Organisation or Business


Liverpool City Council Public Art Call Out for Organisations or Businesses who are interested in future public art opportunities.

Liverpool City Council is committed to supporting opportunities for suitably skilled and/or qualified Local artists to be included in a register for potential future public art projects within the Liverpool Local Government Area (LGA). Council is committed to engaging with local artists and artists who have strong local connections.

There has been an increase in public art collaborative and single artist commissions focused on local, meaningful, relevant and accessible themes and narratives across the LGA and this will continue to grow. In response, Council is compiling a list of Local artists who would be interested in being contacted for potential paid future public artwork projects or collaborations.

You are invited to submit your details for possible future public artwork opportunities. Inclusion on the register does not guarantee or obligate Council to offer public artwork projects.

All Organisations and Businesses are encouraged to submit their details.

If you would like to be included in Council’s Public Art Organisation and Business list, please complete the EOI form.


If you have any queries, please contact Dr Clare Cochrane, Liverpool City Council’s Public Arts Officer via email at