please make it clear if you support or object to any of the above-mentioned proposed names and provide any information that is relevant to support your view.

All submissions must be received by Monday 15th January 2024.


In response to community representations, Council engaged a traffic consultant to undertake an Elizabeth Hills Local Area Traffic Management (LATM) study.

The study involved assessment of traffic conditions, speeding, crash history, community concerns along the key collector and local streets, including Newgate Boulevard, Rosebank Avenue, Duxford Street Dabroyed Drive and Regentville Drive, and to recommend traffic management measures to reduce traffic speed, improve traffic conditions and residential amenity.

The study has identified that Regentville Drive is carrying high through traffic volumes and three other intersections without existing intersection treatments requires treatment to redistribute through traffic to improve road safety.

At its October 2023 meeting, Council on the recommendation of the Liverpool Local Traffic Committee (LTC) resolved that the local community be consulted on the LATM Study recommendations and their comments be considered in undertaking detailed designs and consideration for staged implementation of the study recommendations.

This proposal

The LATM study has recommended the following treatments:

  • Rerouting of southbound traffic through Newgate Boulevard and Rosebank Avenue by restricting movements at the existing roundabout with Wixstead Avenue. This will reduce traffic flow through Regentville Drive.
  • Install a roundabout at the Rosebank Avenue/Duxford Street and Regentville Drive/Dabroyed Drive intersections.
  • Install raised safety platform at Rosebank Avenue/Gowanlea Avenue intersection and raised thresholds at number of locations.

The treatments will redistribute through traffic in the precinct, reduce traffic speed, and improve residential amenity.

A copy of the study report and recommendations are attached. Subject to the community feedback a report will be presented to Council to consider staged implementation of the recommended treatments, in future budgets, depending on funding allocations.

Request for Input

Council is seeking comments from community by 9 February 2024. Written feedback is to be emailed to Councils’ Transport Engineer Mahavir Arya (8711 7592), by due date.

Further information can be found on Liverpool Listens.

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the Governor Macquarie Drive (GMD) upgrade in the section between Alfred Road and Childs Road, Chipping Norton.

The REF has been prepared to identify possible environmental impacts of the upgrades works and recommends measures to be undertaken during the constriction works to minimise environmental impacts.

The road upgrade is a Federal funded project, aimed to reduce traffic congestion, improve travel time and road safety on the GMD section.

The upgrade includes to provide four lane divided road, parking lane on the eastern side, replacing the existing single lane roundabout at the Alfred Road intersection and with a dual lane roundabout at the Childs Road intersection.

A copy of the REF and relevant documentation can be viewed by selecting the link here

Written submissions to the proposed upgrade, addressed to the CEO can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871, via email to, or using the online submission form linked at the top of this webpage.  Submissions must be received by 15 January 2024 quoting GAC REF-1/2023.

For further enquiries, please contact Mahavir Arya, Transport Engineer on 8711 7592 or

Further information can be found on Liverpool Listens.

At the Council meeting on 28 February 2024, Council resolved to place the Draft Public Interest Disclosures Policy on public exhibition for a period of 28 days.

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act) took effect on 1 October 2023. It brings in new arrangements to encourage public officials to report serious wrongdoing. Council’s Draft Public Interest Disclosures Policy is based upon the NSW Ombudsman’s Model Policy.

For further information or to make a submission please contact David Day, Head of Governance at and reference Draft Public Interest Disclosures Policy. Should you lodge a submission, it will be considered, along with any other submissions received and may be included in Council’s meeting business paper. Submissions will close on 10 April 2024.

The Draft Public Interest Disclosures Policy can be found here

Liverpool City Council is publicly exhibiting the Draft Plan of Management and Draft Landscape Master Plan for a Key Suburb Park Upgrade for Lions Lookout, in the suburb of Mount Pritchard.


Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the proposed  Draft Plan of Management and Draft Landscape Master Plan, and provide feedback by completing the online survey here.

Written submissions concerning the Draft Plan of Management and Draft Landscape Master Plan are also invited and should be received by 25 February 2024 (quoting file no. 2022/2439) and addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer

Lions Lookout Consultation (2022/2439)

Locked Bag 7064


Or alternatively, email to (quoting file no. 2022/2439)

For enquiries regarding the Draft Plan of Management and Draft Landscape Master Plan – Lions Lookout, please phone Council’s Customer Contact Centre on 1300 36 2170.

Draft Plan of Management and Draft Landscape Master Plan can be found on Liverpool Listens.

Liverpool is one of the fastest growing local government areas in new South Wales. As part of the recently adopted Aquatic Leisure Centre Provision Implementation and Priority Plan, Liverpool City Council has demonstrated high demand for aquatic services in Carnes Hill. The plan focused on a diverse array of leisure opportunities such as aquatic, fitness, and wellness activities to improve the physical, mental, and social wellness of the community.

Council’s objectives for Carnes Hill is to create a vibrant and attractive new community and recreational precinct complementing existing facilities so that people of all backgrounds and abilities are able to access world class aquatic, recreation and sporting facilities that become a key part of their life-style and enhance the health and wellbeing of the community.

The Carnes Hill Aquatic and Recreational Centre masterplan endorsed in 2022, is an integral part of the Council's WestInvest-funded community infrastructure portfolio with a secured grant fund of $53 million. The inclusions of this master plan are:

  • 50m indoor pool
  • Learn to swim pool
  • Leisure pool
  • Spa / steam / sauna area
  • Outdoor water play area
  • Change rooms, family and group
  • Change areas, including Male/Female/Gender Neutral and Family changing Spaces
  • Toilets and amenities including at least two, Changing Places Standard accessible changeroom facilities
  • Storage and plant spaces
  • Café / Restaurant.
  • Gymnastics Hall including supporting amenities

This project will be an addition to the existing Carnes Hill Community precinct which include the Michael Clarke Recreation Centre, a library, community centre, skate park, café and public plaza that was completed in 2016.

Council wishes to publicly exhibit the amendments to the master plan Carnes Hill Aquatic and Recreational Centre that eliminates the risks involved with the relocation of the high voltage transmission lines. The cost to underground the transmission lines would have a significant impact on the project budget and the timeline risking delivery of the project within the terms of the WestInvest funding agreement.

To ensure the project is delivered on time and on budget, Council endorsed a revised masterplan which designs the project in line with TransGrid’s requirements for the electricity cables.

The revised master plan can be found here: Carnes Hill Master Plan


As part of the public exhibition Council invites residents and interested members of the public to view the revised Master plan and provide Council with feedback (quoting File no. 2023/2486).

Written submissions are to be addressed to the A/CEO and can be sent to Locked Bag 7064, Liverpool BC NSW 1871; or

Submissions must be received by 5pm on 19 January 2024.

On the 22nd of November 2023 Council resolved to display the new fee’s and charges on public exhibition prior to endorsement at the February meeting.

If the public would like to comment on these please email the Waste team at

Fee and Charges

Amount Including GST


Mattress Processing Fee – Delivered at Liverpool City Council Depot


This fee structure is established on a per-mattress basis, applicable to each mattress delivered to and processed at the designated Liverpool City Council facility. This fee is charged on the basis of cost recovery.

Mattress Cage Collection & Processing Fee – Collected from Metro Sydney Council Depot


This fee is structured as a per-mattress rate, collected from a metropolitan Sydney Council, and subsequently processed at the designated Liverpool City Council facility. This fee is charged on the basis of cost recovery.